Why are niggers so inferior to everyone?

It has to be some part cultural and some part genetic but why exactly? They’ve been on the planet longer and achieved less, they’ve been enslaved by just about everyone who felt like it, they can’t fight except in large numbers like feral animals. The more I notice about them the more I think I’m becoming a racist. Why has there never been a nigger whose won the nobel prize for hard science? We literally give them free education from our taxes. Why do they destroy every area of land they inhabit? Why do they think they’re superior to everyone when they haven’t/can’t achieve anything on their own? There have been some semi advanced/civilised empires in Africa compared to the rest of the world at the time but they don’t seem to have ever kept pace with the supeiror races

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Come to think of it abos might be worse. Any Australians care to comment on that

They're just completely incompatible with white society. It's not really fair to judge them by the same standards. That being said they have absolutely zero business living or migrating to white countries. It is only going to end with systematic violence when their rampant uncontrolled niggery can no longer be contained.

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They are not part of homo sapiens since Negroids never mixed with neanderthals. Neanderthals genes are significantly correlating with IQ, Negroids do not have any neanderthal's genes. They are homo africanus, and are literally less evolved humans.

Because they're proto-humans. Arabs and europeans never recognized them as human until jews started with their lies

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"In both Arab and Iranian Islamic writings, blacks are accused of being stupid, untruthful, vicious, cowardly, sexually unbridled, ugly and distorted, excessively merry, and easily affected by food and drink."

Minoo Southgate, 1984, Negative Images of Blacks in Some Medieval Iranian Writings

"Like the crow among mankind are the Zanj for they are the worst of men and the most vicious of creatures in character and temperament."

Jahiz, _Kitab al-Hayawan_, vol. 2

"[inhabitants of sub-Saharan African countries] are people distant from the standards of humanity" "Their nature is that of wild animals...."

Persian geography _Hudud al-`alam_, 982 AD

(((nobel prizes))) have been politicized, so they're kinda worthless now.
Sort of like something else, actually.

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They're probably a homo erectus/homo sapiens hybrid, born genetically-disadvantaged, which is why the rest of the world should never have fed them or provided them with any kind of financial aid. They should have been left alone to go extinct all on their own.

The altruism of non-blacks will destroy the world, though.

Real question. What amount of the increased crime rate among blacks is caused by the fact that they are utterly incompetent at everything and therefore more likely to get caught?

even the ones where I live, who were brought up surrounded by whites, and went to English schools cants seem to speak English properly. its absolutely pathetic and im actually tired of having to speak to them.

who cares
kill 'em

No expert, but blacks are obviously predisposed to both violent, and petty crimes. It's in their nature to run wild, and to disrespect laws and common decency. I don't hate them for their natural instincts, I hate that they are being forced into civilized areas with the intent of destruction of civilized areas.

If you live around other whites you can leave your doors unlocked and nothing will to missing. If you live near niggers at best you get your car broken into every so often, at worst a home invasion

alright lets not act like us whites are completely perfect. I could name many whites i know who would steal from my house.

No shit, bongs have their own class of subhumans

Dude, you should see my hometown of Edmonton now. Its so bad. Parts of town look like Mogadishu. There is no way that God intended for us all to live together like this.

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i highly doubt americans are much different. though as i said earlier at least they are intelligent.

Ask yourself;

>why would DNA not code for the brain and why would divergent evolution stop at the neck in humans alone, a unique circumstance in the history of life?

You know the answer.

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Why would 15,000 years be enough for border collies to tower over all other canines but 40-100k not enough for humans to species especially after the advent of writing, agriculture, animal husbandry and science.

Negroids are the only race of human to be exclusively from Mother Earth.
They are fully evolved from apes/homo erectus, while other races have various alien hybrid dna.
Look up chromosome #6.
White and East Asians have the highest levels of ayy DNA which is why we are the most successful groups.
Dysgenics is real and has contributed to the downfall of humanity every single time.

Well yiddle me that goyman... Ermm errrrr... Look over there !!

*Scuttles off*

The scientific default assumption has to be different mental capabillities. To what degree they are relevant or what kind of order of magnitude we are talking about is the crux.
There is more genetic diversity between african tribes than all the rest of humanity combined. So a greater divergence there is not unexpected.

The blankslate hypothesis is Lycenkoism and pseudo science. It is so thoroughly discredited and so drastically false that it can lead to mass murder and human suffering at extraordinary scale.

Anybody who claims that all human ethnicities or rather subspecies inherently have the same potential or capabillities should be treated as genocidal maniac. The truth is non negotiable.

We know what Lycenko did in Stalins russia or what Maos ideological rural bias and limited perspective caused.

I live in SC, probably top 3 of most niggered states in US. Our negros are violent and unpredictable, but lots do conform, because of hundreds of years of assimilation. I hate to think the hell Somalis could bring on a small town. My area is not targeted because, we already have tons of American niggers.

Even Mexicans lol

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Bombs, Machete Attacks, Sharia, FGM, low IQ.
Somalias are some if not the worst immigrants you can have at scale.

Maybe I'm biased due to interacting with refugees from somalia...... however the statistics don't look any better.

Because they're low IQ backwards ugly stinky violent retards

Buddy, OF COURSE there are some white trashy people. Those are called extreme traits. But niggers' extreme trait is being intelligent. I mean that, statistically speaking, if you live near niggers most of them will at least think about stealing something from you. If you live among whites, literally maybe 5% will think of stealing and 2% would do it if they felt the need to. In Spain more people would steal and at best I'd say it would be 10% thinking of stealing and 4% doing it if they felt the need to do it.
Niggers just steal because they don't want to work, and will do it even if they're rich.

>Niggers just steal because they don't want to work, and will do it even if they're rich.
It's a lack of impulse control, delay of gratification and the lack of conceptualisation of the consequences of your actions. Maybe connected to a lack of development in the prefrontal cortex.

Ultimately only a civilised people can have honor or the foresight to understand that petty crime like shoplifting is not worth the hassle and that you will get caught eventually.

The density of neanderthal population also correlates with northern latitudes. High IQ is primarily found at northern latitudes. I don't know what the answer is for sure, but why jump to neanderthal dna of all things?

Vibrant diversity and democracy brought to you by the cesspool.

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