Habbening: Trump BTFO

Don't mess with this shrewd ex-bartender.
AOC went from taking drink orders to taking down presidents! (pic related)


Attached: Trump_btfo.jpg (1232x1002, 775K)

this is a new and ugly kind of autism

Amazing infographic OP
Surely Drumpf is Finnish


You're obviously off your meds.

This doesn't even make sense. Kys faggot OP.


>lefty q
Q was a double agent this entire time

Lefty-Q. Real info.

Attached: leftyq.jpg (586x379, 70K)

My fucking sides.

Sure would be entertaining to see the types of people a lefty-Q psyop would bring out.

Attached: haha.jpg (1200x627, 68K)

Checked and Kekked. Yet this is literally what will happen in their minds. Terrifying

the sinks in your house are also connected to the toilet supplies. and the waste-lines too! where does it end?


Attached: 1559952652705.gif (292x292, 1.44M)

Lefty Q predicted this.

Attached: AOC did not make it.jpg (720x552, 109K)

LOL, she's calling everyone racist right now. She's fucking toast.

>Surely Drumpf is Finnish
That is disturbing idea.

Attached: donald_sauli_thumb.jpg (770x490, 42K)

You mean the twat who is being btfo'd by the cunts over at the View?

read the yellow background text

Attached: 1558529494755.png (510x344, 330K)

There's nothing wrong with being autistic

Attached: 1373870034.gif (369x305, 1.84M)

Would enough Anons support Lefty-Q, if we started a website to track Lefty-Q proofs?


Attached: leftyq_proofs.jpg (785x691, 153K)

meme template

Attached: 181118-finnish-president-gty-773.jpg (1160x773, 81K)

fuck! its over

This is embarrassing. The left truly cant meme.

Can someone put Trump's penis stretching across the room and in that guys hand, lol

Can this be a thing? It should be a thing.


Follow the bread crumbs. This user gets it!


Attached: leftyq_proofs_.jpg (567x471, 53K)

It makes sense if written by a 3rd world subhuman that thinks American toilets are supplied with waste water and not fresh water.

After the UK just put Tommy in jail, you want to reference >making sense?!!

>3rd world subhuman


Attached: leftyq_rabbit.jpg (586x379, 73K)