"How Couples Meet"

Stanford study

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Can confirm. I am a lonely sod but my only long term relationship started online. I am single again now and regret it, but I am too old to fix the core issue with my loneliness.

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No wonder people aren't breeding anymore.

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The black line falling is why society is falling apart. You don’t even know who you’re marrying these days.

Degeneracy rising, community falling.

many such cases

Were 30% of people fucking their family in 1940, or do I not understand something?

>met online

fuck, I’m doing it wrong

I assume this is tinder? I live in an area of around 300k people and okcupid is empty. Should I bite the bullet and actually make a tinder?

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I can’t stand online dating, honestly it sucks. I mean I only tried tinder once which I got lots of matches and likes, but was pointless in trying to make any effort into talking to any of the girls on there. Most of them don’t reply back and the ones who do, don’t put any effort into the conversation. Maybe the sites you pay for are better idk, but its much better meeting them through friends, work or any other social events. Online dating is just a blind date in away.

More like mom and dad would seek out an approved gf/bf and try to set them up.

Then it would be listed as "met through family" like every other category.

>too ugly for online dating
>dont drink or go to bars

Its over

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online dating the best option for people right now
That is a product of how isolated and atomized people have become

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well well well... It seems that the world has gone into full degenerate mode where women will only date chads and the rest are screwed over and will have to wait until they are 30+ to pick up sexually liberated women whilst getting shit on by their fiances dad saying how awesome his little princess is and that you should be ashamed of not taking such a great deal.

I swear to fucking god. Boomers and their daughters were a fucking disaster. They need to be savagely murdered on the streets.

Really? People actually get married off of OkCupid and Tinder? I remember I looked at the profiles and they were slim pickings

If boomers had an average of 50% divorce rate, imagine how high that rate will be for millenial faggots and zoomers. It will be well over 50% assuming they get married in the first place of course.

It's over boys. We won't get a pure virgin wife. It's time for war and destruction of this (((world))) to build a new one.

Obviously online is better. You can type I'm pozzed little dick with a brapp fetish and still get hits.

I heard that divorce rates for millenials and zoomers were much lower than boomers, mostly because fewer people were getting married, and the people who were getting married were more compatible

I hate online dating too
My problem is that I have a good looking face and hair, but I look like shit when I take off my shirt because I was fat back then, I can't afford to have chirurgy too, so even if a girl like me I always block and can't meet up so I ghost em

>more compatible
Well I guess the femdom relationship works as long as the female is a roastie and the guy is a faggot who likes to kiss the lips of a woman who had tons of cock there. In other words, yes, degenerates are compatible to each other.

In all seriousness though, in 10 year time, 80% of the marriages will be broken up. And of course it's going to be the man's fault, becuase woman is never wrong by default.

Because nobody wants to commit anymore. People get together, they move in together, even have kids and talk about how they'll be "together forever", share bank accounts, etc etc. But on the subject of actually making the arrangement official through marriage they laugh and prattle on about how "Yeah I'll probably never get married.".

It's really weird, these people aren't traditional or religious so in their minds they might as well be married with that sort of arrangement. The only real reasoning for this I can come up with is some deep unconscious repulsion to the very idea of commitment. It's not even a legal argument because of common law marriage which isn't exactly an unknown concept.

If you are truly motivated you'll change yourself or your target league.

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