Jeffrey Epstein Offers Court $32 Million Child Pornography Collection As Bail
I think he's going to have a heart attack soon.
$32 million collection? Who valued it? Will he give names?
did they get those values from the kelley pink book?
>bribing the pedos prosecuting you with CP
a smart move
I always thought the clown world meme was lame, artificial and forced; but idk what else to say except fucking honk
Everyone needs to watch this!
Beware the grabler
I believe it.
>bro have my cp collection and let me go k?
>OP thought the onion was a reputable news source and not a satire website
you do understand that this is not true right?
>Sotheby's of London has done extensive market analysis and research into the authenticity and salability of Mr. Epstein's comprehensive collection.
What was the court going to do, auction off the CP collection?
do you think the usa gov has not sold tons of drugs? or millions in arms to terrorists? you think they will draw the line at selling tasteful kiddie porn?
Its WHO is performing sick sex acts with the kids on the collection, Big names! Schumer, British royals, just about EVERY sleazy politician or actor. The true blackmail value alone is in the Trillions!!
Yeah, but you can't put up your trunk full of coke that the cops seized as collateral for bail, even if they turn around and snort it or sell it themselves.
Perhaps its value is higher than what can be lawfully seized. Then again knowing our High Bandit police forces there probably isn't a limit.
I believe they can keep it as evidence, but they can't sell it or give it away. Kind of like if they catch you with something iffy, they might be content with just destroying it depending on the circumstances. But if you transmit it to somebody else then you're in a whole different circumstance.
Kind of how they probably don't care much if you posses weed, and might even just let you keep it. But if you're a dealer or possess large quantities that suggest an intent to distribute, then that's a different ballgame.
so you trying to tell me that the usa never dealt in drugs?
No, not at all. Just that they don't liquidate contraband and give you the money.
>Perhaps its value is higher than what can be lawfully seized.
So literal infinity?
>Hurr durr let's steal someone's boat because they might have fucked a kid on it.
There are limits. It just depends on exactly how the limits are described.