Jow Forums likes to whine about foreign drugs but curiously never seems to blame the user.
So what percentage of pic related is the drug user’s fault and what percentage of it is the drug dealer’s fault?
Explain your reasoning.
Jow Forums likes to whine about foreign drugs but curiously never seems to blame the user.
So what percentage of pic related is the drug user’s fault and what percentage of it is the drug dealer’s fault?
Explain your reasoning.
Meth is mostly cooked up in the bible belt by white biker gangs. Read up on fbi files.
Somehow her teeth managed to survive...
What the fuck
Is that a cool wine aunt?
I think most people turn to drugs because of mental illness, and then get hooked and turn into your pictures because of the steady supply
It's an epidemic at this point and they could easily focus resources on stopping it completely but then the DEA and "justice" system would lose huge amounts of money
When I was a teenager I bought 600 benzos off the street and they were still in the blister packs that come straight from the pharma companies
Either someone stole them in transport or someone high up is just letting them disappear out the back door
Would love to hear someone else's theory on how they made it to the street because it has troubled me for years
They were in ~24 count blister packs and I've never seen then prescribed that way
OP pic related is a 10/10 in bongland
Gollum was a Stoor Hobbit of the River-folk, who lived near the Gladden Fields. Originally known as Sméagol, he was corrupted by the One Ring and later named Gollum after his habit of making "a horrible swallowing noise in his throat".
Will add that the guy didn't even flinch when I said 600 so he must have had thousands, he also had fentanyl patches and every other narcotic available in a pharmacy
I have a grasp on the opiate trade, some old lady with cancer gets 120 80mg oxys and takes what she needs and sells the rest for $1 a mg, but those don't come in packs they are counted and bottled at the pharmacy