This mongrel is considered one of the top 5 most attractive males in america

>this mongrel is considered one of the top 5 most attractive males in america
Where did it all go so wrong?

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That's a Hapa.

polynesian mongrel is considered Hapa?
if polynesians are chinks then they're weird monstruous ones.

Even my grandma was going on about how sexy he is when she went to see aqua man lmao.

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Technically it is, but like calling a paki an Asian, without clarification, it’s really misleading to use it that way. You’ll see a lot of yellow fever losers spamming Jason Momoa as the average hapa.

He shaved off his beard and women were horrified.

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groovy granny

He's hit the wall, honestly.


U can't touch this

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Honestly have no idea who this is

Rare it is that I see something that makes me angry. I'm fucking livid rn

Poor girl, I hate this clown world.

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Fuck off, he's white

Females are savage creatures with the emotional intelligence of a 7 year old. Don't mind them as they destroy all that is good in this forsaken world.

It's commonly known women prefer mixed or minority men. Just look at all the amateur porn out there. It's full of white women having sex with minorities.

which is a mongrel

I mean this is getting ridiculous, no wonder they're trying to make it legal.


If you're famous and are seen as desirable to women, it doesnt matter what u look like you dumb fuck

He's a Mestizo Hawaiian that looks sort of Mexican and is married to a black woman.

His fanbase is Mexicans, Hapas, and black women.

I was waiting for some memeflag to say this too.

I often think about this. On one hand it’s bad that white women are listing after non white men. But at the same time whenever you look into these men you realize that they have very white features. Pic related looks white and that’s why he’s attractive.