Why shouldn't governments guarantee jobs for all its citizens?

Why shouldn't governments guarantee jobs for all its citizens?

It seems like a perfectly reasonable proposal. You need a job to live in this world, and if you can't find one you'll be driven into destitute and worse. Why not make sure that everyone who wants to work can work?

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Keynesian full employment is based and redpilled

A "Keynesian" full employment is actually impossible to maintain

Kalecki is good sometimes, but right there he is just plain wrong

oh, it's the crypto-fascist guy

He's fine.

Yes, governments should give jobs to people.

In my case, lots of government owe me a job...

Your question is like the soccer mom who asks why her kid doesn't play. The answer is, because he sucks, and if we played him, our team would suck. Capish?

because being a neet is preferable and you just want everyone to be a miserable wagie like you-
for you*

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Kick out all spics and give Americans those jobs.

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This is a great way to get a 80%+ tax rate and a society full of lazy incompetent people.

t. brazilian who paid 80%+ in taxes and lives in a society full of lazy and incompetent people

he's a fucking clueless retard whose only thinks any "Real" socdem policy should be first and foremost be about limiting immigration.
His "economic" thinking doesn't extend much beyond reading people like Quiggin or Steve Keen. Not that I'm (or you're) any better, but his blog has libertarian levels of middlebrow argumentation. He then just turns around and bashes any and all "leftists" for being correct on economic issues but not catering enough to his lizardbrain cultural preferences. Classic cryptofasc Third Position bullshit.

Open borders for Isreal.

Anyone can join the army

>crypto fascist
only chapofags and radlibs use that word.

> jews advocating nazi policies.

Because niggers would say it’s racist. Seriously, right now they get gibs for doing nothing. Every time a proposal to make them work for gibs come up its failed miserably. That’s basically what guaranteed employment it. Also, in “niggers” I’m including NEET parasites of any race.

>Why not make sure that everyone who wants to work can work?

Nobody WANTS to work, don't know where all these socialists and neets get this idea.

>no genetical difference between europeans and semites

we already have enough fake jobs anyway

we don't need anymore

Pls leave Jew, you were good for awhile but now this is commienism.

Okay, find me a different word for "someone whose politics are basically the standard fascist love of hierarchy and hate of outsiders, but who hides it behind layers of left-sounding platitudes"?

>Why not make sure that everyone who wants to work can work?
If the market doesnt create those jobs it means they are not necessary.

>You need a job to live in this world
No, you need wealth to live in this world. Slaving away aka job is just one (and the most miserable) way to obtain that said wealth.

It's not the right word because he still supports Democracy and limiting immigration is common amongst social democratic parties in Europe.

1. How come? Aren't there homeless people who would love to have homes? Aren't there always improvements to be made for infrastructure? More and better products to be had? If unemployment exists, then it's thing that SHOULD be done not being done.
2. Suppose that is true, and there are just "not enough jobs". What do you propose to do with people who can't find a job? Let them die?


Why waste time and money creating pretend jobs?

I wish i was more able to be quite honest, Special school since age 6-18 immidiately after first grade(?) till end of High School, when i was sort of just gaining concious, There are alot of weird reasons but trust me that i was not born like this, 24 now and i can still not say "Haha wage cuck" simply because you guys are not.

I try to make people who work their lives as easy as possible since i sort of feel like a "bother" considering the IRL N33T WAJONG uitkering (Benefit for the mentally unwell) was given away like candy untill 2012 if you had the slightest bit if ADHD or autism, So i will sometimes cook for my bus driving brother (who busses welfare receiptans like somalis, maroccans etc to a day of pleasure in the city lol!) and i feed my neighbours pets when they are on vacation, Let people who look obvious tired and sweaty of a day of waging infront of me in the super market etc in public, No attention whore intended at all!! but i look quite "different" in a good way, But i HAVE to lie every dang time when somebody ask of me what i do for work haha! And feel massively guilty for being just under 400 euros the average wage, And they only have 150 of THAT left since they have subscriptions to (((media))) and some lucky enough to have cars.

Love you Netherlands.

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>How come? Aren't there homeless people who would love to have homes?
not my business
>Aren't there always improvements to be made for infrastructure? More and better products to be had?
Improvements to infrastructure and facilities are investments. If investments are not made it is, again, because they are unlikely to pay off in the current market.
>Suppose that is true, and there are just "not enough jobs". What do you propose to do with people who can't find a job? Let them die?
Your problem lies in that you believe the only way to get money is by being employed. Most unemployed people are either useless, retarded or just dont want to work so yea I dont care if they would die if theyre not someone close to me.

Idk if you are trolling or actually believe in the shit you say. Gonna give you the benefit of the doubt.

>not my business
>so yea I dont care if they would die if theyre not someone close to me
Well thank you for at least being up front with what you actually believe in.

>No moral compass
The memes just write themselves

winner. people who cant join are old, diasabled, or made stupid choices and dont deserve the social safetynet.

I don't agree with the "just give people jobs" part, but I think that an economy should be social in the sense that large segments of the population shouldn't be economically obsolete, which is something liberal international capitalism does all the time.

The reason people are homeless or on permanent welfare, is because they are useless to capitalism. And this problem is just going to get worse every 10 years until the only people left who have a job are people who can still make a profit for their shareholders somehow.

We had that in nazi germany. One of the reasons I want to put you in a giant oven chamber that lathers you in butter before slow roasting you.

you also had that in the soviet union but okay

>muh morality
>implying it is moral to steal money from hard working people to give it to retards, obese people and overall lazy subhumans.

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Saying "fuck you got mine" and "lol not me let 'em die" is pretty immorally selfish, you have to admit.

ah yes so what are YOU doing to help them if you care so much?

Aren't yellowflags supposed to be good at le rational argument?

so you do nothing besides virtue signaling. .

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Literally communism repackaged

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I remember when I was 16 I wanted to work so badly and applied to 100s of jobs and couldn't even get an interview. 14 years later I'm a mech engineer and work for min wage designing hydraulic circuits and clamping fixtures in the machining industry, but only got this job because I worked for free for a year. Hopefully one day I get payed as much as a 14 year old boomer at his first summer job in 1972.

Ask Cuba where they do it.
Do you want to paint the same fence for the 5th time this week and pretend you're employed so you can pick up your government allowance of rice and beans ?

That honestly sounds comfy

based jew...?!
just take all the welfare niggers and put them to work picking up trash or fixing potholes. why do we need mexicans? just have welfare recipients pick the vegetables in exchange for their gibs. not like htey have anything else to do.

strawberries would be $1/quart

That sort of exists already, just has a few loop holes

Because Robots can do the shitwork instead. Let's get the bag.

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how the fuck are you a mechanical engineer making minimum wage?

But we do though. All those niggers, spics and kebabs ARE employed by the federal government, who gives each and every one of them a check every month, to compensate them for their labour. Their 'job' is to vote left every election.

>not adopting this position so they can vote their conscience instead