Why did Jow Forums turn against him?

Why did Jow Forums get so butt hurt that he disavowed Brenton Tarrant? He was a big factor in influencing the youth, but you spergs got all upset because he didn’t want to be associated with terrorists. The truth is Pewdiepie never turned on Jow Forums, he just didn’t want to be associated with people like Brenton Tarrant and John Earnest.

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I didn't turn on him

He is a good boy and he dindu nothing

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Because Jow Forums is full of faggot edgy assholes

Fuck this jew
All he had to do was not address it. He waiting for everyone to forget about Benton and then he made a video whining about it.
He called white nationlists evil, not terrorists, not ''racists,'' not murderers, he called white nationalists evil. If you believe white people are allowed to have their own countries Pewdiepie thinks you are evil comparable to a guy shooting unarmed civilians. If you do not want to flood your country with an unlimited amount of niggers, you are evil and Pewdiepie is whining about you being one of the assholes who is ruining his gig. His million dollar career is getting a little inconvenienced by you evil assholes who want white people to survive.

>The truth is Pewdiepie never turned on Jow Forums
I don't blame him, but he never was a Jow Forumstard to begin with but a edgy faggot who tried to use Jow Forums to make money, fuck him.

Just LOL @ the people here wanting him to openly go 1488 in todays political climate. Those are obviously people with no real life experience (naivety.) Of course he isn't gong to do something like that. His job is to subvert the minds of the young. When that happens, they'll begin looking for alternative websites on their own. That's when they'll eventually make their way to us. Anyone hoping for anything more than that is beyond autistic and naive, like a child.

I glad he didn't go autistic about it. He needs to continue to do what he's been doing. No need to change a thing, or else (((they'll))) kick him off YouTube for good. Then there will be no one influencing millions of young minds for us. For some reason, a lot of autists on Jow Forums can't seem to understand this.

Got to love this strawman, as if you can choose only between going 1488 and ranting about Hitler, or you need to denounce your race and say people who care about their race are evil.
Nothing inbetween.
Gas yourself.

He disavowed Jow Forums before Tarrant in the same way Reviewbrah did. Not like I care but that's what happened.
He had some laughs, he thought he had fuck you money and could speak freely. He came here (Jow Forums) often for content because he thought there'd be a niche market he could fill now that he didn't have much OC anymore and didn't play vydia that much. Then he got sacked and gave up.

Funnily enough, idubbbz has said worse than him (only not the nazi and jew jokes) and nobody bothered him.

>Why did Jow Forums turn on reddit incarnate?
>You can only choose between shoving the jews into ovens and telling the general public that whites who want to preserve their race are pure evil.

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Step a bit too close to the fire and you get burnt. He got burnt. If he goes too hard they'll push him into the fire.

He's obv protecting his kiddy bucks but once you go redpill there's no way back.

>Got to love this strawman
Give me a freakin break. It's not a stawman at all you literal autist.

> Pewdiepie remotely mentions anything at all either pro/neutral about white nationalism = Jews kicking him off YouTube and nothing being achieved

> Pewdiepie not associating himself with white nationalists gives him the ability to continue doing what he's been doing (turning youth against the (((establishment)))

How can you not understand this you literal mossad autist? Either way, this is what happens when you begin to idolize e-celebs. They are all literally the same.

>You can only choose between shoving the jews into ovens and telling the general public that whites who want to preserve their race are pure evil.
> If he doesn't name the Jew he's one of (((them))) or a Mossad agent.
Quit being naive.

Because from the get go, idubbbz didn’t act like reddit incarnate and didn’t bend over backwards to please reddit and the jews everytime he said something that let everyone know he was a bad goy. Nobody expects iDubbbz to apologize for who he is because they know he won’t. People expect PewDieKike to apologize because it’s in his blood to apologize for being alive. He’s Swedish afterall.
Just look at this: All they do is cuck and copepost. Nothing else.

No one has reading comprehension this bad. This is a shill.

He doesn't need Jow Forums.
Jow Forums needed him.
He did the right thing. Money is more important than the feelings of a bunch of frog posting neckbeards.

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>You either tattoo a swastika onto your forehead and shoot up synagogues or you tell the world’s youth that whites who want to preserve their race are pure evil. There’s no inbetween and there’s no alternatives.

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Our glownigger work got shipped overseas as well as everything else. His first language is Hebrew and thus he sucks ass at English.

Pewdiepie only got burned because he made nazi jokes and said nigger, which got Disney to cut contact with him. He wasn't even that upset about it. All he had to do is stop making edgy race humor, and that's what he did. He could have kept making videos, but he completely unprovoked decided to make two separate videos where he talks about how white people who want to preserve their countries are evil. He threw his own race under the bus for no reason.

Seriously, who honestly cares?

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> Not realizing that if you aren't explicitly against white nationalists you will be labeled one and your career will be ended swiftly by (((them)))

>This is a shill.
The only shill in this thread is you and your (((concern shilling)))

>Seriously, who honestly cares?
Young naive Anons who idolize e-celebs.

He ain't the smartest, he is wrong about many things but i think he is a generally good guy who redpilled hundreds of thousands maybe even millions about the (((((media)))) , and i respect him for that.
The sad trouth is that we won't have many "our guys" if we only accept those who we agree with 100%, i think we can be greatful for anyone who siplls some redpills for gen-Z.

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He's an accurate reflection of Jow Forums.

All talk until the spotlight shines on him.

Jow Forumstards can be unforgiving purists

>Go-guys he HAD to label anyone of his own race who cares about saving his race, pure evil. He had no other choice!1!1

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If not wanting someone to say white people who want to exist are evil makes someone a ''purist,'' then there's nothing wrong with being a ''purist.''

That's false dichotomy

>He had no other choice!1!1
> Had no other choice = not wanting to give up his ability to alienate youth against the jew'd system
> Not comprehending this
> Labeling those who do as shills
> Not believing you have autism

It's time for you to move towards acceptance on your condition user.

No one is falling for this shill tactic.
Pewdiepie didn't have to make anti-white statements, period.
Not a single person read these shitty shill posts and agreed with you other than whoever else is shilling with you from whatever leftist discord you crawled out of.
Pewdiepie did not have to call white people pure evil for wanting their people to exist, period.

Because he is a spineless cuck, fuck him.

When he apologies and stopped sub 2 pewds.

>Pewdiepie did not have to call white people pure evil for wanting their people to exist, period.
He literally didn't say anything of the sort. He called Nazi wannabe autists who walk around acting retarded doing stupid stuff "evil." Not regular Europeans who want a European Europe. Don't conflate the two. No, they are not the same. Wignats are disgraceful and an embarrassment to actual nationalist movements and are nothing more than ploys to discredit them.

Let me guess, you think that New Zealand Church shooter wasn't an accurate representation of a wignat, right?

Pewdiepie called all white nationalists ''pure evil.'' Kill yourself, shill.

Take his nuts out of your mouth and quit worshiping a e-cleb faggot who was never in any way a Jow Forumstard.
There is better ways of wasting your time then defending this faggot because you like the taste of his nuts.

It's those, darn, Hindu Supremacists at T-Series, who radicalized Tarrant.

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>muh ecelebs
just because you faggets shill this guy all the fucking time doesnt mean anyone actually gives a shit about him

Pewds is right though

He's had every opportunity to redpill his fans and denounce liberal faggotry, yet he chooses to pander for subs. Fuck him and his cucked country.

His content shifted after he stopped the t-series war. They got to him. It's obvious.
Now he just wants to earn enough to move to japan with his wifey. He's keeping his redpills to himself.
We lost that day. Since then, censorship has been increased.

>Take his nuts out of your mouth
Perhaps you didn't see my previous statement about naive people caring about what e-celebs do anyways? Probably not though because you literate wignat nazi wannabee's can barely read period. You are a disgrace to actual nationalist movements.

It's pointless attempting to argue with you. You'll never learn. You're only hurting yourself when you put stock in what those people think. Continue to be disappointed. Why do YOU try being the change you'd like to see? Why don't YOU try becoming an actual leader? Constantly calling anyone who disagrees with you a "shill" is not going to work.

He did redpill his fans for a very long time.
Then that shooting happened in his name and every news outlet called him a nazi.

This. We're all works in progress. None of us are right about everything. We simply try our best to make sense of what is happening around us.
There are times when the faustian spirit in me goes full "gas the kikes, race war now, deus vult, 1488 begins today" and there are times when I'm just sick of the world and all the bullshit in it and think "what does any of it matter?"
But for every step back, I take two steps forward.
We'll get there eventually, but it takes time and energy. Hitler wasn't born as a nazi, but became one by understanding.
It's a long and lonely road, but there's treasure to be found at it's end, for those who dare.

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Absolutely this.

not a fan of his, but what did he say that was anti-white? Didn't he just say "What this guy did was evil?" How is that anti-white?

Pretty much this. He cucked out at the first opportunity. Absolutely female.

>first opportunity

He cucked.
After the shooting, he chose not to address anything, as he should. He kept uploading his videos ignoring any reference to him related to the event since it really had nothing to do with him. It was the perfect way to handly(not handle) this whole thin and it was making the media angry. But like the swede he is he couldn't resist cucking and apologizing for something he had nothing to do with.