Wtf are we supposed to do when kikes start coming for countries like mine? I know that mass non-white immigration with the purpose of replacing the native population is much more prevalent in areas/countries with a lot of (((them))) and that are slightly more developed and richer, but let's face it, it's going to come to us too and it's not going to be nice. Based on what we could see from other countries, they weren't really able to fight it off, furthermore, they didn't even really have a say at all in some (most) occasions. So how the hell could we stop it and is there even a way to influence anything anyway?
White genocide
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kill politicians willing to enforce the agenda of the kikes, until no one is willing to step up to push anti-white agenda. There is no other way. (nofbi)
Your country only exists because of Krauts and Kikes, so they don’t need to come for it, they already own you bitches.
>wtf are we supposed to do?
Protest, argue and riot. It's inevitable though but at least you can preserve your country as the least diversified in the block
How many politicians did you kill? None and that's why Fingolia is being blacked.
Not an argument. I am telling you what works, not boasting of my own deeds.
Now this is fedposting
Do SUPOniggers glow in the dark?
>y-you cant say that
absolute cuck
Tell me I'm wrong, faggot. You can't, because I'm not. Are you afraid of something, or whence the reaction?