>increase increase increase

Open up your newspapers. It's increase everywhere. Increase in stock markets, increase in expenditure, increase in production of everything. Increase in car industry, increase in population, increase in technology, mobile phones, smart phones, increase. Increase, increase, increase in debt, increase in immigration, increase in tourism, etc.

All factories, firms, companies report increase of everything. Every videogame is increasing in player bases, every media channel has increase in viewers, every stock of nuclear weapon is increasing. gay rights have increased, fascism has increased, animal rights have increased, Japan is back at mass whaling, Trump has brought back jobs, increase, increase, increase!

Yet... everything is shit. It's fucking shit. It's worthless. It's meaningless. It's useless. It's NOTHING.

Gluttonous with stomachs rupturing, we're grown fat with decadence like pigs fit for slaughter.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The world won't listen.

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worry not dud
at least croatian population decreases by day

You are all literally the same fucking people.
Stop fighting.

ok vro

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I'm not an american. I'm a Turk BVLL

Genesis VS Ecclesiastes


no difference

Nice, looks like my area could become beachfront property. Can't wait!

It's just your perception. It's always been shit.

It's called going bankrupt on a national scale. Debt goes parabolic, inflation decays the plebian class, which boosts assets and stocks.
By the end of all of this the central banks will own everything.

literally nothing of value lost.
Nashville will be a fukkin sweet beach town

Well, this is it Jow Forums
>no gf
>family hates me
>poor as fuck
>spent all of my life on Jow Forums
Since you guys have been chill with me, I'll be chill with you.
Live streaming my suicide in roughly 20 minutes. tD

Live stream link + further explanation:

Attached: 1562935692.6460001.jpg (360x640, 80K)

Well, this is it Jow Forums
>no gf
>family hates me
>poor as fuck
>spent all of my life on Jow Forums
Since you guys have been chill with me, I'll be chill with you.
Live streaming my suicide in roughly 20 minutes. BT

Live stream link + further explanation:

Attached: 1562935930.483.jpg (360x640, 80K)

Quality or quantity
Not both

Yes, but how is she still fuckable?

if you kill yourself ill make fun of you for leaving your flesh body just when the earth is about to go through an ascension phase. you will literally exist in a plane of nothingness and it will be solely because you were impatient. don't you realize that nothing matters. no matter how shit everything might seem, it's just an emotion. once our reality becomes fully malleable we'll realize how much control we have over our experience

>increase in debt

This is the key to it all. You can never have sustainability with an interest based monetary system because there is never enough money to pay off the interest. Therefore society keeps on producing and working and slaving and “increasing” hoping to pay off the interest but it is impossible because the money to pay it off simple doesn’t exist. It’s the 11th marble. It’s peak Jew. And the world shall suffer because of it.

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Water in the Rocky Mountains.

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Post hand. We will compare.

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Yeah. The San Juan range no less. I’ve done some time in the Weminuche... not small mountains and the valleys are still at like 6k feet.

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Remember the Ep where Kramer was taking to the actor of the character Kramer?

dat Austrian business cycle tho. Fake gainz. Bubble will burst.

give me one good reason to compare myself with subhuman

The next recession will come soon, and recessions are always good for the far right if you look at economic history.

Maybe this Deutsche Bank thing will cause the next recession.

A lot of people don't this, but the 1930 Great Depression started in Germany, in the German stock market.

>literally nothing of value
> Houston, TX the energy capital of the US and leader of innovation in thousands of professions, also boasting the best hospital complex in the entire world
You're a fuckin' retard.

Looks pretty roachy to me desu

>we'll realize how much control we have over our experience

You are a slave who was born to your goyim cattle parents to slave away in a jewish controlled world and you go to prison if you try to fight ((them)).
You don't have any control you are just cattle, nonexistence is preferable to your life.

Not playing a rigged game is different from not playing at all
Why else do you think there's so many people dropping out of society? They see it is a rigged game and only work exactly long enough to get what they want out of it. Which tends to be videogames. Escapism is a perfectly valid delaying tactic for life
Killing yourself means you won't get to see the day of the rope either. If you end it, you know you'll never see it get better. If you don't, you may live long enough to be proven wrong

Your hand is darker than mine, that is why you wont.
Turk BVLL has always been a white BVLL.
You lie, Grik

We grow fat from strength, as Calus wished us to.

Attached: 300px-Emperor_Calus.png (300x357, 246K)