Who here /ancaprim/?

Who here /ancaprim/?

Attached: ACP.png (1200x800, 7K)

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/ancaprim/ here.

Attached: ancaprimball.jpg (880x843, 193K)


National Transhumanism is the way

Attached: Bis-1.jpg (2974x3500, 999K)

Nobody who's using a computer

Oh baby a triple!

Literally sub-human.

>Nobody who's using a computer

>Literally sub-human.

Attached: Transhumanism.jpg (1170x660, 43K)

No thanks, but I'm sure you'd like to if it meant getting turned into a file on a computer.

What are the pros/cons of transhumanism?
You're essentially all becoming bogdabots in the future with nearly infinite iq's attached to A.I's ,but at that moment you trade your humanity for something that is different. Granted you may be able to live forever, but you won't be human in the most traditional sense. Also if you are spiritual or believe in God, then this implies that you'll be receiving the mark of the beast and eternal damnation.

How would that even work

The human body is already a "machine", a biological one to be precise.

Of course there is the option of copying your brain pattern and structure in a clone, but that clone isn't you.
This is the most degenerate way you can apply transhumanism, you have to aim for perfection and get close to God, and no, cybernetics is a way but not the only way, there is also genetic engineering for extending your own lifespan indefinitely.
Once you reach transcendence there will be no purpose, that's true, but there will also no pain.
(and you get to punch God's face)

>The human body is already a "machine"
Nothing is a machine if everything is one.


Proxyfags don't count.

fuck off tranny

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I said the same thing to your father.

Read a boo... Oh wait you cant because its the mark of civilization.

ohh yeaaa

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at least he's a human robonigger

>primitivist means hunter gatherer
based retard

Attached: tedideas.jpg (750x717, 59K)


Pick one.

pick none

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Yeah, we are better than you


>is a racist
>wants to destroy the entire human race
based retard

Trannies say the same thing, until they kill themselves.
Robots kill themselves and then say they are better than those who do not.

At least I will get rid of niggers and jews

Attached: pot of greed.png (1000x1000, 996K)

Robot don't kill themselves

No, but trannies (transhumanists) kill themselves to be uploaded into a robotic body.


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The pic alone debunks the entire premise of an ancaprim idea.
Eat these sweet statist shells retards.

>kek retard
>you can have civilization and be primitivist!

That's only one of the way, most stupid transhumanist fall for that one, others understand that they have to preserve their own body at the best they could and improve it with any way possible.

> there are no means of production, but if there were, they'd be privately owned

>what are tribes

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>Gib berry

>Other grugling grunts in approval


transhumanist scum will never take over

Your test tube babies will be annihilated, your population using cybernetics will be purged, cyborgs are not human

Your people will eventually devolve to requiring some pill to determine what theyre feeling or thinking that day, your regimented life that comes with a transhumanist society will not be tolerated


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Using tools is what normal people do. Incorporating tools into your body is like getting tattoos. Shortsighted and disrespectful towards the human body.

Anarchists will always fail because statists can unite where anarchists will either isolate themselves or struggle with each other.

Attached: Anarchists face reality.jpg (960x470, 62K)

Are you telling me might makes right?

Uuga buuga you truly are a primitivist atleast in your head.


You autistic screams make only my biomechanical penis go triple in length!

Attached: xenomorph-necro4.jpg (1200x805, 295K)

Capitalism = usury = unsustainable
Also sage

Fuck off.

The Fascist and An-prim pills are the only redpills that exist in the political sphere

Attached: ted.jpg (1080x846, 141K)

Are you implying that transhumanism is simply a means to cure your manletism?


There are some political ideologies that require the state.
Then there is the anarcho capitalism, where you dont have the state but have the companies/capitalism.

Some left anarchists believe that at anarcho capitalism the companies become the state.

There is anarcho individualism where you dont have an state and you can do anything you want as long you dont mess with others, having that dont have just one owner and worker and they are the same, is considered fucking with someone else (the person you hired). Real life example of this kind of companies, are some taxi drivers, some prostitutes, people that sell food at the street.....

At anprim (that is not anarcho naturism, another thing), you isolate yourself to not become an "slave" of someone else (and state), you dont use normal guns because you become an "slave" of the company that sell the bullet, what happens if the company shut down or they decide to not sell the bullets to you, you don't use cars for same reason (but gasoline), and this goes on and on......

The only biological thing that acts like a chinese finger trap that could please your cold black steel is a negger's asshole, like a vice grip

Your future is bright, wayne

Attached: image.jpg (800x600, 88K)

That wasn't a photo I uploaded,


That's the one.

Tell that to my mind linked drone swarm as it simultaneously carpet bombs and cell feedstock harvests your primitive meat-lump settlements.

Ancap can only lead to transhumanism because of market inventions, how do you pretend to prevent people from inventing new technology without agression? Technological progress doesn't violate the NAP.

If you mean submarine humans you would be correct

>Too retarded to upload an image
No wonder you hope to achieve a better understanding of computers.


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Your future says:

to be honest it was distorted, look at the image original name, try to download it.


Attached: xenomorph-necro4.jpg (300x202, 40K)

where you were once only externally manipulated we now have a direct link to your mind, ignoring the advanced emp's of that age

Pretty much this, but anprims would have to overthrow the ancom "totally-not-a-state-that-forces-people-to-share-wealth-with-threat-of-violence"

>Technological progress doesn't violate the NAP.
This is one of the most common misconceptions of ancapism. That pollution or some other wrongdoing doesn't violate the NAP, it does, it just isnt dealt with as obviously as violence would be dealt with but would never the less be crushed in mostly the same way

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Maybe collective consciousness is the future? We’ll see. It won’t be the random hand of evolutionary providence that guides though. That’s nearly done.

>what is afghanistan, vietnam etc

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you could argue we already have a primitive form of collective conscious and that if it continues in the same direction we would reach it in totality at some point provided entropy never becomes disproved

>but would never the less be crushed in mostly the same way
How would some environmentalists stand a chance against an oil drilling firm with multiple platforms and a "don't give a fuck" environment policy?

Your comic is wribg because you should answer violence proportionally, by this principle you could sue people polluting your shit.
Keep in mind that violence is still illegal today and people do it anyway with a state that literally has the power to enter your house and kidnap you, and some states can desintegrate cities in seconds.

napalm and if neccessary recreational nuclear missiles, the idea is to use a small amount of technology only when neccessary, like to defend yourself

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>napalm and if neccessary recreational nuclear missiles
Environmentalists can't afford that, oil companies on the other hand.

most violence is perpetuated by the state while they turn the other cheek and act as if theyre trying to stop it

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economic nationalism and agrarianism/hunter gathering allows for purchasing power within the community to increase tenfold and capabilities on all fronts to increase proportionally

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and while on the subject

>Aristotle had spoken, obscurely, of an active intellect that was responsible for concept formation in human beings. Alexander identified this active intellect with G-d, an interpretation that was to have a great influence on Aristotle’s later Arab followers, while being rejected by Christians, who regarded the active intellect as a faculty of each individual human being.

What nation? Everyone is their own free little nation.
And purchasing power will only help you get cheap basic goods and services. Technology and other things/imports will still have the same high petrodollar cost.


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ancaprim transhumanist here

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based and cringepilled

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