Is democracy truly just and the right way to do things...

Is democracy truly just and the right way to do things? Is a system where millions of participants can be easily influenced by trivial things really ne trusted to make the right decisions?
>inb4 whaman
>inb4 nigroids
>inb4 jews
I mean it in an overall scale, not ponning down one group. No one is immune to propaganda, even if it doesnt seem like it on the surface level

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Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.

So what is the correct answer?

No government system is good if corruption exists. Corruption will always exist. Therefore there never will be a good government system.

Democracy, because it's the least shit.

Surely there must be men/women who are at the very least above petty greed when it comes to at the very least work right? No one can actually care about numbers on an account that much so long as they have enough to live a good life right?


Sure, some are. At the end of the day though there will always be corrupt individuals, no matter how pure the family system and/or society. Humans are inherently flawed and will continue to fight for the rest of our existence. Nothing can be done.

Whats the point of even living in a society then?

Because division of labor / specialization allows for a much higher standard of living than if everyone tried to be self-sufficient.

Now you're getting it. There really isnt.

Living in a higher living standard wont save the world. Just look at it now. Hardships breed strong people.

Churchill was a shabbos goy.

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I kind of disagree with you, people are blind to their own emotions thinking that their inherit value is as high as a logical well structured thought/speech, in Schopenhauer eyes there is only a few ways out of the hell that life is following an ethical, aesthetic or ascetic life, and as long as virtue/art/morality/God is at the same level as your feelings or desires society is doomed to a slow yet painful death.

>we would achieve more living in fallout, fuck roads
Gas yourself lolbetarian

Democracy is fine, but in my opinion it’s no longer democracy when you have large amounts of immigration.

to sum up society is a group of people that exchange ideas and raw materials which create a culture, race and eventually a nation.
When no one has anything to do to improve said society, it becomes bitter, cold and resentful.

Democracy is a terrible system for 2 big reasons
Doing the right thing is not always what is popular
Doing what feels good is not always the right thing.

The part that women and the younger generation don't understand is that there are wrong moves you can make; things won't just always 'work out'.

Let's get philosophical.

Leftist college students will tell you that communism is the best form, as it effectively removes government from the equation. Everyone does what they are best at and they get what they need. But this goes against the human condition. We will always seek something better, to be the best at something, and the lesser people need to be told what to do for society to continue. Ergo, communism is impossible.

Neoco s will of course say that democracy is the best because you have "muh freedom" and everyone gets a say in the government. Again, people are stupid and easily manipulated by a handful of elites. Additionally, when shit goes downhill, everyone can shift the blame and nothing ever gets better.

Monarchy is a gamble. You either have a good king or you don't, but at least you know who to execute when the country goes to hell.

National Socialism seems good, but it seems to share many of the problems democracy holds, in that the elite will forever manipulate the retards below them.

Pick your poison.

Oh boy bots all over the world have chosen to kill themselves and post about it today

National Socialism
Democracy is hot shit

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Huh, I can get behind that. People just need to see past their emotions and put ethics and maybe a higher power above them. Would you say we would live better in a religious society?

Didn't say that. I said we're fucked either way.

democracy isn't as bad of a thing if there are significant voting restrictions. letting midwits vote is a mistake more often than not

You say democracy, but I'm dead certain you should be saying oligarchy. There are no democracies in the modern, Western world.


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At last I truly see. Living a comfortable day to day life is evil because muh corruption. It would be better to habe every man for himself and live everyday waiting to get shot and robbed of everything I own like some shitty battle royale game. Science would never advance because no one would be cooperating, knowing what I've accessed outside information, there would be no fucking roads and everyone has to feed themselves. But it's all worth it because muh corruption is worse.

You've redpilled me. I realize now freedom is fucking retarded and its supporters autistic and insane. Bring on the police state.

>better in a religious society?

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No one said that you deranged loon. People have a right to live comfortably so long as they get too greedy

How about the one humans are biologically programmed for. The one that's existed for all of human history. The only system of government to last over 1000 years straight where as all others go broke within a few decades minus one Republic that lasted a few centuries here and there.

It is unironically the single most stable form of government in existance despite conpletely insane claims to the contrary. "Hurr monarchies are unstable because they constantly have civil wars" yeah cause they last a long time. America barely existed for less than 50 years when it had an infinitely blooder conflict than most monarchies ever had. The only monarchies to out do modern wars are the ones who became republics...who in turn went on to fight even bloodier ones. You really gonna tell me Tsar Nikolai on his worse day out purged Stalin on his best? Communists, facists and republics will all hang together on the day of the restoration.

That's how you get shit like ISIS oe Catholicism before Martin Luthor had to save Christianity from then most corrupt church in existence.

Phone posting here, religion honestly has nothing to do with that, a sane culture does. Also the higher power above your thoughts should always be yourself, you have to follow your own path towards liberation so philosophy can work, thus truth can be achieved.

>a sane culture does
Naw, all you need is the same culture. Even if it's utterly ridiculous if everyone is on the same page about the delusion it'll function as intended.

Kneel before the monarch

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Anyone on here should realise that unlimited franchise is a huge fucking mistake. If you really want "democracy" then the only people allowed to vote should be

>No debt
>Land owning

Democracy is still a pile of shit but these minimums will eliminate 90% of problems.

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Being cultural and ethnically as even as people sure helps, Aristotle once said that true democracy can only be achieved within an ethnicity. Good point you got there fren!

naw, penis niggers don't get to vote

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Representative democracy is bad, maybe local direct democracy can work.

Democracy is a good system but only if every single voter is capable of intelligent, independent thought and is properly informed on the issues being voted on, and no political parties present

Want to plot a graph of which gender votes for socialised shit and open borders Paco?

You can't own land you fucking serf. Only the aristocracy can own land. You just till it.

: )

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Yeah under your garbage system you circumcised slave.

The weathiest whites are all zionist boomers and cucks from Cali so I'm not sure this us going to go the way you think it will.

Have droit du seigneur

Enjoy your chopped up, mutilated cock.

There is no "right" way of doing things, if there was we would be in a utopia by now
No, there are varying degrees of systems that can or cannot give a civilization a steady foundation on which it organises itself, democracy is a false God of equality.
Where's that dredd .jpg?

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Thank you fren. You said it all.

What I wouldnt do for that to happen.