Dear Jow Forums

Dear Jow Forums
I used to love this place, it was one of my favorite boards.
But recently, I have noticed the huge influx of redditors.
Like seriously what the fuck?
Jow Forums is cringe now

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Who gives a shit it is even better now

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Sorry for spoiling your safe space.

Jow Forums was only good during libertarian years, /new/ was based tho

just make a serious set of filters
filter out the shit

I have also noticed an influx of shill spammers and psycho posters. Not good at all.

How do we fix this?

by redpilling them

@post number 219279093 Idk bro these newfags gotta go

indeed my (((Catalonian))) countryman

Welcome to 2014 faggot OP.

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stay mad negroid

It's summer.

By the way if you're reading this, and you're literally on summer break this website wasn't meant for you. You little kids are not intelligent enough, or knowledgeable enough to discuss politics.
You shouldn't even be browsing here if you are under 18, let alone be posting your retarded opinions, and shitting up the board.
Please leave.

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How bad can it get?


>But recently, I have noticed the huge influx of redditors.
If you only noticed this recently you're the cancer.

if only you lost your faggotry on the way here

Step up your game in here, nigger

Show your flange, israhell

how's that influx of mudslimes working for your pruses?

i heard news of your people getting cucked by the black bull every single day

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reddit is becoming so censorious and insular that lots of Redditors are fleeing here. Give em time. They'll learn our ways.

>digits of gatekeeping: checked
peanut status: Percolated

No we need more underaged posters but they need to lurk not post.

Its summer. They will die off again. Just like the commies, they always die.

Yeah. There’s a concerted effort from outside forces to promote the reddit brand of left wing political ideology here. All of the common place reddit opinions, talking points, counter arguments, “memes” and rhetoric have been brought here recently. Anyone who has been on Jow Forums for longer than a year can see it as clear as day but many don’t understand their enemy because they dogmatically avoid using reddit. But that’s what it is. We’re getting flooded by redditors who want to defeat the evil Jow Forums boogeyman.

All it will do is convert more people to our ideology,!so in a way it’s a good thing, but goddamn is it ever annoying. Their best tactic might just be to annoy us all into leaving because they’ll never defeat us rhetorically. They don’t even understand our positions. The majority of them just come here to shit on Donald Trump anyway which most of us could care less about.

And the Reddit normies are always asking us why we believe what we do. Fuck off.

didn't read

Newfag confirmed. Oldfags know the little jits come here during summer break and leave when it's over.

If anything it's gotten better lately, it was completely fucked since 2016 you larper

Agreed, the brainlets have arrived in force. This board has become completely insufferable. Also part of it is the natural correction of the right/left dichotomy. THe left got so cringey that the right had to become cringey to balance the powers. Somehow, through Judaizing and general faggotry, they managed to pull it off.

It's not just redditors. The ((())) are doing everything they can to use their proxy warriors aka willful idiots to subvert this place. Just go with it and act like the glow niggers are watching, because they are.

like your meme flag

plebbitors either get redpilled, tired or scarred for life by the dead shitskin gore
the media makes them think the left is winning on all fronts on their rightful war against whatever the fuck they think they're fighting so they're trying to ride the wave
Typical sheeple/normie/npc whatever you wanna call them

Niggers Stink

Fucking redditards can't seriously be this god damned stupid can they?

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this place was infected a long time ago. its a big ol' honey pot

honey pot means fed bait not newfag magnet.

Just sage the "reddit" threads and stop giving them attention by complaining about them.

Also you can't ascertain the boards cringiness based off of redditors either since literally 1/3 of shitposters on here claim to be "18" when in reality they're just 15 year olds - especially the ones that spam discord invites.

I just hope they don't ruin /wsg/

Apology not accepted. Go away.

If you think it's bad now, just wait for go-time 2020.

It's obviously a joke/ironic newfagging, you nitwit.