>Be single mom
>Be pastor
>So shopping for sex toys during religious conference
>Buy sex toys for congregants, other female minister, and a gay male minister in committed relationship
>Christianity in 2019
Pastor ousted for sex toys
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This is Satan's world.
Everything is corrupted, and all power has been handed to those who would worship the beast.
If y'all don't think the end is near, y'all haven't been paying attention
Riverside church in New York.
>gay minister
>female minister
>trust in god
>trust in people that claim to talk to god
I can talk to god myself. ..
>At the register, Butler quipped, “Is this a church business expense?” and “pulled out the church credit card” — although it’s unclear if she actually used it to make the purchase, the source said.
>Trouble started brewing during the previous year, after Butler penned an essay titled “From #MeToo to #ChurchToo to #NeverAtChurch,” that claimed a male “lay leader” at Riverside had behaved “inappropriately” toward her and other female staffers.
sex toys = celibacy
>female and gay clergy
What the fuck is this protestant shit
Something tells me the male ministers weren’t buying people sex toys while at a religious conference.
Proddies get the rope