Continuation of second amendment information spreading campaign

Continuation of second amendment information spreading campaign.

Last thread 219238440

Attached: 896A2F32-1B1E-4208-8FE1-D7AA7931A5D2.jpg (286x400, 28K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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PSA ARs are around $450. Buy two

Attached: 80AE8AE3-169F-4131-92A0-3ECC33801019.jpg (370x370, 10K)

Attached: Guns were less lethal.png (960x767, 872K)


Attached: Brady Campaign Rape.jpg (1920x1200, 365K)

Somebody post the infographic about how more Americans bought guns in a month than the US military has total. It also says something about how there are more weapons owned by US citizens than the rest of the nations armies combined.

Attached: A32F832B-7656-4050-85E2-93F3C19CED3D.jpg (600x393, 58K)

Attached: a new way to resist rape.png (508x764, 310K)

Attached: 1519414227328.jpg (800x552, 134K)

Concealed firearms are one of the most important tools a citizen should own. Protect yourself and your family

Attached: 593D9A6A-3954-42C3-9EB8-E77D8B1970F8.jpg (1260x878, 196K)

which brand should I buy?