Is it possible to reverse the effects of modern social decay?
Is it possible to reverse the effects of modern social decay?
Yes but it requires a lot of fire
Let's just keep going and wait for the hard reset
Keith Raniere had some good ideas...
Hostoricly it seems like you just need to ride out the collapse and rebuild in the aftermath
>when i opened my package her radiance poured out, the smell instantly made me hard
>i will enjoy eating this for dessert tonight
How do you get like this
No, but it is possible to contain it.
You ever wonder why people used to be burned at the stake, guillotined, hanged, shot on sight? Yea, that was people trying to maintain their societal standards. But then we got "human rights" and "democracy" and now dumb shit is able to proliferate.
I just threw up. What the fuck?