>vote green
how about you clean your trash yourself you lazy ass bong
Wore a tight top today lads, getting a lot more women chatting to me than usual, coffee girl even put a heart in my coffee
British Kulture. Thanks England.
Attached: kulture.webm (244x480, 955K)
bet you all thought I got nicked or OD'd didn't you lmfao
Attached: IMG_20190710_210318_resized_20190710_092930571.jpg (1560x2104, 1.19M)
Its the EU's fault that a 40 hour working week doesn't always cover the food bills
Its the EU's fault im paying bank charges when I can’t cover the bills
Its the EU's fault my rents gone up again this year
It's the EU's fault I’ll never own a home
It's the EU's fault my kids still live at home past their teens
It's the EU's fault the kids got stabbed in the park the other night
It's the EU's fault my parents cant see a doctor for 6 weeks
It's the EU's fault I cant find them decent social care
Its the EU's fault I spend fifty five pounds on train tickets every week
>its the EU's fault
Attached: 24355767.jpg (348x372, 39K)
councilcuck misinformation detected
i thought you'd ran out of money and drugs, causing you to collapse into a black hole of your own anger and self-loathing.