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Cooper Gomez
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Sebastian Reed
Aiden Reyes
Carter Price
John Ramirez
David Price
Oliver Williams
Ancient Egypt has top tier aesthetics, fight me
James Cox
Ryan Ortiz
David Hill
Josiah Powell
Kayden Hill
Carson Wright
Caleb Collins
>Ancient Egypt has top tier aesthetics, fight me
mate have you seen their art?
plus egypt wasnt white, not indo europeans so no indo european religion, and when anyone says pagan they think generally only of indo european religions
Xavier Garcia
Adam Robinson
traditional slavic dressware is so comfy
Thomas Hall
comfy thread
Jordan Hughes
Mason Young
James Lopez
Joshua Turner
based greeks
Caleb Diaz
Daniel Richardson
this painting: check the main guy in blue leading the oxen and his necklace
Christian Sanders
Owen Sanders
Pagan is everything non Abrahamic.
And what about their art, it's fucking amazing.
Bentley Cook
probably a reconstructions, but germanics were very similar to slavic in antiquity, in lifesttyle, customs, culture, and were of course more closely related than today, they had split off not that long ago
Kayden Phillips
comfy underwater hero
Zachary Bailey
Ayden Long
animal entrails seconds after being torn out of a bull so the god of sewers can talk to people
the tip is to picture them being set on fire and mutilated by a group of priests
Adam Turner
I'm a fan of Hindu temples.
Gabriel White
Comfy thread
Chase Long
>you will never be born in ancient greece
>you will never be surrounded by marble like a civilised man
>you will never be trained into the warrior castes
>you will never experience the birth of the west
>you will never visit the agora
>you will never be dressed in toges
>tfw no hellenic gf qt 3.14
>you will never rule the mediteranean and the agean
why even live bros
Nicholas Hernandez
Oliver Gray
Daniel Ortiz
Hindu temples are also aesthetic, although I like classical architecture better
Aaron Clark
>tfw not a roman
William Jackson
>Hindu temples are also aesthetic
I mean...
are they really?
>although I like classical architecture better
of course how is that even a question
classical/neoclassical is as white as you get
Caleb Cox
>america once
Charles Gonzalez
Haven't you said just a few posts above that Egyptians weren't white, but now you say their architecture was?
Jeremiah Moore
>tfw no celtic qt π gf
John Sullivan
are you saying egyptian architecture is classical?
wait actually scrap that, are you saying egyptians are white??
Jaxson Wilson
we can rebuild. we have the technology
Yeah I like classical architecture too and I wouldn't pick one over the other but it's pretty comfy how they will usually use up every inch of the fasade with gods and heroes.
Also unfortunately Christians destroyed most the European classical architecture and once they started rebuilding them again it was without the spiritual connection to it so they're usually quite spiritually dead kinda like how most churches are spiritually dead except for sanctuary where the priest stands. And it is usually just some statue of a Judean carpenter dying or not even that, just a cross.
This is pretty comfy though. It needs a sacred eternal fire in the middle being preceded over by Vestal virgins though.
Angel Lopez
Landon Perez
>This is pretty comfy though. It needs a sacred eternal fire in the middle being preceded over by Vestal virgins though.
did someone mention vestas?
>Yeah I like classical architecture too and I wouldn't pick one over the other but it's pretty comfy how they will usually use up every inch of the fasade with gods and heroes.
honestly hindu temples (all of them are recent, none date from the vedic period) generally look like mud mounts servince as temples for dark lovecraftian entities
I mean sure you can like the concept but I really have an issue with the execution
>Also unfortunately Christians destroyed most the European classical architecture and once they started rebuilding them again it was without the spiritual connection to it so they're usually quite spiritually dead kinda like how most churches are spiritually dead
yep its sad, but again it can come back, we just need an endemic society that grows from a pure stem without modern corruption
Julian Jenkins
Joseph Morgan
Zachary Stewart
Gabriel Robinson
Egyptian architecture is a genre in itself, but they did have buildings that resemble European classical architecture, like the temple in Deir el Bahari. Also, hellenized Egypt was aesthethic af too.
And I'm not saying Egpytians were white, but they definitely weren't niggers either.
Tyler Martinez
Brayden Sullivan
Nicholas Scott
Cooper Gomez
>Egyptian architecture is a genre in itself,
its not classical
its something different
>Also, hellenized Egypt was aesthethic af too.
of course because it was hellenic, aka classical
>like the temple in Deir el Bahari.
yeah its really intresting, apparently thats what it use to look like
Jace Powell
Lets not forget the memetic art of the ancient pagans kek
Gabriel Wood
reminds me of something from boulee
Henry Cooper
Jason Reed
Ian Myers
Blake Foster
>look like mud mounts servince as temples for dark lovecraftian entities
lel that is a good description. I guess that part of what I like about them. And yeah like you said they usually aren't more than 1000 years old but it might be the rocks endemic to India or something that makes them look old and dreary. They all kinda look like they had been forgotten in the jungle for a millennium and then just uncovered. Which might have just been the fault of Indian architects, their skill, material or particular spirituality but still I find it comfy.
Landon Allen
I really like that sort of weird inhuman esoteric stuff à la Boullée
great geometrical megastructures that look like they werent by or for men
Matthew Rogers
Benjamin Parker
>this is supposedly a church
Kevin Williams
Carson Ortiz
Jack James
Joshua Martin
Lincoln Jones
Ryder Lopez
>me and the Bois
Isaac Turner
>but they did have buildings that resemble European classical architecture
because it comes from them, greeks learned from ancient semitic and egyptians
Samuel Torres
Church cant win against the nature
Joshua Brown
yeah I really wonder how a lot of those things were done
if it was some previous civilisation with greater industrial capabilities it would have left some other traces of its existence
hey, stop it, so far I am immensely impressed that we havent been spammed by christians yet, good on them for keeping it in their pants for once, dont summon them lol
Jace Myers
>of course because it was hellenic, aka classical
That's the interesting part, Greek and Egyptian culture were heavily influenced by each other, especially the religious aspect. Fascinating stuff to look into.
Nathaniel Thomas
They destroyed the originals and then like 1500 years later when Christians had started losing their authentic supernatural faith in Christianity they tried to rebuild what they had destroyed. And now all the trad Christians go around saying "we wuz preservers and shieeet" and the continuation of Hellenic culture while pointing toward renaissance- and post-renaissance art.
Ayden Lopez
Most of the 1893 world fair stuff was made out of paper mache/ cheaper materials since it's only for showcase during the event.
Logan Barnes
Two other ancient Greek historians, Arrian and Diodorus, also speak of the Celts' unusual bigness. Arrian, for instance, mentions their size in his report on Alexander the Great's encounter with them. This happened after the Macedonian king burned down a town of the Getae on the Danube in 335 B.C. Hoping to persuade Alexander against further attacks, Syrmus, king of the Triballians, some other independent tribes along that great river, and some Celts from around the Adriatic Sea sent an embassy to him. These emis saries, declares Arrian, were a "people of great stature and haughty disposition," but they offered the Greeks their friendship in ex-change for peace. After mutual pledges were given and received, he continues, "Alexander asked the Celtic envoys what they were most afraid of in this world, hoping that the power of his own name had got as far as their country, or even further, and that they would answer, 'You, my lord.' However, he was disappointed; for the Celts, who lived a long way off in country not easy to penetrate, and could see that Alexander's expedition was directed elsewhere, replied that their worst fear was that the sky might fall on their heads.12 None the less, he concluded an alliance of friendship with them and sent them home, merely remarking under his breath that the Celts thought too much of themselves."
Cooper Peterson
how so, do you have any sources?
egypt was far more influence by greeks since it was under occupation from greeks for a very long time, became a greek colony pretty much, and the only example I can think off the other way around is isis becoming a greek goddess, but in a completely hellenic manner
Nicholas Ramirez
pic related isis, doesnt look very egyptian in its greco latin form...
Alexander Barnes
make babies
Juan Baker
>Most of the 1893 world fair stuff was made out of paper mache/ cheaper materials since it's only for showcase during the event.
mmhhh, that's wrong, sweety :))
thats a lie created to justify its destruction :^)
Christian Sanchez
lol cringe thread.
Carter Morgan
Shit, we refer to most Egyptian things by their Greek name.
Isis should Aset for example.
Joshua Sanders
Hudson Thomas
Ryan Jenkins
>Shit, we refer to most Egyptian things by their Greek name.
>Isis should Aset for example.
for me, when you reach the point where aset is called isis, where she is pôrtrayed as a classical greek goddess, worshipped like one, incorporated into the larger pantheon, I dont think its really fair to consider it egyptian anymore
the concept Aset represented was just transfered into hellenism
Camden Thompson
Christopher Torres
Jason Scott
what? it was the reverse you fucking idiot
pic related, this art was made before greek invasion
if you look at earlier greek art you would see that it resembles egyptian art
Dylan Diaz
>because it comes from them, greeks learned from ancient semitic and egyptians
>what? it was the reverse you fucking idiot
>pic related, this art was made before greek invasion
>if you look at earlier greek art you would see that it resembles egyptian art
Noah Young
Adrian Parker
Zachary Myers
natsoc processions were kino af when it comes to pagan aesthetics, do you have more? the one where they walk under their arc of triumph, with the red banners and the red eagle
if you have it you know the one
Xavier Roberts
Adam Anderson
Wyatt Edwards
u mad s*uthoid?
Wyatt Allen
Jeremiah Russell
Angel Rogers
Serapis for example, a god especially popular in Alexandria was a mix between Osiris and Zeus.
Isis as a Hellenic god (also Osiris btw) seem to slightly predate Ptolemaic Egypt, which I find quite interesting.
Rulers were often depicted as Egyptian deities, all Ptolomies were depicted as Pharaos for example. The temples and worship of the native gods were also being maintained and incorporated into Greek mythology.
Blake Bailey
fuck you, whatever you want, you dont know hwta is pussy
Camden Jackson
this one?
Jaxon Nguyen
ptolemaic dynasties tryed to integrate egypt by mixing their religion, it didnt really go anywhere, and it was kind of a big failure, the main reason why egypt was the first place to convert to christianity