Yang on Joe Rogan

About halfway through Joe's interview with Yang. I'm actually really surprised with this guy's reasoning for UBI and honestly he makes a lot of sense here that he otherwise couldn't make in the Democratic debates.
>automation will take over areas like retail, truck driving, operators, etc.
>effectively half of the US's workforce
>he understands massive job displacement is a bad thing that needs addressing/mending
>UBI will not be stacked on top of welfare/govt aide, and if an individual has govt aid under $1000, they'd simply recieve the addition to cap at $1000
>the money is fed back into the economy
>most people would still have a job as $1000 monthly is not a livable wage for most, but it provides a cushion to help them out and not live paycheck to paycheck
>is an independant but is simply running as a Dem because nobody would acknowledge him otherwise
Honestly, can someone break down to me why his plan legitimately wouldn't work? He even elaborated that of the 3 trillion it'd hypothetically cost, half of that is already being given to people in govt aid so realistically it'd only be an additional 1.5 trill annually. Why is this guy a bad choice again? Nobody else seems to even want to touch the ever looming issue of automation. Hell, he even pointed out that automation fucking the rust belt over is a huge factor in what helped Trump get elected. Why aren't we listening to this guy?

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fuck off shill

i dont want a gook for president

I was sold on him during his interview.
Then I watched his campaign in the four months or so afterwards.
He's the Reddit candidate. Horrible ideas apart from that one. Even then his other reasonings make no sense.
>We need to hold colleges accountable for their role in the student loan crisis by investigating price gouging
>We need Medicare for all which is the same fucking thing as the student loan crisis but for healthcare

>automation will take over areas like retail, etc
But AI is a Jewish scam, literally useless for anything other than the most basic tasks

Try using your big boy words.

I came to post this

Investigating the price gouging make sense
Medicare for all doesn't

Nice argument
I just don't see any candidate that is 100% correct on all issues but he seems to have, at least out of the Democrats, the most realistic idea/points regarding the soon to be crippled job market and the problems that entails. I can agree that shit like the medicare for all thing is stupid but colleges are really gouging their prices for degrees that aren't even worth the paper they're printed on and they are jewing millions of stupid kids. Unless you can show me how 100k for a degree makes sense.

How is AI progressing? Is AI smarter than rats now?