Is the Lion King remake /our movie/?
Is the Lion King remake /our movie/?
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they're just mad there wasn't any gorillas in the movie for black people to steal the role from.
>The race of the protagonist in a Danish story
Doesn't matter lol
>The race of the voices of talking animals in a story made by white & Jewish people, ripping off something Japanese
Matters so much they all have to be black.
sigh.. what's the problem this time?
No, it's just that nothing will ever be enough for liberals after you once pander to them in anything.
But how!!
Scar and bad dogs dark?
The monkey literally baptizes simba
>takes place in africa
>african animals
>main character, his father, and main villain are african americans
Yup, too white for me. We need to get rid of these white movies. Between this and Black Panther I'm disgusted Disney is even still allowed to make movies. They're just too white.
It really wasnt that good the first time. Disney made it to highlight the new cgi tech they had at the time, the new one...dunno. Kind of pales if comparing it to student and artist work on youtube. There not much to it watching the trailers, suppose they need something on the screen for the summer vacation.
Hamlet isn't Japanese.
It's almost all niggers doing the voices...
What's white about this now?
I don't even want to bite the bait anymore, I'm full.
And the only one who isn't is a kike.
>“The first thing to understand about “The Lion King” is that it isn’t in any way about lions, or any other animal species. As in every fable, a variety of cute and cuddly figures stand in for human societal organizations. Mapping our internalized social hierarchies onto the pristine and “neutral” world of the animal kingdom renders these power dynamics natural, common-sense and desirable. But by using predator-prey relationships to allegorize human power, the film almost inevitably incorporates the white supremacist’s worldview, one in which some groups of people are inherently superior to others.”
It is just hamlet
>sigh.. what's the problem this time?
black actors have to read and memorise the plot
-reading and memorzing is for wyte ppl so its racis
i think this is that
disgusting jew tales
The kimba is japanese
>The white mane
>the white man
Don't know user, How does it end?
They’re not wrong at all.
>defends natural hierarchy of animal races and pretty much explicitly states that some races are superior to others
>Simba’s father tells him to stop lounging about like a warthog nigger and claim his birthright as a lion
>Scar and the hyenas are literally just Jews
i've only ever seen 1 movie worthy of being called /our movie/
>article about an article
Here’s the real reason.
Niggers have no desire to see this movie because they hate animals. They are only able to love the human form because of their extreme self obsession. Only whites are capable of loving animals and nature.
Eco Fascism: The Movie
If you reach far up your ass and think of the lions (the pride) as muh hwhites, and the invading hyenas (migrants) as muh minorities, then sure it's raycis.
If Scar is a jew, then so are the other lions since they are related
The potential for memes though...
This could be the new orc-posting.
I hope Hollywood never touch Esope or La Fontaine.
>The best contrived deceit
>Can hurt its own contriver,
>And perfidy doth often cheat
>Its author's purse of every stiver.
He’s Jewish in the sense that he comes to power through betrayal, deceit, and subversion of the natural hierarchy
Didn't the genome project prove that kikes are mosty European? So having different factions (religions) of one species wouldn't be too far off.
mother fucking LIONS was always viewed as KING of jungles in FUCKING every nation that had ANY exposure to LIONs in nature.
africans, indians, arabs, persians, greeks,romans. what? all of these people have internalized white supremacy?!
Is this cunt talking about the old lion king?
he's a symbolic jew you imbecile
They Jewed niggers to put their voices under white supremacy propaganda? xDDDD
probably gives nogs ancestral ptsd from when simba used to eat they asses
>actual, literal African lions
>white supremacy
Fucking long nose tribe.
Don’t be shit talking James Earl Jones you fag
>It really wasnt that good the first time
shit taste. Animated movie is kino and iconic for a reason.
Of course not. It’s just that the bar for “white supremacy” has been set so low, that anything which isn’t directly and explicitly calling for the complete elimination of the white race is considered “white supremacy”
>muh based black guy
Every time a story has a powerful, high-achieving group of people the left projects whiteness onto them. Almost like a tacit, unconscious admission that whites really are the master race
Yes, because we were the kangz in every place. True story.
and I thought we reached peak SJW when they accused Mary Poppins of blackface racism for having chimney soot on her face.
At least I know you're ignorant as fuck. Lion king was a complete ripoff.
Jow Forums still got it. fpbp.
Per ususal. FPBP.
>Dan Hassler-Forest is an author and public speaker on media franchises, cultural theory, and political economy. He lives in the Netherlands and works as assistant professor in the Media Studies department of Utrecht University.
hi Dan
fuck that website is pure cancer
That really does sound like it.
>Something is good
White devil invention
>Someone behaves correctly
Rrreeeee patriarchy and religious dogma
>Someone is good at something
It's unfair, it's because of privileges we can't do the same
Jealousy and inferiority complex.
Have you seen the Lion King? Scar was the bad guy, had dark-fur, was commie pro-open borders (despite the fact that they used Nazi imaginery).
The Hyenas were spic stereotypes and the whole place went to shit after Scar let them in.
I was expecting them to change the script desu.
TIL only white people have hierarchies and proud pocs only dance around the maypole hand in hand
the absolute state of bougie intersectionalism
Fuckin kek mon frère
Have a baguette and some muslim rapefugees
Why are commies and marxists getting platforms on major media outlets now?
you must be at east 18 years old to post, newfag.
these are straight up commies and a ton of them
I've never seen so many, every now again someone like noam chompsky would get a article
but it seems everything from NYT to gamer shit like kotaku to metal sucks all higher commies exclusively
It's always been that way. Satan wasn't born yesterday.
It's "fascistic", apparently
>But as nostalgic as “Circle of Life” may make us feel, this bombastic scene is also a painful reminder of the film’s ideological agenda: It introduces us to a society where the weak have learned to worship at the feet of the strong.
>As we watch the herbivores congregate to bow down before their newborn ruler, “The Lion King” presents a seductive worldview in which absolute power goes unquestioned and the weak and the vulnerable are fundamentally inferior. In other words: “The Lion King” offers us fascist ideology writ large, and there is no obvious way out for the remake.
>As a fable, “The Lion King” isn’t really about lions — or any other animal species. Instead, a variety of cute and cuddly creatures stand in for a deeply human way of organizing society. But mapping our own social hierarchies onto the pristine and “neutral” animal kingdom makes these power dynamics seem natural, common-sense and even desirable. And by using predator-prey relationships to allegorize human power structures, the film almost inevitably incorporates a worldview in which the rulers’ power derives from their biological superiority.
>Doubling down on Disney’s historical obsession with patriarchal monarchies, it places the audience’s point of view squarely with the autocratic lions, whose Pride Rock literally looks down upon all of society’s weaker groups — a kind of Trump Tower of the African savanna. When grand patriarch Mufasa explains patiently to his son how this division of power works, he emphasizes that the king must maintain balance in their kingdom. This seems acceptable when we think about the environment, where we associate “balance” with sustainability. But when we consider that he’s really explaining to his heir why the natural order makes it normal for kings to devour the peasants, the lions’ perspective feels a lot more unsettling.
Because their college professors are commies that only indoctrinate and so the only pool of new blood to hire are their students.
There are some similarities in the art of Kimba and The Lion King, but that's all. And Tezuka obviously drew in a Disney-inspired style.
>Bad as it is that the powerful are presented as inherently better than all other species, things get substantially worse once the hyenas are introduced. With the lions standing in for the ruling class, and the “good” herbivores embodying society’s decent, law-abiding citizens, the hyenas transparently represent the black, brown and disabled bodies that are forcefully excluded from this rigidly hierarchical society. Noticeably marked by their ethnically coded “street” accents, the hyenas blatantly symbolize racist and anti-Semitic stereotypes of “verminous” groups that form a threat to society.
>Just as fascist leaders constantly pinpoint specific groups to vilify and cast out from their view of a “balanced” society, the film’s heroes are preoccupied with keeping their kingdom free of contamination by undesirable characters, who are consigned to the shadowy ghettolike areas “beyond our borders” — on the wrong side of the tracks. With these elements in place, the film’s plot centers on what happens when the “natural” supremacy of patriarchal rule is interrupted. This betrayal of tradition is predictably orchestrated by Scar, the misfit lion whose desire to advance the status of minorities is presented in a way that resembles conservative caricatures of liberal politicians — wherein compassion is supposedly a masked form of opportunism. Simultaneously, his effeminate gestures and apparent lack of interest in heterosexual reproduction mark him as queer, like Jafar, Ursula and the vast majority of other villains in Disney’s rigidly heterosexual world. Adding insult to injury, the social outcasts’ rebellion against Mufasa’s autocratic regime is explicitly associated with the imagery of goose-stepping Nazis.
it gets better
But as so often in Hollywood films, the explicit Nazi iconography serves primarily to distract us from the heroes’ own fascism. Simba’s final ascent to the throne, his masculine roar returning Scar’s dystopia to its Edenic natural state, represents nothing less than the Führer Principle at work: the idea that those we entrust with positions of leadership are blessed with a natural, even divine superiority. Adherents of this principle present those who question or rebel against it as genetically inferior, malicious beings who must learn to acknowledge their proper place in the social order. As critic Matt Roth has written, the movie thereby idolizes bullies by mythologizing the most brutal social principles: “Only the strong and the beautiful triumph, and the powerless survive only by serving the strong.”
>there wasn't
Why are people allowed to talk like niggers now?
Lions confirmed Honorary Aryans
Those morons can't even differentiate between fascism and feudalism. Who taught those plebeians? Or rather not teach them.
No, it's Hamlet with animals.
Imagine unironically believing this.
The absolute state of the right.
Lmao, dude, SOME? All the most iconic scenes are direct ripp-offs.
based movie
kids need to get redpilled early
I'm just sick of them remaking these movies live action, just shittier versions of the cartoons. Disney has no originality left.
To see must be racist...
never seen it, summerfren
these cgi remakes look so wrong
That's literally what happens in the movie, lefties have been complaining about that for decades.
>scar's gay
>lack of heterosexual relationships
Scar got just as much pussy as mufasa wtf. He's not effeminate at all, he just presented as intelligent rather than strong.
My ex really loved this movie, randomly and surprisingly. The one that got away
Hamlet is like human Lion King but Simba gets killed by Scar at the end. Well, vice-versa but you get the point.
summer is eternal, baby kiddo
The 21st century was a mistake. It is nothing but trash.
"Fascist" should be read as "counter-leftist" or "good." The fascists were the only people who rolled back the left to any appreciable degree post-Enlightenment, so they get the honor.
Not literally, Jesus fucking Christ you human faceplam
>White supremacy
What I see in the left is a merciless and limitless will to power which the mainstreet right simply does not share.
This movie any good?
So instead of seeing white supremacy everywhere, you see jews everywhere.
Funny. And if you watch it with a Jow Forums mind, it's meh at the end but rest is fun.
Bit like the handmaid's tale, you can appreciate it because they try so hard to ridicule something nice.
Whatever. Lots of Tezuka's work had Western inspiration. Intellectual property is fake and gay.
The book is better.
Post-modern faggotry's been going on for a long time, user.