Why are the most beautiful, genetically pure, and healthy of the Nordic Aryan race also the most inept, weak-willed, and utterly lacking in survival instinct?
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Tell me how to survive wise one
It's because after living for centuries in a high trust, low crime society, they've become naive. And when the communists infiltrated mainstream media, academia and popular culture in the 1960s, the naive Swedish people bought it completely. The same thing happened here in Canada.
get out of the house and have fun.
they were protected by the cold for thousands of years
1, 4, 5, 3, 2
Fight me
High trust society + peace for over 200 years.
>good times create soft men
If Sweden was a bird we would be an unusually gullible dodo.
I only see Arab+White couples outside
I've been seeing this "get out of the house and have fun" spam for a while now. Anyone care to explain what it means?
>1, 4, 5, 3, 2
1, 2, 5, 3, 4
>steal their blond, blue eyed, flat butted qt3.14s
>impregnate them with your less-than-pure-white semen
>select the offspring that has the nordic phenotype except for flat-buttness and cuckiness
>throw the flat-butted cuck mongrels back into sweden
You can’t have it all
objectively correct
Its in their genes.
cause you created to perfect world for them
Underemployed divorce attorney admins looking to drum up business. Ignore it.
Je vois uniquement les couples beurette a khels.
It's probably another discord meme spammed by shills.
why are you lying
Arabs have "game"? They are still subhuman though and if left unchecked they would turn the world into another Africa
The answer is less and less religious people. Without God you become weak and insane step by step
I'm not
They're the epitome of good times creating weak men
Norwegian girls are prettier. Sweden has an undeserved reputation based on being famous for other things as well.
roll for 5
>t. Brazil
Maybe you've been to the wrong places, girls are prettier in the capital
Only the middle one is doable.
Please, have sex.
Hard times create strong men
Strong men create good times
Good times create weak men
Weak men create good times
The cycle continues
looking at the girls again, i see that #2 has better hips than #5. Thanks God!
>Weak men create good times
Even in Sweden the majority of women only date white men. The bigger problem is whites not having kids.
sweden is what happens when women get what they want
we have invited a million foreigners and using car = bad
Because the country is absolutely filled with kikes. Their entire media is owned by Jews. People don't realise how many kikes are in Sweden
jesus preached pacifism, kindness, love, and peace, swedes are closer to what jesus taught than any christian doctrine ever
They haven't had to defend their borders for a long time. The idea of foreign evil must be well.. foreign to them. I guess they had no idea what they were getting into. Weather it was the archetypal jews or the retarded youth who were to blame idk. But they are certainly so fucked now
No you dont
You fucked it up you dumb nigger
I do, are you an Arab or something?
USA destroyed that perfect world.
How do I delete a post?
yes you are you fucking cuck
5's face on 3's body
Same vein as “have sex, incel”
>posts the same shit every brainlet posts in threads similar to this one and still messes up
You can delete a post by deleting your life.
Can you show me?
You are uglier, and you invented nothing.
You must have hurt your brain while being kicked between Denmark and Sweden all those years.
>short legs long torso
American, Dutch, Czech, Australian & Brazilian not one is Swedish.
Because he's the arab.
Who cares, it's the text that matters
this kiwi knows his shit lmao
You sound like a butthurt Arab trying to hide that you're mixing with Swedish women to create bastard offspring mutts running around fucking up the gene pool
I had a big thing for the Victoria’s Secret fashion show back in the day, these are the old angels. Don’t judge me.
fair enough, i knew they were VS because of the Dutch woman but had no idea who the others are
> seething arab.
Arrogance and naviety: vjmpublishing.nz
Basically they were too naive to realise how terrible niggers and Muslims are, and too arrogant to admit that they couldn't civilise them either.
The truth is scary and I never go outside: The post
Nordic people have high Mongoloid admixture, its why they struggle to grow body hair, a trait almost exclusively Caucasian
Exclusively Turkish
This map disagrees with you
>Nordic people have high Mongoloid admixture, its why they struggle to grow body hair, a trait almost exclusively Caucasian
They are Slavic
Look at you now though, negative interest rates and rape capital of Europe.
Also Denmark - rough looking girls which are the most masculine in Europe. LULz.
its because the old way of doing things
(conquest of other nations, colonizing, etc)
was what made our men so full of life and strength
nowdays some faggot goes on a video game and has conquest against some pixels and has no drive to protect his women or nation
Thats called .1% bodyfat, fatfuck.
that comment true?kek
the left cant meme, that's all
shills are mad they cant take over Jow Forums so they think convincing people to not shitpost will allow them to take over the narrative
they dont realize we can go outside and shitpost
But we've had good times for hundreds of years
Asuka is fucking hot
Why do they pick models to make them look like thaey are the average swede
Real swedes look like goblins
Thats a pelvis you fucking fat retard
i love tummies
3, 5, 1, 2, 4.
Never thought I'd rank Kate Upton in 4th place. Who are the other qts? I probably have pics of them saved somewhere but I forget their names.
That's a brand so you can see who owns the cow.
That's a Finn and those are Slavs, retard
Ah. They're all Victoria's Secret models.
...don't try to rank them all, fellas.
americans live in a strange bubble. they've been robbed of their sense of ethnicity because they're all mutts.
far away from niggers and mudslims
until now :^)
prepare uranus to get enriched™
You had one job nigger.
Obviously 1 is the most gorgeous, however, 2, 4, and 5 have pretty faces, but awful looking torsos. Good hips on 3.
Yeah sure. The USA invaded your country and forced sjw bullshits down your throat
2 of them are weird looking
2 of them are man looking
1 is meh
We have genetically pure Americans. For instance, Stephen King and Elizabeth Warren are both examples of the "New Englander" phenotype.
Every European is a mutt to some degree. It's just that Americans intermixed more recently, which shows in genetic tests.
Matthew 10:21-23
Matthew 7:6
Weird how all the problems appear 100 years after the West abandons Christianity...
Is destroying your nation and the natural family a sign of love?
imagine all of them are getting BL_CK_D right now
stephen king is jewish, you faceblind retard. keep coping.
>genetically pure
What does that even mean? How is having Neanderthal DNA pure? What a stupid concept.