Not trying to slide or shill, but as I was driving to work I felt as if a great evil is being lifted off of America. If not the whole planet. Are we in the midst of being freed from the Jews and their Saturn cult?
Does anyone else feel it?
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real life doom guy?
I feel so different.
That's what I thought too.
Your feelings are correct.
Nah, youre a schizo, just like me
I'm not in the US at the moment, I will say this much, the world is thankfully waking up to the satanism of the jews. I do believe there is some serious bloodshed to come, but for once, our battles will be justified if that makes any sense. So yes, in that sense I will agree that the evil of deception is being lifted from the earth. But at the very same time, I believe the fashtards will end up making errors in judgement. You all were supposed to deal with the jews. Now it looks like you're coming around to that but taking others with (((them)))
Idk I feel the opposite
Your Friday is probably just going better than mine
The Jews are unironically based and working with the good guys. But the real villains are being exposed.
President Trump is Making America Great Again.
Now we just need to imprison Clinton, Schumer, Kaine, Peolsi, etc...
Yeah, agreed. Thing are looking up. Pulled in a good profit and also have almost zero debt this year. I'm living in my home state now living close to family. Things are turning for the better fren. The demons of the Obama era are lifting.
No, I mean like a sudden shift. Like we're back in our right timeline and we're staying here for good.
When we refer to the Jews here it's only because the synagogue of satan takes longer to type. Not that normie jews and don't have their issues that must be sorted also. But the satanists are the ones behind globohomo, zionism (2 sides of the same coin) white genocide, child sex and cannibalism etc
unironically its the eclipses
Sorry but I feel the exact opposite since yesterday. Almost as if I were being called to fight.
Don't follow those who kill their fellow men.
Can confirm good vibes. Felt happy and positive ( more than normal) for no reason. I don’t blame the jews for everything- but things are changing.
What I feel is ominous at best. While the truth may be in the process of being understood by more people, I predict we are only in the 'calm before the storm'.
Why is it that doomguy is hands down the best video game protagonist of all time?
They are one tribe, one clique that try protect eachother from penalties given by the Goys. Are there decent Jews? Sure, but they are all in the same degenerate hive mind that makes them subconsciously seek out how to gain influence and taint good nature. Judaism in and of itself is satanic and there can be no true peace in the world as long as there is a state of Israel in Palestine and ZOG in control of any powerful western society.
I feel angrier and more depressed than ever. Ree. Satan does a terrible job of ruling this world.
Because doom guy is link and master chief. Look it up.
Just ask satan for what you want, its as simple as that. Start a relationship with him
no shit I genuinely feel different the last week, as in the world we live in has changed course
there is no Saturn cult, sorry you to tell the truth pal, but Christians and Jews are the problem.
Christians are generally good people. The truth is the culture the exist in allows their behavior to be that of someone who isn't. That's the problem. People claiming to be spiritual, but nary the faintest idea of what's going on around us.
cringey concern trolling
real christens are meek people who let pedo, jews and all kinds of people into their circles.
He didn't listen. He seems pretty intent on destroying all that is good and beautiful.
Yes, jews are the problem. Not Christians.
Same thing niggers felt when Obama was elected. Your currently the nigger in this situation. Emotional manipulation is a greater tool than all
user, there is a secret war going on involving many organizations across the world. It's not just your president and his group VS evil, there is more than that. There are those who are targeting low level pedophiles and similar offenders and those going after people who have the reigns in power. We are in political movements, government positions, and in the offices of NGOs. Not many groups trust each other but there are many who work with each other as well. I cannot say much but I will say this. Im not American, and my organization is not affiliated with the president
, we are also not sure if he is on our side however we also do not believe he is working against us either. Q started with pure intentions, but we aren't sure if they are still being held either, the Canadian user who gave the prophecies is with us. Additionally, if we fail in the courts, and through legal discourse, you guys will see a surge in calls to take action yourselves. When those calls are heard, you will additionally receive information dumps. Resist their tyranny, don't let Julian's work die in vain.
wrong, both are problem, christcucks engage in the pedoshit as well and churches work hard to let "refugees" in Europe and hen keep them there.
>christcucks engage in the pedoshit as well and churches work hard to let "refugees" in Europe and hen keep them there.
Correct. The churches are part of the problem yes, but not Christians themselves.
post shots/links of canadian user
Soon You’re going to be looking down the business end of a rifle kike and no amount of shilling will change that
Nah son you're just going through puberty and your voice is deepening and your confidence is improving.
Christians support those churches and are part of them. i'm sure 5 people who share your fringe beliefs on Christianity are not as bad, but christian population as a whole is bad.
it's a move in the right direction, but realize that this just escalates the war of good versus evil.
this is just the beginning of sorrows. repent, and realize that a life without God and the Lordship of Jesus Christ is a life that will end in an endless seeking of fulfillment in the vanities the world lusts after incessantly.
You have a good point shekelbergstein, we will do it
Churches by definition aren't Christian, and here, they're all run by KGB glowniggers.
take your meds schizo
>the Jews and the Saturn cult
what you're feeling is your mind being controlled by an anime website, if people on here were posting negaitve things you'd feel negaitve, but now retards are posting positive things so you feel positive
I don't have pictures on this phone, I just came in today. The first one starts with "it will start when the weather cools" the new one has "warms"
To clarify, they're essentially institutions claiming authority over Christianity, even though that's an un-Biblical doctrine.
I can't say but I do feel like something happened.
Weird, I felt oddly good last night before going to bed and waking up this morning.
those institutions decided what to leave in the bible and what to cut out.
can i work there too
As long as women exist, Satan has a foothold in the world.
Real talk... I've felt that too the past month or two. It's just... I dunno something is different. That feels "in the air." But no way. NO WAY it happens. (they) have existed for 4,000 years. And the wealth and power they have now is almost incomprehensible. It would be truly a miracle if the world was removed of this plague called the jew
It must of been a localized phenomenon user. I didn't feel a thing and I'm not dull to these things.
Sorry Jazzhands, you have to carry Enoch, Sven and the rest of those clowns forever.
It does feel like it's changing in my honest opinion.
i was just doing stretches and heard you talking about women, user. want to talk about it over coffee?
Theres a lot of distrust. Some people get in through law officers or charities. It is a very dangerous game my American friend. If you feel like you are being watched or followed, you probably are.
Just as men mix women up, women mix men up.
Today is the first day in 8 years that i came home from work and didn't smoke weed immediately. Don't need it any more. Maybe something is happening.
So are you Israeli, then? Chabadnigger? They're a meddlesome bunch.
it's true. logic does not apply. i'd advise watching mgtow shit just for a pitfall warning.
whoops... didn't see that..... fuck
top fucking kek
No, but if you want to know my home country, there is a holy house on a tall rock.
Literally yes, a vague sense of levity and hope.
all threads are
No you baboons. We are entering an era of complete chaos in the class system.
America is ripe for civil unrest & civil justice system is in peril all over the western world.
You don't just expose a generational blackmail scheme spanning the globe without severe consequences. The number of people who have already escaped is ludicrous considering the enormity of the networks involved.
I say its 50\50 at this point if we abandon all resemblance of blind justice and fall into some dystopian information depredation period.
Has you recently had, or were you in the midst of, a good shit?
I tend to get the same feeling when I see a a bowl of brown shit swirl down a toilet drain.
>I tend to get the same feeling when I see a a bowl of brown shit swirl down a toilet drain.
>drugs kick in on way to work
>wow it must be real
fuck off fgt
my PC
>There is no saturn cult
>it's these two saturn cults that are the problem
I feel a change in the wind says I
>I felt as if a great evil is being lifted off of America
Says the guy surrounded by ever-increasing numbers of niggers.
Does this face reconstruction take into account the intentional vertical stretching of pixels ingame?
Not sure you should consider them as unified as you think.
Niggers are shitty because they are hate-filled animals. I'm sure they'd welcome you with open cribz.
Who do you think the President works for? That little jew in Moscow, whatshisname
open cribz open gibz
Nowhere on earth is holy. You must be an ay.
Yet the Biblical canon existed long before the Nicene council.
Yes. I feel like im being called to be more spiritual lately. Meditate and introspect. A lot of big truths are about to be revealed to humanity and we gotta embrace a more stoic mindset to get through it.
Yes. Der ewige Jude has been beaten. There's no more countries he can go. They tried to fuck over America and failed miserably because America is the only country left in the world that doesn't take shit from nobody.