Right wing trannies

so what does Jow Forums think of natsoc trans people? are they valid or just disgusting?

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>tranny lover

you're one of them and you have to go back

Kantbot just had one on his podcast, so

Dude why you mention me when you spamming your chink shit. I am chink too, but not pathetic like American mutt chink.

Disgusting, but I'd probably hate-fuck it.

op here. furthermore, do they belong in a natsoc society? or should we refuse them transitioning?
also removed memeflag

>natsoc trans people
>0.000000001% of the population
Are you being serious right now?

You do realize you will be the first on the rope when China takes over?

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yeah, ive been talking to a right winger and he says somehow theyll be allowed to exist in that type of society so i wanna know what other likeminded people think.

Kill ALL fags

I think a lot of natsocs are pretty gay so it makes sense to me that they would allow trannies

They can have a chance at conversion therapy or GTFO.

what kind of conversion therapy?


I am trapfag but cannot stand them. usually retarded in head, have stupid views about gender, and cannot be saved.

how is being a trap better than being a tran?

>I'm a trap but~
kys faggot, end your fucking life.

kys faggot

meh they dont exist anyways

Only thing I hate worse than a leftwing fag is a """rightwing"""" fag

what do you mean "dont exist" is gender dysphoria a made up condition or is transitioning the wrong way?

based traps do not exist, they are all commies

for one I'm not paying a psychologist biweekly visitation fees to tell them I like to play with dolls and hope they prescribe me cow hormones

but I don't think the line is that blurred. really it's all in the head. most trannies are fucking retarded and have no clue what they are talking about just regurgitating what some liberal graduate psychology retard read in their false bible


he has a podcast? where do i find it?

I'm not a commie you faggot

Trannys are not people.

not really. socialists/communists are retarded tumblr offspring. I have a good paying job and own a house at 26 thanks to free market

I am the same person. The first time I tried to post, it wouldn't go through for some reason I just tried "kys faggot" and they both went through at the same time.

im not sure how communism plays into someones personal decisions but ok

don't sweat it summer child

I'd fuck it.

do, the only difference is taking hormones/not?
what if im a trap that takes hormones?

dont care all cannon fodder for the revolution

self medicated? I mean the big distinction at least for me is if you buy into the propaganda that you are actually a woman and not just a feminine male

wait a minute, are you guys trannies?

The only thing I got along with fags in the 1st place was they usually like anime. If not, they can get thrown off buildings for all I care by muslims.

tfw you will never find a strasserist trap waifu

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i dont think ive ever "bought" into it, i know what i want. you either pass as a female and are addressed as such or unfortunately you dont. i think that no one should be obligated to call someone by their "preferred pronoun"

I don't mind trans people as long as they don't push leftist agenda.

Natsoc put these creatures in camps. Is it clear enough ?

I wouldn't consider you a tranny then. not because you aren't one, but because the huge connotation that it carries. I don't really know. it's a loaded term at this point that carries a bunch of assumptions. as long as you aren't preaching about how you are really a woman and the world needs to bend to see it that way I couldn't give a shit. granted that's exactly how I am, so whatever that is worth

half of the party were flaming faggots, what an excellent example

9mm to the head please.

Buying right wing tranny gf

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Tbh as far as trannies and faggots go, imo most stuff is fine as long as you’re not gigantic quivering retard about it.
If you’re dressing like a fairy in public don’t expect people to not sneer at you or call you a faggot. Don’t expect people to call you by your ‘preferred pronouns’ if you don’t pass and certainly don’t try to force people to accept made up ‘in between’ bullshit.
Basically, make whatever life choices you want so long as you’re not forcing other people to change theirs.

people that feel like they need to announce that they're women are most likely dealing with some other issues too. ive never interacted with any trans person that acted like that in my life.

Cringe pedo tranny lover, kys

I haven't either outside of the internet, but that is the public image I've gotten from media and online personalities. I mean to get a healthy hormone treatment plan you need to be approved by a therapist who needs you to basically affirm the propaganda so it wouldn't surprise me if most medicated trannies act that way regardless

Same. We all deserve tranny boipussi.

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in america you can get informed consent. never been to a therapist in my life. walked in, they told me what it would do, and i signed the paperwork.

I'm so far right i'd make most of you look like libtards.

Socialism is Communism no matter how you try to flavor it. F all forms of communism!

based, i think as long as you at least make a half ass attempt to look normal and dont have a chad body type you can at least look a little off but still look okayish

I think they're fucking stupid to support a system which is in no way accepts or recognises them as legitimate and in fact would eventually seek their elimination.
If they reach salvation and change their ways from exposure to such ideologies, then good, but they are definitely confused individuals to begin with.

I'm sorry to say that the internet natsocs/fascists are often gay. I mean, I'm a natsoc and my fetish is tranny orc sex.
This is much more widespread than you think anons.

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Slightly valid if they kill leftists

I think they should be rounded up and gassed

not a bad idea I guess

>not already having a jewish tranny gf

I feel bad for you user

>do they belong in a natsoc society?
Yes, decorating lampposts.

well, if someone without dysphoria decides to fuck around with it well then theyll be in a whole new type of hell

I've meet more than a handful of trannies (just my fucking luck, I guess), all of them MtF by the way.
From my observations, there's two types of tranny: those that genuinely believe that they are "a woman trapped in a man's body" and therefore take offence at any notion that they are, in fact, a man.
The other kind of tranny is the one that openly admits that they are man, but that they have a compulsive desire to attempt to become a woman (and even admit that truly becoming a woman is currently physically impossible with today's technology).
The trannies that actually believe they are women lean toward the SJW type and would start bitching and moaning if someone called them "sir" or used the "wrong pronoun".
The only tranny to follow my second definition never once defined themselves as a woman, even correcting SJWs that would lick their feet and call them a "brave and stunning woman" by stating that they are, in fact, legally a man. As for pronouns, this person didn't care what you called them and refused to answer if someone asked them for their "preferred pronouns". Ironically enough, this tranny was more valid and taken much more seriously than the squealing twinks that insisted on being reminded how girly they were.

I think a lot depends on the person. if someone is so over the edge that access to hormones means you're suicidal then IMO they need a different kind of help. it should be more of a decision to pursue without having an unstable amount of dysphoria

I dont think they would give it to you if you were acting weird. The doctor still sat me down and asked me what my plan was and where I was gonna go with this

I think that the tranner that got angry needs thicker skin and the one that corrected people that they were a man just sounds delusional

I have a guy I met in university recently come out as transgender. this guy has been writing FB blog posts about depression for 6 years straight and now that he has realized he is a "trans girl" posts a bunch of happy stuff and really embarrassingly male photos of himself in colored wigs. that's the kinda people I'm talking about that don't need to be on an HRT plan and instead need a different kind of help first. it's completely unstable and they're most likely going to realize this didn't cure their depression and off themselves. from what I've seen there are a LOT of people in this boat getting prescribed

props to the second. I have more respect for those that accept their situation and don't try to delude their reality. and if you even buy into the gender isn't real propaganda it would make sense to redefine what a man can be anyway, not that I am a leftist

Yeah the issue is the doctor's office doesn't really have the power to decide weither or not someone should have hormones. All they can do is hear what they have to say and make sure they're not suicidal. It isnt the right thing but it's how the medical system works.