I need help guys, I'm an quadroon, but I'm very white, I would consider my self a white nationalist because ive only ever known my white side, I hate being a mutt, a disgusting product of Irish and nigger genes, I hate it so much. What do i do, how can I be a white nationalist, yet a disgusting mutt.
>Inb4 retarded 1/4 nigger, I have an iq of 122 so I'm not fucking retarded.
I need help guys, I'm an quadroon, but I'm very white...
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Be outspoken about white genocide and try to make it mainstream. then use your nigger genes as a defense.
Retardation comes in many shapes and forms. Some of them do not preclude a high IQ.
Retarded nigger.
>Irish and nig
>I have an iq of 122
I do Sven, I talk to my friends about it, drop little red pills as often as I can in regular conversation
Dude idgaf live with it stop using deep seeded issues for your depression. Instead of putting it on your ethnicity fuck wad. Nobody fucking cares other than retards.
I mean it's true, my father was only about 22% and my mom is just a half nigger and half white
Never mary and live life having sex with escorts. Take the courtesan pill and live like a renaissance king. You can fight for a cause but just keep your nigger genes.
Wow really my retarded post gets these digis fuck
Venti, just get off the Internet, clean up your goddamn house and marry someone already
bro,i am not a quadroon.
one of my iq's was 141.
i dont study for iq test, just get brought there 1 afternoon/upset cause i want to play after school not go do more sped test.
but no. Munchhausen by proxy says go do autism tests.
my verbal skills are fucking 89.
the level of a nigger.
fuck my life.
Irish and nigger? Ur kidding right
Fuck man. I just want to have white children and raise them to be strong and understand. I hate being a goddamn mutt
Only 22% irish
I think you misread 14.1, Tyrone.
true potatonigger...
in the heezy as you niggers say
Micks love fucking niggers. Why do you think 90% of niggers have an O' or a Mc in their name?
You can still do it nigger, just ya know, marry a white girl and be respectful desu.
No clue what the fuck heezy means, like I said I only know my white side, grew up in a white neighborhood
lots of lower class micks fucked and married blacks due to both of them living in ghettos and having very low social standing. the smart, non-retarded irish immigrants to america bred with anglos and germans, or marrying within other irish families, many of which became extremely wealthy business owners, politicians, and educators. The retarded irish who mixed with blacks just have mulatto descendants with often irish last names. If you ever meet a black with an Irish last name (you often do), now you know why.
user, the bad news it you're not white enough
The good news is you're not black enough
The great news it that you're above the bare-minimum IQ to pursue a life of self-improvement and become a great man regardless of your racial ancestry.
Maybe not a great and known man, but a man who is erudite and handy. Fit is recommended, but I prefer the first two to being fit if you can't manage all three.
You belong in white nationalism, since it's for brainlet white egalitarians and dysgenic retards. Stay far, far away from any National Socialist label though. Mongrels like you don't belong.
So no ethnostate for me, but I can live without being lynched, I can deal with that
Cause they where our slaves so they took ou last names... barely any nigger kept their actualt names from africa
>What do i do,
Try to maximise the probability of your genes surviving. Same as everyone. Let evolution decide which parts of you are nigger-tier and in need of purging.
Believe me, you won't survive boogaloo.
I don't see a problem with white nationalism, I don't want to kill every other minority, I just want to be around whites
Remember why maclom X changed his last name to X, cause no blacks have original last names, they where givin names. Irish and black mix is very fucking rare
Who cares, go get a white girl and then your kids are 1/8th. The more irish/british she is the better.
It's not enough to be the basis for a worldview. "If you're white, you're alright!" is not an ideology. Some whites deserve death. A moral standard should be upheld. Also, if we can conquer and eliminate others, why shouldn't we? Aryan empire now. Perfect white world tomorrow.
you literally type like you have a sub 90 iq.
Idk, I'm pretty decent with survival skills, I'd just lay low, start a farm, live pretty traditionally
Jesus had it wrong.
It's the Mutts who shall inherit the earth.
Ill let you marry one but only a ex coal burner without blue eyes and blonde hair, deal ?
I mean to say that you will be lynched. No muds in my yard! And this whole country is my yard.
Post hand
Look less at my grammer and more at my point homo
I agree, but I say "stay around whites" because they're less likely to do nigger shit, I don't think all whites are perfect, but I prefer whites over niggers all day
Thats terrible, stay single or marry a nigger.
Okay, nigger.
Is your mother or your father the one that's half groid
dont corrupt a white girl
but you can corrupt a happa or part latino chick
Here's is my leg
Stop hanging out here and make some bank with your big brain. Identify as an individual instead of the product ancestors. Make America Great Again. Cheers.
I need help in seeing this Polish girls boobies
My mother.
Why would you want him to breed at all? Take that flag off.
you cant have white children no matter how much you want it, its impossible and you can thank your shite parents for that.
it doesnt make you an enemy of course, if anything it gives you more of a role, its just not as a father.
>Stop hanging out here and make some bank with your big brain.
122 isnt that big brain, its well above average though, if he works himself into the ground on something he can make something of himself but it isnt an easy thing to ask.
Its possible for them to mix but extremely rare, and to use niggers last name as proof of their ethnicity is retarded, that means every nigger in America is english and irish
Kill yourself ASAP
>those shorts
You should be as worried about being a faggot as you are about being a nigger.
Heh. What about adoption? Adopt a white child, raise him to love his race and history?
Hm. Well, stop hating yourself for things you can't control. Find yourself a white wife and stop grovelling to random faggots on Jow Forums.
t. Halfrican
Ah, you're a girl, aren't you?
>that means every nigger in America is english and irish
Yes. Which is why they have an 85 mean IQ, rather than the 60 they do in Africa.
I am 100% straight
Adopt a kid lol
Don't hate yourself for things you didn't cause and can't change. Jet be an american and you and I can get along.
Lol. No one believes that shit.
In the end chap I say good luck. What your parents did to you was awful. If I see you dur9ng the boogaloo just shout "G(n)igger Man it's me" and I'll I won't kill you eh? That a good deal?
That's actually indicative of proper autism. Well done user, you've got the real thing, not just Jow Forums autism.
you should know the rules
>pic related
Oh ur a mulatto
Thanks lad, if we meet, you get some of my farm land
Sorry to break it to you my nigga but you don't have an IQ of 122. Fake online tests aren't worth shit besides the self-esteem boost retards get from taking them and scoring in top percentiles.
It's actually really hard to adopt a white child, because not only do whites rarely have kids nowadays, but unwanted children get aborted.
Youy can't. Don't reproduce with a white person, go and get a nigga to reproduce with cause your genes are allready destroyed
It was an actual test
Get your tubes tied Venti. Ronda Rousey is an octaroon and look at how niggerish she acts; this is how your offspring would probably turn out.
Look, Jamal. That time Mr. Goldsteinberg had you over to learn about "biology" as a kid? That wasn't an IQ test.
John Coltrane / Evolution
Blacks are great musicians. The white man chose to inherit rock and roll, chose to inherit jazz and chose to inherit rap. Kanye or future Kanye will lead the charge of american negros to go make africa great by force someday
You and me both fren. Quadroon master race rise up!
122 is 91st percentile.
furthermore there is room for all to fight under this banner because this banner will conquer the stars
>What about adoption?
It sounds like you want to use a childs whiteness to validate your own background, use it as a status symbol, its the same low IQ bullshit that has the whole world wanting to move to white countries.
I'm not accusing you of this specifically but the logic is similar, the above shitskins coming here have no interest in destroying white culture, history or a white future, its purely about white women here and now like the impulsive monkeys they are.
Wanting white children and a white girlfriend is a totally different ambition to wanting a family of your own, having children is not about taking ownership of things to larp with.
If you want to adopt a white child and raise them well, make sure you are worthy of it, have more money than you, your partner and the child will ever need for the rest of its life so it will always have protection.
ITs obvious, ur trying to say every nigger has little white blood in them so you feel less bad about being a smoothie
122 isnt even that high, its pretty normal
So does every shitskin race in the world
I suppose you're right.. well, ill try and take white children in my neighborhood under my wing and teach them the important of keeping their race pure, how identity is important and all the basics
>Blacks are great musicians.
It may be """obvious""" to you, but as you've already proved, you're clinically retarded.
It's the top 9 percent.
I just want white children, I want the white race to flourish
>I'm an quadroon, but I'm very white
>I have an iq of 122
lol you're a nigger
are you some type of primativist or nihilist?
Rappers arent musicians retard.
Neither. I'm a human with ears. Whatever you just posted hurts those ears.
Nothing your kind produces is, nigger.
some are, some are not, but they are entertainers and they are artists. They are messengers.
a love for a music eternal and sacred
a spoken tradition both modern and ancient
You can go with the blacks. In the land of 85iq the man with >100 iq is king of the kangz.
this song is the 369 Tesla meme in musical format
it is mathmatically prooven by douglass hoffstedder that souls can be of different sizes
imagine having a soul smaller than a dead nigger
Which still accounts for 70-80million white people with a higher IQ than him, 50-60million men, 15-20million in the US, most of them men. Globally including chinks hes competing with another 2-300million with a higher IQ.
I already acknowledged that it was well above average and he could do well with a ton of work thatll leapfrog him over most of that 20million us men with an IQ advantage over him but "big brain" easy mode not so much.
Talking about percentiles is fine but lets not pretend anything is going to come easy, theres a lot of people out there, without direct nepotism getting him over the line to success hes going to have to work a shit ton harder than the rest.
Yikes, who in ur family took the test? Im sorry about ur results