Do I look Finnish or Sami? My mother told me that her grandmother is actually from Finland, not Germany...

Do I look Finnish or Sami? My mother told me that her grandmother is actually from Finland, not Germany, but 23andme said I was part German.

What does this mean? I also have Polish roots on my dad's side

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I wouldn't know i have never met someone that is Finnish. However you do look like a dope that needs a shave and a better haircut. You could also trim 10 kgs so your jawline can be visible.

Neither u just uglay

you look like you got G'NOMED

Attached: images (25).jpg (739x415, 13K)

ayy lmao downsyndrome wifebeating mick

Attached: 1561698474011.jpg (588x1000, 263K)

You look fat


I'm 130 lbs and 5'5 manlet tho. Very skinny actually

Taking a pic with a phone is difficult

You are
>pic related

Attached: f2d2232fc5ee49db279b02d729abcc68,780,0,0,0.jpg (779x519, 74K)