Ridgecrest is shaking again.. 4.8

Earthquakechan just woke me up.

Attached: Screenshot_20190712-062001.jpg (1080x1920, 442K)


4.8 is nothing

We've been having quakes in Washington state all night 4.6 was largest

is it normal for earthquakes to happen over the course of days?

REEEEEEEEolling for Earthquake chan to quake the west coast into the ocean.

I think from what dutchsinse was saying is that he expected that but that it would mean pressure is only building in CA. Oklahoma needs a quake to relieve pressure off CA or else...

We have earthquakes almost every day in the UK. Or around 300 a year. Just so weak you hardly ever notice them. mainly in Wales and Scotland though...

yeah but I mean obviously noticeable ones/ related ones, because these are related to the big earthquake

>Cali getting defecated upon by nature again
business as usual