>island mentality
>overwhelmed by niggers
>can you go lower than that?
Yes, Romania
Killed 30 000 Boer women and children on concentration camps in the Anglo-Boer war to give Jews the gold in SouthAfrican soil.
"God has set aside 7 plagues for England" - Siener van Rensburg 1926
"England will cease to exist as a nation" - Siener van Rensburg 1924
Siener was a well known boer prophet. He had a lot of visions pertaining to the future of Europe as well.
yet your still coming into our country.
alwasys slavs making these threads. I suppose success does breed jealousy.
Romanian is the only nationality I filter out when looking at escorts
Balkanshits had no money to apply I suppose.
>it's another Eastern European gibsmedat complains about Britain thread
I got an old ancestor from Romania, like 1800 or so, do I have shit genes in me ?
>Romania, like 1800 or so, do I have shit gen
no my friend you are one of the chosen ones
You gypsies are fucking our country. Always littering and acting like nigs.
Honest question. What do people of England think that they offer the world when it comes to negotiating trade deals once they're out of the EU? If they EU were smart they'd just put a 90% tax on anything the UK wants to import. I honestly don't know what England even offers that they think they can bargain with.
Alright if I'm a chosen one, nice.
Even if Romanians are fucktards, the man still did a fucking long trip to there
oi you bastard - gypos aren't slavs, fuck knows what they are
t.bald drunk pole
Of course you don’t. You are American and your knowledge of global issues is poor due to you being too dog in world.
We are 6th largest economy in world and we don’t produce much anymore. We are a great import market. The EU leadership is Germany and France.
We import billions from Germany & France. Business & economy will eventually put pressure on political pigmies in EU.
They need to sell their products to us. We can buy from USA/Japan/China/S.Korea
The EU always crumbles at 5 minutes to a deadline
Did you get deported recently?
Seems unbiased
Britain's people are some of the most varied in the world which is why we produce world class geniuses, athletes and commanders and world class scum, drunks and evil cunts. The most freedom loving and redpilled people, as in any country, stay away from politics and beauracracy and so our evil cunts are in control, they just got their shit together 500 years before anyone else so have had more time to build the control system.
We're so wildly varied with admixture and class you can't really talk about 'the British' as one thing. You can go to any town in the country and find 10/10 gorgeous blonde blue eyed women that are 99% Germanic-Nordic and outclass Swedish women, growing up next door to dwarf 99% aboriginal Brythonic trolls.
The sad thing is though that basically nobody knows the history of this country AT ALL pre 1945. So most are completely within the bluepill matrix, have no cultural identity at all, and have degenerated a lot. Still, amongst the surviving nobility the genius and Godly tier genes are still there.
Do you know anything about any other country outside of the US. In fact do you even know anything about the US?
>If they EU were smart they'd just put a 90% tax on anything the UK wants to import.
So britain stops buying EU imports? you're a real smart one aint'cha
Yes, France
>John Oliver
>Jim Sterling
>Any mouth breathing left wing retard with a shitty accent.
Britniggers are nothing but absolute scum, I don't understand why there are so many retards who listen to them because of their accent alone. All the good ones died in the war so now we're left with this filth encompassing the isles. The Pakis will be an improvement, at least Sharia isn't as draconian as the UKs current nanny state.
>Can't admit their country is a shithole.
Even the Swedes can agree their own country is a shithole.
Their arrogance is hilarious, and sad. They seriously think the EU really needs them. But the EU will do just fine without them
The Brits are race traitors and deserve what is happening to them.
Not to mention the most cucked people in the world.
see? even your 'kids'(that are now better than you!) make fun of you
no bully pls
seconded. am currently british but living in the wan. britain is the most adventurous nation in the world, we cant keep ourselves out of other peoples business thats why we stole all the wealth. 對我會見中文,我們故意去學中文因為我們想要偷你們的錢跟女生,謝謝你們不客氣。不好意思。再一次謝謝,跟不好意思,你們的東西是我們的。
>high bills
>low pay
>shit dry politics
>CCTV everywhere
it can get even lower
trez bien mon frer
the eternal kraut
Nice points, Belgium.
No, the Swedes pull their pants down and bend over. "Ohh Sven it's over, might as well take one in the arse".
Brits will fight until the last man, that's why we had an Empire and you didn't. Say what you want about us but we will fight anyone, anytime.
Rich coming from your country, our Queen is still on your notes.
Yea, I'd bet one of you cunt would make a thread like this. Every one of you cunts I've worked with or and that little prick I've lived with have been lowlife theifs. Wheres my fucking shoes or the coffee from the break room you stealing bastard
>Brits will fight until the last man,
inbred pigs run to this rag, paying them big money to get shit like this published, it's a literal non-problem in fact it solves problems because mud slimes are using spoons and forks as weapons now
Aren't you in a housing crisis because you let the Chinese buy all your land and houses? My brother is an ultra liberal and even he left Australia.
>i-its fine we actually WANT this
The absolute state of britcucks.
If the EU did that Germany would lose a million jobs, France a few hundred thousand etc. Britain is one of the most important markets in Europe.
You will have to move somewhere else than Canada before you make a point anymore. Your country is an actual joke.
would you honestly want to get your asshole raped raw by a somali with a whisk?
Siener prophecies scare me.
I bet he didn't predict the nigger takeover.
Unlike you I don't need a license to shitpost.
You know you aren't the US you absolute cuck. Imagine posting an image of another nation and taking credit for it because you're on the same continent. How fucking pathetic can you be?
Your country is a sad thing. You don't seem to have caught onto a more nationalist mindset like the US, and parts of the European continent. Canada just seem to idetify with being a cuck nation, it's like a national pride.
absolutely nothing lol. we don't even own our own infrastructure any more and almost any company you think of as british is now foreign owned. britain drank the free market kool aid even more than america.
i guess you dont know about our financial services industry oyy vey
or our automotive industry shalom
or our high quality foods
or alcohol
we sell luxury and high end products if your country not a shit hole you want to trade with us
if we don't sell anything what are we supposed to use to buy imports?
Thats real cute coming from the fag whos country has muslim rape gangs.
See unlike you we can still actually own guns here so we can actually defend ourselves. The nice thing about living in a frozen shithole is that the muslims don't stay/survive very long once the winter kicks in, so they go to your shitty little island of trash instead.
Doubtful since fags in this very thread were defending it and I've met britcucks irl that defend the nanny state.
pathetic enough to pound in the rosebud of every one of these old used up roasties with their blown out dew holes.
>pic related is an 11/10 in bongland
We will always be able to sell our weapons systems to Arabs who have no idea how to use them :^)
>overwhelmed by niggers
>3% of the population
Reported lo q !
Keep telling yourself that. I weep for your country.
Come on lad, we can all pick a picture of something embarassing. Your leader and your country are known cucks.
oh fuck off canada has everything going for it but still manages to be the most boring and irrelevant country in the world.
I’m not coming to your country, that’s for sure.
Also didn’t you faggots invent the English language or something?
We look better than you Gypsy.
wont lie rekn she could take ya
you sound like ya got a weak chin leaf
>Britain is one of the most important markets in Europe.
Not for long. Business and capital are already fleeing your country as Brexit looms. You will have no leverage in any deal you make, which is why the US will walk all over you
No Farage, No Brexit party will save England for her sins against the boer people.
Farage comeback won't change the prophecy of rensburg as his party will never beat the satanic forces of the Tories and Labour. The Anglo will pay for her sins against the white race
As an American with German, Irish, Dutch, Nork, Swede and yes even English ancestors.... I support this thread
Oh he did, you english will be punished big time.
Your people will be in small numbers, your language will be irrelevant and almost extinct and Germany and the new Christian european south africa will be at the top with the USA recovering
More please
He's got a point. Thirty years ago Canada was know for lumber jacks, RCMP, seal clubs, all the masculine stuff. The yanks even made a tv series, a comedy about how hard arse but stiff and masculine the RCMP was. But now Trudeau has pissed that image away. It's all gay Chinese cringe Canada now.
>overwhelmed by niggers
>3% of the population
That's how easy it is to overwhelm a nation of homosexual pedophiles.
Arent a huge chunk of your shitskins undocumented? I see videos of them FLOODING in by the thousands from Calasis on trucks, so many that the police dont even attempt to stop it, and massive no go zones with thousands of sand niggers and africans, and metro stations that are literally 90% shitskin, and london with its muslim mayor and most common birth name Muhammad. I wanna believe you. Help me. I want to have hope.
>it can get even lower
Indeed it can. We can always take in more shitty US culture which means every UK citizen is 2nd rate because we lost the American Revolution and we also have to worship their empty arse celebrity idols.
England betrays america through giving military secrets to Russia.
Russia and England will be irrelevant.
Germany will be on top, while america will be recovering
The English language will be irrelevant
The return of Farage won't stop this from happening
after i was done with that butch bong slut i wouldnt be able to walk staight for a week my asshole would be so raw.
M8 I'm in the north, I see far less niggers here, than I used to see in cape town, after curfew, during apartheid.
He basically said their use is that only of consumers. So the 90% tax actually makes the most sense
t. Americonsumer
They don't get very far once they actually get to Calais, they usually die if they try. the biggest migration is from "asians" who are about roughly 10% of the population (from west to east asia that is), these numbers will have gone up a few percent since the last census for sure, but it'l mostly be in the "asian" category more so than the african one.
Maybe focus on your own dying shithole island instead.
Hmmm a country with no past vs a country with no future.
See I'm not in denial about Trudeau being complete shit or the majority of eastern canadas population being genuinely retarded. But no matter how hard Trudeau can try it's really hard to convince a Muslim to move to a country that has -50 weather where the welfare is shittier than in European countries.
He predicted that England would get mass migrations from the former colonies.
Sadly your country gets more immigrants than britain
Only gypsies go to France.
You are technically gypsoid filth because no amount of dilution will wash away the gypsoid genes.
And yet Britain has far more terror attacks and a far bigger rape gang problem.