> True Mommy
> will fuck you to realign your chakras
> harvests love for political purposes
> cares about the children
> has a hairy pussy and butthole
Why aren't you voting for her user?
> True Mommy
> will fuck you to realign your chakras
> harvests love for political purposes
> cares about the children
> has a hairy pussy and butthole
Why aren't you voting for her user?
I want to fuck her armpits.
>has a hairy pussy and butthole
She can realign my chakras if you know what I mean
>wrinkles visible even through pancaked on makeup
>seeming lazy eye
>gaunt as hell
I've no clue who the fuck she even is but you can keep her. Looks like the kind of roastie who could queef-quote Road Warrior.
What’s her name again?
Kazuhira “democrats are rats” Schneider
I just want her to bully me but I know she's full of too much love for her to do that.
>> has a hairy pussy and butthole
>hairy pussy
>hairy butthole
OP's pic is pretty disingenuous as to her actual "attractiveness". Knew it had to be pretty bad if wrinkles & gauntness & shit was visible through the fucking TV makeup job.
She's only unattractive in the eyes of God's enemies.
>somebody seriously posted this thread again
fukken kek'd, desperate for anything to slide
She was probably pretty attractive 55 years ago, I'll give you that.
>In 1997, Williamson published her book Healing the Soul of America (hardcover originally titled The Healing of America) and began a more robust political engagement. In this book, she laid out plans to "transform the American political consciousness and encourage powerful citizen involvement to heal our society".[24]
>She wrote in the book,
>It is a task of our generation to recreate the American politeia, to awaken from our culture of distraction and re-engage the process of democracy with soulfulness and hope. Yes, we see there are problems in the world. But we believe in a universal force that, when activated by the human heart, has the power to make all things right. Such is the divine authority of love: to renew the heart, renew the nations, and ultimately, renew the world.
She's also intending on running in 202 as a Dem.
Not bad for a 66 year old
>is jewish
Like I said, she was probably pretty attractive 55 years ago.
Also true.
>Her family is Jewish, and she was raised in Conservative Judaism.[13][16] Her father's original surname was Vishnevetsky.
We do support her. Ignore the tulsi faggots, they're leftover redditors and /ptg/ faggots
What do you mean?
>the left is so incredibly desperate they're pushing female candidate after female candidate here
>hoping people start making them politifus
2020 gon be good.
I'd berry my dick so far up her ass that I'd cum on the back of her teeth tee bee aitch
That line she dropped about the US having a sickcare industry with no focus on why Americans are so sick in the first place followed by calling out the chemical/food/pharma industries was fucking legendary. GOAT debate quote contender.
>That line she dropped about the US having a sickcare industry with no focus on why Americans are so sick in the first place followed by calling out the chemical/food/pharma industries
Ah, so she's no realistic kind of actual candidate anyway. Not a chance in hell.
Nobody who says that kind of shit yet isn't a controlled opposition puppet ala Trump will ever get anywhere near the WH.
Crypto-judaism doesn't speak well to NOT being a puppet.
I will vote for her so she can debate with trump and lose.
I'd buy a ticket to that.
I seriously hope for the left's sake they've figured out the "playbook" Trump used during the last election, & from whence it came.
Of course they absolutely fucking don't though, they're still trying to play this "straight" & will lose. Again.
The IC has lost control of the electorate. Democracy is back and that's why they freaked out over Trump.
>that's why they freaked out over Trump
>doesn't understand just how fucking good our moshe friends have become at controlled opposition & creating the illusions necessary for it to work
Trump came up with his campaign strategies that got him in, but he was absolutely owned the entire time. I'll never not give the man credit for his intelligence, and I'll be voting for him again regardless because this salt is fucking delicious (and real democracy is irrevocably dead anyway), but I've never been "fooled" by him.
Primarily because I've worked in the industry his campaign playbook came from & recognized it immediately.
>Primarily because I've worked in the industry his campaign playbook came from & recognized it immediately.
Do tell, this sounds like a good read
Pic related.
An industry with over 100 years of tactics & experience at selling bullshit as reality; crowd psychology, speaking to elicit particular reactions when desired, the particular character traits particular demographics respond to, etc.
Trump is basically just a far less aggressive Steve Austin. The heelish antihero. Saw it from day one & knew he'd win.
Trump's the first to have seen how compatible this industry's tactics were with politics. Won't dox myself but it's known him & Vince hung out quite a bit between the last Wrestlemaina he was in & him announcing his run.
He took his 20+ years of experience hanging around Vince & absorbing the backstage "business" end of it, and I think had the revelation while doing "the Apprentice".
Donald Trump mmm wouldn't wanna vote for him
I have so much love for Taker. One of the absolute worst wrestlers, just above Giant Gonzalez tier, but incredibly humble & down to earth, nobody knows how bad of a wrestler he is & how much he lucked out getting that spot more than Mark does.
If you work around him you'll hear him constantly apologize to his opponents for this or that sucking, and verbally beat the shit out of himself.
>voting for any woman