Stop using bitcoin

Stop using bitcoin.

Attached: varg trump.jpg (750x667, 157K)

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Bitcoin. Very bad. Israel. Never been better.

USD. Stronger than ever. Will always stay that way.

0/10 thread suggest rake

Bitcoin is so fucking retarded. I hope to see all these bitcoin technobros get bankrupted.


>Trump and his voters want to ban everything they don't understand
>they still come here for some reason

Only if he agrees to shave his head

How come no president has had a beard in the past 100 years?

It get's soaked in blood if you eat the babies.

Easy, the clean cut has become the standard in business.
It's less personal and more easy to represent a corporation when you don't have a beard.

t. fiat kike

>buy $100 of bitcoin at bitcoin atm
>wallets says I received $88
>go to withdraw my $88 the next day
>get $70 USD out

Truly the future of currency.

Look at my flag, retard.

>Please stop using bitcoin user, the big banks can't keep you safe when you use them :(

Start using Ethereum

> using bitcoin for minor transactions
Fucking idiot if you don't want the fees build your own node

Yeah, you're a memeflaggot who is probably Israeli. What about it?

Shitcoin is worst than monopoly money.
Want to know how? I can hold monopoly money in my hand. Good as toilet paper at least.
What if the power grid goes down? Whoops. shit out of luck kid. oh well.

Why is drumpf posing in front of the Holy Banner and Flag of the Aryan Hellenic Race and the Hellenic Nation State?

I don't even understand bitcoin. Not gonna start using it out of hype.

You need to go back.

throw bitcoin owners in jail
charge them with treason
execute them

Not that your ass will worth more than two penis without electricity.

Its worthless nothingness. Better to invest in metals given the current political and societal climate.


Attached: Bolton Laughing.jpg (625x443, 79K)

fucking jew banker cuck trump