Reminder that jews look at white people

the same way white people view black people - dumb niggers.

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Pretty fucking stupid to believe your own bullshit.

Attached: Smart Jew Myth IQ.jpg (1600x2126, 369K)

Idk man im not racist but why was the Jewish holocaust the worst genocide out of all genocides?

>told he's smart.
>compulsive lies are part of his culture.
>Doesn't check to see if he's been liked to cuz too fucking stupid

Attached: Jewish IQ.jpg (532x647, 99K)

Jews are terrified of White people.

If jews view whites as dumb niggers why do they feel the need to cook the books in their favor? We aren't particularly concerned about blacks pushing whites out of positions in a true meritocracy - theyd just end up slaves again without the artificial protections - but for some reason you guys seem hellbent on maintaining a system that keeps jews ahead. Why's that?

What’s your point, everyone else, white, black, arab etc look down on Jews

Based. Jews should rule the world. oh wait..

>whites 100
>uses fictitious comparison by adding "white hispanics" into the mix
>only categorizes ashkenazim and not the other two types
>lies outright about the 115 number which was only found in one dumb study of ONLY 13 children
This is a 1981 study pre migration showing European IQ's. As you can see Germanics outclass the jewish 105-107 average.

Attached: IQEurope.jpg (1416x840, 291K)


Reminder there are 10x more Whites than jews with 130+ IQ, there are more Whites with 130+ IQ than all the jews in the world, that recorded history is a laundry list of accomplishments of Whites.

Look at the chart. Isreal is only 36% ashkenazi. the average ashkenazi Iq in isreal is 103 compare to 115 in USA is because we have 1.2 million russian "jews" here who labeled as "ashkenazi's". nothing ashkenazi about them. 90% look like ethnic russians.

Attached: average-iq-per-race-statistic-black-white-asian-indian-asian-arab.png (550x413, 20K)

I bet you're a dumb dark Sephardi Jew OP.

>115 in USA
>the only citation for this is a study of 13 children from an elite school in new york
>even the jewish guy who did the study said it is not conclusive of anything
You're a lying parasite and this is why you rats need to be exterminated.

look down on us? they all work for us. we own the banks, media, entertainment industry, academic institutions... you name it.

based gypsy.

i bet those 130+ iq whites have some jewish blood in them.

You really don't believe there will be another holocaust, and that this time it will be for real, do you?

And yes we look down on you, because you're ugly, you're of a lower intellect which is only good for scheming and fucking people over, you're parasites who can't survive without whites, and you can only rule with degeneracy and absolute depravity like pedophile blackmail rings, cannibalism cults etc.

You are objectively the most disgusting lifeform on this planet. Every single race on the planet fucking hates you, the colloquial slang for someone who fucks you over is "jewwing" someone in virtually every country on the planet.

You're not hated because you're special. You are insane schizophrenic rat people who only exist so we can transcend degeneracy and uplift Europeans into a type 1 civilization.

When it is time, you will be left behind, as you will no longer serve a purpose when your genetic model is outlived.

Attached: aesthetics30.jpg (1280x1578, 163K)

well, if there will be, i know which country to flee.

Attached: How Bulgaria Saved Its Jews and What We Can Learn From Them.png (723x672, 951K)

Things changed.

fake jew kike amalekites, there is no one who
compares to you in evil. you will make good
slaves when you are put into exile. you will
be traded like comic books.

Attached: fake jews spawned by ape niggers.jpg (1060x1079, 980K)

that's pretty ironic considers jews have never invented a single noteworthy thing in history except usury

Well, there's circumcision. And waving a chicken over your head. And raping 3-year-olds, because they would "heal" after it.

Well.. if you want to point at IQ as a thing that is good for our species, killIing the subset with the highest IQ is dumbing down the the species as a whole. If you assume that jews actually are the smartest and didn't manipulate the test results.

There is nowhere to flee, any country willing to harbor you parasites will burn screaming for its crimes.

We already won in the 60's, the foundation is set. Now is the demonization period by exposing jewish blackmail pedo and cannibal rings, and afterwards we will isolate and eventually exterminate you slowly by proxy.

You thought you were in control, but look closely what is puppeteering here.

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Maybe our numbers. (Both ways.)

the slaves have had an awfully high opinion of themselves for quite a while.
that will change.

We get all the top quality aryan pussy. all the white trash goes to you. 99% of white women will gladly give up jesus from a chance to end up with a kosher dick in their mouth.

"Karlie Kloss confirms conversion to Judaism to marry Joshua Kushner"

Attached: karlie-kloss.jpg (1920x1080, 1.28M)

No amount of money can un-kike you

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But does it matter if they don’t identify as Jewish? No.

Goyim BTFO!

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>high IQ

Attached: 130iq.jpg (698x718, 77K)

Your people race mix at a 78% rate in America. That is unsustainable and you will end up diluting yourselves out of existence.

America is built to give you the illusion of control. In reality we gave you room to operate so we may later expose you and your crimes against all humanity to the world directly, and therein creating precedent for your total extermination to the world.

As I said before, we outmaneuvered you and your disgusting pets in the 60s. You thought you were the only ones who could play long game, but European intellect is unsurpassed in the world among our outliers. We've lulled you into a false sense of security, and now you are willingly breeding yourselves out of existence, and your pedo exploits and cannibalism is about to be laid bare for the whole world to see.

This planet exists to further our destiny, you were merely a catalyst to further better ourselves. If you doubt this, look at which race has been the most relevant throughout history.

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>posting pictures of mentally retarded people
I bet even they are more successful than the average bulgarian...

Tch! Don’t be an idiot - they’ve won an outsized number of Nobel prizes, as you’d expect.

You classify all whites together and its still not much under jews. If you look at groups of whites its higher than jews iq. For instance my family is from northern italy and the region averages out at 124 average. There is no immigrants in the region to bring it down. That is just one example too. Parts of switzerland are really high as well. I think the region around the alps is about the highest if you get rid of the immigrants and just go with the local pop.

You wont believe it, but our science is hundreds of years ahead of yours. We monitor your society like a parent would.

Your depravity was allowed so that we may transcend it, and when the Americans started to rebel against it (as is happening currently) you are used as a catalyst to move everyone into becoming National Socialists. Notice, the growth of white nationalism is not a coincidence. It is a top down social engineering project we've enabled, using you and the liberals as useful idiots to further polarize politics for our benefit.

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0.2% of world population are 50% of world chess champions because of...nepotism!

>weighted averages
The number of White people who died during the 20th century had a much greater impact on lowering world IQ.

So did letting Niggers breed, uncontrolled.

Alternatively, letting Niggers breed uncontrolled can be seen as a holocaust, especially when you take into count the number of White babies who have been murdered by abortion when there was obviously enough resources to care for them.

Top schizo - best schizo!

If you look into evidence this isn't a schizo point. I know it may seem so on the surface so I don't really blame you.

the reason the average Iq of white people in USA is 100 and not 105-110 is because you have 32 million Irish people there.
>Ireland ave. IQ: 92

> whites have a long game to trap the Jews
> let them corrupt and dominate, AS A TRAP!
> it’s true! Look into it!
Get me started, will you?

Wrong. They'd want to be far away from us, if that were true.

I don't look at blacks with genocidal hatred and vitriolic contempt. I look at blacks and think about how much better off they would be if their race had never encountered a jew.

jews can't function without whites
a parasite can't survive without a host

Please, nobody buys your bullshits inbred.

Faily rrmrnber that Only 6% of the smartest students in usa are jews even asians are doing better than you .

More like the high iq jews have european blood while nigger tier like you are semitic mutts

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This. Well, maybe the Israelis. But historically, per Israel Shahak- “Jewish Relision, Jewish History” - their /identity/ was to be above physical work.

>more 130+ Whites than jews exist by nearly double
>jew bitch slapped with reality: they must be jew!

Well we solve this by just dividing whites into classes. We, the upper middle IQ class with 110-130 IQ that populate this board still outnumber the lower iq ashkenazi by a factor of 10:1.
Just disavow low IQ whites.