I still don't understand how people on Jow Forums unironcally support Trump after he has failed on every major promise...

I still don't understand how people on Jow Forums unironcally support Trump after he has failed on every major promise, particularly every promise which would have helped whites. Is it the sunk cost fallacy, you can't stop supporting him because you did in the beginning? Is it because he "triggers da lefties XDDDDD", what is it the reason? As soon as I learned he was increasing immigration and not building a wall, I dropped him. Why won't you?

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I don't live in a swing state so my vote means nothing in the general election. I think the assmad is funny.

So. Are you registered to vote in the United States? If so, which open borders, white hating, male hating, America hating candidate do you feel is an improvement upon Trump?

Andrew Yang. America is pretty much demographically doomed at this point, American whites should take the 1000 bucks and form their own communities. 1000 whites = 1 million bucks per month.


I already did ever since yang announced his campaign [spoiler]I'm not a shill for him I just think he's the only sane Democrat with actual policies and not just orange man bad[/spoiler]

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I dont understand how we still support him without getting paid a nickel a post like those here to oppose him.
Yet we do.

>85% reduction in illegals being released into the US, and that's just this week

Gee, I have no idea why I like him.

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Yeah, goys, let's all join the "Trump resistance!" #Yanggang! #Tulsi2020 #FellowChildren

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>because this

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Best choice of more shit options. There is no third party platform and yang is a long shot.
The government will not allow separatism either.

#MIGA #DieForIsrael #GoydAmericanChristian #SupportOurTroops

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Fucking retard. You want to take from whites and give 1000 bucks to every room temperature IQ nigger single mother?

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Illusion of choice, there is only one answer

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Yes. The freedom dividend is eugenic. Whites will be productive and niggers will waste it. At least whites will have an opportunity to build assets before the collapse.

We vote Trump to troll libs. Deal with it, shill.

Horsey needs to draw smut tbqhfamalamadingdong


I support bongs minding their own fucking business.
This many enemies of my people telling me Trump is this awful makes me think he actually is serving my interests, despite evidence to the contrary.

Kill yourself faggot

Id rather trump be elected and do nothing, than anyone else from 2016 being elected and doing anything.

Stay mad about it, kike.

Lol. Why not just kill yourself.

but are you registered to vote in america nigger?

How did you drop him from Londonstan?

$0.02 has been added to your account

Who else is there to support?
Zion Don is still 1000x better than any alternative and he pisses them all off which adds an entertainment bonus.
There's a possibility that he's behind rounding up all the paedophiles too which is based.
The only alternative to Trump is Tulsi because she's the only other anti war candidate but that means Democrat control of the government which will mean the end of the United States as we know it.
Anti Trump shills are all retarded, we know he's a zogbot but he's still doing okay and is immeasurably better than any alternative.
Tell us who you recommend supporting so we can laugh at you tranny.

Reminder: Jow Forums will always talk about Trump being a ziocuck, but will shut up as soon as Putin, a bigger ziocuck, is mentioned.

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embrace third way - the path of forst my candaniab friend

Because you shills won't shut the fuck up on how orange man bad and flat our spread lies and misinformation about him constantly. And when we do prove you wrong you continue to spew that false information to others.

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>I don't want an extra 1000 bucks for nothing to form white communities, instead I'll just let the spics take over
Based Ameribro

That's because nobody gives a single fuck about Russia.
Those commie snow niggers don't have an influence outside of the KGB which is responsible for how widespread degeneracy is in America.
It's kind of hilarious how everyone pre/pol/ was so focused on fighting the wrong enemies because nobody was allowed to name the jew.

I'm already in the woods beekeeping friend. I'm really happy with life. I'm set up for a societal collapse. I have guns, stockpiles of food, a greenhouse, gardens, 30 acres of farmland that I'm slowly turning into an orchard (50 Apple trees, getting more pears and peaches) and planting more flowers of a few dozen bee friendly varieties. I have 12 chickens for eggs and 3 beehives that I want to keep expanding every year when I have the $ for it.
I'm 2 hours from any city so I'm safe from the brown horde too. 15 minutes from the border to Maine.

>m-muh maga

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thanks shareblue. remember to vote bernie amirite?

trump is the best president in the last 100 years get over yourselves faggots.

Jow Forums hasn't supported Trump for over a year.
The only people who do are shills and boomers from the_donald.
/ptg/ is literally run by Jews in New York.
>New baker needed!

Cool, so you take political advice from people who hate you and want you dead?
Oh... right...

It would make sense. Most of the center-right trump supporters I know have major daddy issues

>trump is the best president in the last 100 years get over yourselves faggots.
I could name 5 that were much better.

Obama promised to pull all of our troops out of the Middle East when he first ran.
Nobody cared then, nobody cares now.
Politics is more of a game anyways. If you want real political change, a few people gotta die.
>political power grows out of the barrel of the gun

>I still don't understand how people on Jow Forums unironcally support Trump after he has failed on every major promise, particularly every promise which would have helped whites
I grow tired of your stupid asses. You don't deserve a real response, because you are just being an asshole.

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what to you is sane about printing money and handing it to people?

And the mask comes off. I always knew it was all for shilling some stupid Democrat.

It started as a joke. Then it just got better and better. If the left had a platform other than socialism and open borders I would not have to support Trump. They don't so we got Trump. It's not a bad thing, all the presidents were shit. They will always be shit. At least Trump is making me laugh, sometimes with him sometimes at him but he's always entertaining.

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I don't give a fuck about the democrats or the republicans, all I care about is the guy who will help whites the most.

At this point, I don't see any reason to even vote. Trump lied about his immigration promises and every other candidate is just a white hating leftist. I don't believe in the "lesser than two evils" logic because we'll always be met with the same zionist agenda. Trump pandered to the nationalist crowd by pretending to actually care about what's happening to our demographics. Only for him to become another generic GOP conservative once he entered office. The immigration situation under him is actually worse than Obama and Bush. I can actually see a few states going blue due to his lackluster job against open borders. In some instances, I've seen even more browns than before he was elected. I now see why the founding fathers such as John Adams for example, warned us about the two party system. They didn't want us to become like Britain where they only have to select between two options. But we ignored their advice. Hopefully people will get out of their comfort zone once the next economic crash happens and boomers start to die off. Then it will be unavoidable.

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how much change did the hope and change candidate make? I won't vote for him , but I don't hate him for failing.

>trump is the best president in the last 100 years get over yourselves faggots.
Calvin Coolidge, Dwight D Eisenhower and Richard Nixon are make Trump look like a basedboy in comparison.

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the 1000 arent gonna go to whites its gonna be to muh oppressed negroes

The 1000 bucks will go to everyone. It will be a dividend.

Lol. Imagine being this dishonest.

Imagine pretending that you've looked into the policy and based your opinion on facts.

>Trump is XYZ
"Yeah, b-but Obama...."

You really couldn’t glow any more than you do. You’re not good at this demoralizing thing. Faggot.

Hey schlomo, nice kike flag.
Just because I know yang is obviously retarded and pushed by discord trannies doesn't mean I like trump. This false dichotomy is rotting your brain.

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>trump is playing 10-chess, trust in the plan!
How much longer can you tell yourself this utter bollocks?

Trump was the best candidate for 2016 and looks like he still will be for 2020

Horsey knows how to draw teen ass tho

Muslims like you dont understand money, you are using to picking up your council check and going to your council flat and spending all your money on acid and mopeds and knives..

In the real world, if you add 3 zeros to any bill that bill is automatically worth less because anyone accepting that bill will raise their prices.

He's kept his promises, and all the winging you faggots do is not going to change minds. Did not build the wall you say? Well...who has been holding the purse strings, then shut down the government. Trump? Nope...democrats. How is the economy? Booming, thank you very much.

Which leads me to the current state of democrats, and frankly, its pretty appalling. The current dem candidates for president are answering questions in Spanish, one actually helped illegal aliens across the border, and one sure did look like he was campaigning in fucking Mexico.
Trump wins 2020 in a landslide, so my advice is to buy lots of tissue paper for the tears you will be crying.

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Best candidate in a political party consisting entirely of the clinically retarded.

based blacks and beaners,,, lounging like kings and queens

Who is the economy great for? The average American? The middle class? Farmers? Factory workers? Oh, no. It's great for hedge fund managers, CEOs, investment bankers, etc.

Keep riding his tiny cock.

The U.S. has had UBI in Alaska for 5 decades, it's the most popular governmental policy in Alaska. The founding fathers of America argued for a UBI policy. Stop pretending that you know anything about economics because you watched a few meme Moleneux and Peter Schiff videos on youtube, you fucking spic.

Maybe if you started investing and you would be making bank off of stock options like the rest of us.

Blind hatred of Trump is getting tiring.
How is it so hard to comprehend? There is NOBODY else even willing to try what he's doing. Everybody else are globalists.
If a better candidate shows up, sure let's reanalyze this.

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Yes, its great for the average American. I see help wanted signs EVERYWHERE, and companies are begging for new employees

My pay has gone up, and my taxes have gone down. Again, Trump will win in 2020 because the dems can't come up with a winning strategy other than orange man bad. The fucking idiots hung their hopes on the false claims of Russian collusion, and now they have to face the reality that the lie fell flat. Enjoy.

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To be fair Yang offers at least 48,000$ to every american.
Can any other candidate's policy guarantee more objective gains?

Implying you're not a larping poor fag. Implying the average American doesn't have an household income below 50k.

>Andrew Yang

Best self BTFO in all of mankind recorded history.

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Trump has performed more pro-Isreal (pro-globalist) policies than any other president in living history. What drugs are you on?

An older meme, but it checks out. Its also very true.

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Because the alternatives make me wqnt to gouge my eyes out with a toothpick. With Trump it's a spoon.

>unironcally support Trump
To understand, look at possible ALTERNATIVES. Think what life would be if, say, Crazy Commie Bernie or Crooked Hillary became president....
Trump is not the worst ... Yeah, he is on a liberal side (he used to be Democrat in 1990s), but he is not crazy-fucking-nuts as all those Leftists.

>Helping whites
Doesn't exist here, found your immediate problem.

And there you go...start spreading this all over social media please. The more retards like you sing this tired old narrative, the more people will vote for trump.
How about this cartoon huh? Main fucking stream my dude!

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This. It’s between a turd and a shit sandwich, as south park so elegantly stated.

one use and its a mortal sin

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Here is something else for the faggot shill OP to consider:
Trump's approval rating is in the mid 40s on average, and low 50s by some accounts, and that is considering that well over 90% of coverage by the MSM is negative on Trump. The economy is up over 4%, and lets face it, if Obama was in office and that took place, the press would have lined up to blow him.

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>trump never benefited Israel, it's 5-d chess!!!!
Seriously, just fuck off, I'm sick and tired of idiots like you spouting the same dumb and retarded shit.

Did he sign an EO to end birthright citizenship?

You either help Israel or accept becoming a minority, the choice is yours.

>The U.S. has had UBI in Alaska for 5 decades, it's the most popular governmental policy in Alaska.
>hur dur a state with billions in oil revenue and 12 people can afford UBI
>The founding fathers of America argued for a UBI policy.
Exactly one did. And he very nearly was beheaded in France because he was a lunatic communist incapable of making good decisions.

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there's still people on here who think Trump getting elected is about Trump
>sweet summer child lyrics fade into the distance.png

Literally anyone can invest in the stock market. You’re retarded if you don’t.

There's literally no alternative to Trump. It's either Trump or Blacked America.

Honestly fuck a wall. Fuck it.
No one other than trump has started taking down the blatent treason and corruption thats growing in this world.

Trump was only a Dem from 2001 to 2009, basically the GW years. Before that he was an R and after he was an R, he was a third party guy for a short time in there somewhere too.

Again, please start telling EVERYONE you know about Trump working for Israel and not the average American, because it really helps us out, I mean, its not like your a delusional person, right?
So its Israel's plan to strengthen the US economy and secure its borders? Is it also Israel's plan to bring back American jobs, and deport illegal aliens?
Please...tell us more.

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Dat ass

>Trump or Blacked America
Le 43% by 2060
>I d-don't care about the w-w-wall anyway!

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Bring up legitimate arguments, and point out real facts, and the shills disappear. Kek.

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Please, just give me ANYONE fucking else than a sociocrat, crazycrat, trump, or a waste-your-vote independent.

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>collapse american economy
>israel's backup is strained and weak
>britain stops getting dragged into middle eastern wars
Let's get this party started