America 2024

>America 2024
You can't stop us

Attached: SovietsBerlin-56a61a603df78cf7728b575e.jpg (768x554, 69K)



>he doesn't know that by 2024 the world will be under my control for a time

>already conceding 2020
Wew lad

your flag is wrong, pic related is what the actual flag will be

Attached: nazi-american-flag.png (1079x568, 4K)

you can't just kill people you don't like

Attached: kdk.jpg (640x355, 46K)

>America 2028

Attached: IMG_4852.jpg (700x500, 139K)

Cringe and pic related

Attached: 1549036140599.png (472x555, 482K)

Lmao you can't just killing people by starving them kike

you have nothing to fear fren. we are not savages like the nazis we just wanna give you a purpose in life

Attached: 1561575053097.png (640x457, 440K)