>Louisiana news station webpage of NOAA links for latest river stages and water level forecasts at multiple points of major Louisiana rivers wafb.com/story/1644744/river-flood-center/
>>Army Core of Engineers information summary for the New Orleans Left Bank Levee >levees.sec.usace.army.mil/#/levees/system/4405000556/summary " Latest Inspections Segment Name Inspection Date New Orleans District - Bonnet Carre Lower Guide Levee 10/18/2017" Ya'll be fine:) windy.com, dutchsinse livestream for PNW quakes, political habeening threads, fresh pack of smokes, trail mix, few bowls left...Haven't been this comfy in a while.
>"Look, there are three ways that Louisiana floods: storm surge, high rivers and rain," Gov. John Bel Edwards said Thursday. "We're going to have all three."
NEW ORLEANS AREA STATES OF EMERGENCY >States of emergency have been declared in Orleans, Jefferson, St. Bernard, Plaquemines and St. Charles parishes. >Jefferson Parish and Plaquemines Parish have instituted mandatory evacuations as a precaution in low-lying areas or those outside major levees. archive.is/darkb
tampabay user checking in, good to be with you again frens. its calm and overcast over here, but everything is saturated, and big puddles all over. from the outer rain bands. havent had a chance to check out snell isle, but im guessing its got a foot of water on the roads; that always happens there. a million dollar home there has a 40k flood insurance bill, crazy. anyways, check out tampa int'l airport, i took this pic this morning
Hes the guy that almost died last year when he had to abandon his car as it floated away. Do you remember this? youtu.be/_XA5OQHWx1Y
Robert Hill
How stupid do you have to be to live there? Can't we give it back to France or something, so the rest of us don't have to keep bailing it out? It's a bowl, below sea level, in a place that gets huge tropical storms.
Leo Hughes
Live YouTube link watch?v=qLOeRzy0rog Wwltv
Ryder Myers
You don't have to breakup a youtube link user.
Josiah Bailey
Thank you user, I should know. Posting on a couple of sites that don't allow links so just pasted it as is
Camden Perry
hehehe that was amazing. I still think the shed did it.
This is a rain-event, if anything. It's a pretty weak storm, so the only happenings might be some flooding. It does not even have an eye; too much wind shear and dry it hindering it from really strengthening.
Jaxson Moore
Pretty much, wind isn't gonna to shit. Really comes down to how much rain they get and if the levees hold.
If cantore shows up to your area then you're gonna be safe
Gavin Ortiz
True, Weather Channel isn't going to risk that insurance policy.
John Thomas
Remember the dude from last year that was live streaming from his apartment watching metal roofs blow off?
Dominic Barnes
Whats up with these meme press conferences? Who started this trend with the sign language and random departments of importance standing behind the leader? It's almost like this shit is scripted and they're trying to virtue signal as hard as feasible regardless of how much effort they plan to actually make in order to mitigate impact of whatever disaster is at hand.