Fun fact about Mexico

Fun fact about Mexico

Our taquerias don't even need electricity to work. They either use Propane, Charcoal Briquetes and/or Lumber.

Cold drinks are stored on "Hieleras" with nothing but ice.

We are pretty much prepare for the Technological Apocalipsis, and you guys can't even handle being shadowbanned from Twitter.

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>is prepared for the apocalypse
that's because you live in a literal mad max hellscape.

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I see that as an absolute win

You should man the fuck up

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Aztlan soon brother

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>we can't take the kids to user restaurant
>they need wifi to survive

meanwhile, Mexican kids playing outside the restaurant, having fun

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Lmaoing at your life if you think our yougests generations are different from the pozzed up Americans

Sorry, I can't hear you

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who the fuck needs WiFi when you can have Haide Unique serving you tacos

Seriously, man the fuck up guys!

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>Our taquerias don't even need electricity to work
I used to work with a Mexican guy that said when the gas went out they would use diesel fuel at their tortilla factory on the border.

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You can also use wood gas, or just plain lumber.
"Tortillas hechas a mano" are even better than industrialized ones

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live in crime ghetto. waiting for the rest of the world to turn into ghetto, instead of uplifting their own communities to a better level.
is this jewish mexican?

For the Taco Virgins out there, This is a tortilleria. It is a machine that makes tortillas. Tortillas must be eaten on the same hour they were baked, or else, they are trash.

We don't buy tortillas on a zipbag on a super market, like most of you cucks do.

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man the 3rd world looks disgusting

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based af, beananon. I may join you down there when SHTF

I like you Mexibro. Not enough to let your smelly family into my nation, but enough to respect your near cannibalistic nature.

Now if you would only consume those 100,000 faggots traveling in your country to get to mine.

You forget the trash everywhere and no working plumbing

>I've never been camping or backpacking
It's just a different standard. Some things are a bad idea, like shitting in the pond you fish from or pissing on your crops, but you can get some damn good cooking with simple facilities as long as it's 1st world enough to common sense sanitary practices.

>ass tattoo

Agreed that we need to get back to basics with shit
Grilled is always, ALWAYS better than stovetop, and learning how to get by without electricity is liberating
We have it way too nice. We've had it way too nice. That's why America never really developed its own cuisine apart from areas that were impoverished (Appalachia and the South)
My fiancee's dad is from Celaya so I have an out if shit gets bad up here, so there's that

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I guess the lack of niggers does trigger you

I understand, german user

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congrats on having a restaurant, i guess
now get back to me when your women don't look like bratz dolls and your music isn't the same accordion garbage with the same bass-treble-bass-treble hook for every single fucking song

>won't you take me to funkytown
>won't you take me to funkytown

Stay there then.
Spread the word of how good it is cause your people obviously aren't aware.

I live in San Antonio, Texas.
Your pictures remind me of my city, I guess my city is basically Mexico at this point.


mexicans are same as niggers to me.

it's a start, shame about the women though, more makeup than a department store

I've heard of Mexican Coke, but not Mexican Cope.

Your retarded ass is too busy staring at the girl to notice the mold on the walls, the filth and grease, the clutter, the unhygienic food prep center... You all need to stay in your third world shithole.

is it because you get cucked by both? I understand

>unzips pants

Mexicans are also nonwhite low IQ subhumans.

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If mexico is so good and so much better than the usa then stay there, subhuman spic goblinós

Christ that place is filthy.

Fucking spics are nasty.

fucking lol!

Mexico has less niggers than France and Germany

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yeah, that's a lot of makeup, looks like kissing her would taste like chalk

>no real economy and everyone is poor as niggers
>corrupt shithole with lots of crime
>racemixed subhumans make a big part of the population
>they speak a primitive language
>no hygiene standard and trash everywhere

how are mexicans different from niggers?

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Pretty cool

Spotted the canadian faggot

yeah but it has mexicans

Fucking disgusting. Imagine the smell

That’s why we’re so chad

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>will never be served tripa tacos by a brrrraapp latina
>why live

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>Tortillas must be eaten on the same hour they were baked, or else, they are trash.
what the fuck im reading.

Spotted the spic

“Me American! Me live in ‘land of free’! But me no like big scary smelly brown people coming to kill me!!”

Spotted the filthy beaner.

I spent a week in mexico, you little fuckers would go crazy for $5. An amount of money that I would literally wipe my ass with would have 3 of you dancing like spastics. Must suck having garbage genetics and a garbage homeland full of garbage people, and literal garbage.


Germans are niggers multiplied by 10 to me

It’s the land of the free because of the lack of coloured people. Show me a single country called the land of the free that is majority nigger or spic.

>Meanwhile in USA
caitlyn jenner is a Hero for becoming a masive faggot

>Meanwhile in Mexico

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Then you’re obviously non-white.

No, you 12 year old faggots, I’m just not going to worry about the cleanliness of a street food place when there are fat tits and an ass to look at.

Stay incel Jow Forums

How the fuck do you think propane and ice is made?

You lazy fuckers can’t even wash the wall. No wonder Mexico is such a fucking shithole.

If you’re not going to wash it don’t paint it white you fucking retards.

Not all the niggers act like niggers and not all the spics act like spics

Chad? Sorry there little buddy, you're off by more than a few inches

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You are reading the truth you fucking puñetas,

>prepared for the Technological Apocalipsis
>mexicans using propane
cool thread ese
pic related

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lol just get it from the store
t. mexicans

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I’m the 12 year old when you can’t split your focus from a pair of tits? Are you fucking stiff already? I remember puberty too.

Get back to me when 4/10 tits don’t control your life, spic.

Yes yes, stay there

Name a single nice country that is majority nigger or spic.

>Hardmode: No tourist destinations

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Tortas are better.

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Actually I’m white
But i don’t have a single drop of filthy German on me

Implying I value the opinion of someone who lives in shit, surrounded by people the colour of shit, in a country that thrives in shit.

I make more money selling junk on the internet on weekends than 90% of your entire nation.

Wouldn't incels be the ones making a big deal out of nudity? If you're this easily led by your dick you're going to make some woman a nice divorce settlement some day.

You guys are scrambling to steal gas in your own country, while your leaders laugh at you being comfortable in literal squalor. You have little to be proud of, save for your basic camping know-how.

Better than hamburguers, yes!

They are the masculine version of burgers

I prefer to not dine in a shitty abandoned air hanger with no air conditioning. You people are goddamn animals.

Underrated post

You fuckers can't stand being in a place without AC
what a bunch of cucks!

Swallowed all of it?

My dog sleeps in a nicer place than that, and they can’t even be assed to care.

They think their filthy-ness is a joke. It’s actually pathetic. I know retarded kids who can look after themselves better.

I fucking love Mexico

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Its devastating what low T is doing to the west. Get yourselves checked out my little incels.

Remember when men wanted pussy?
I expect it out from a gender neutral leaf, but you, user?

How can you make ice without electricity? Does is snow year round there ? Or gather the propane without electrical equipment.

And spics can’t survive winter without a heater, who cares.

At least we aren’t surrounded by filth.

>News at 8:00, extreme temperature can kill. Mexicans too stupid to comprehend.

More like this?

>repurpose shitty abandoned air hanger to house "food" shacks
>mold and grease everywhere
>"eees good food! Joo Americans estupida"
Stay. In. Your. Shithole.

Chapo's capture

Can't handle living with no AC? Lmao how cucked are you.
And it's hangar* Tyrone.

>spics are proud of this

How do you make life in Mexico worse?
Threaten to use nukes on them.
How do you make it better?
Actually doing it.

Is he circumcising that pepper

Enjoy your mixed mutt children being turned against you.


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Nice try, kike. Real men with healthy T levels don’t let women control their mind. Especially with their tits. That’s some grade 8 shit. If all it takes for you to lose focus is to be around some tits, you have an issue.

Remember when men were faithful? Are you saying a man from 1920 would cheat on his wife because he was exposed to some breasts? No, he wouldn’t give a shit. Because women don’t control real men, they can only control boys.

Hit me up when you turn 18 I can teach you how to shave.

They have some based people. For instance they have large construction and engineering firms, scientists etc., which are Mexicans. Africans have none and whites must do all technical operations for them.


>For instance they have large construction and engineering firms, scientists
the quality is nigger tier tho
mexicans are nonwhite subhumans

These comics don't even make sense anymore Americans need to stop taking amphetamines

Russia nuking your shit into the stone age is more plausible, you retards depend on us for everything.

>Let me just handle this raw beef bare handed
>Then I’ll grab these onions here
>Better be sure to use the same knife, don’t want extra dishes

Me neither

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