Hey pol black supremacist here ready to do an AMA on why we're superior then you pigskins

Hey pol black supremacist here ready to do an AMA on why we're superior then you pigskins.

Attached: black.jpg (850x400, 90K)

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Lol look how no one cared about your post.

lol. nigger.

Nobody is superior to anyone, we are all pieces of shit

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Nice try.

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>niggers are the best at anything but crime
OK, retard.

Serious question.
How do you think you are superior if you failed to invent the wheel?
If you're superior why is Africa poor, and always been poor?
If you're superior why did whites enslave you, and not the other way round?
I'm not a white supremacist, but at least white supremacists can make an argument with some backing.

Does the coffee get a higher IQ too?

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this gets me every fucking time HAHAHAHAA