I constantly read that immigration doesn't correlate to crime, but every fucking time a crime happens in Toronto, it's an immigrant who caused it. What's the truth? Is there a cover up???
Clearly white. At least on the crime stats.
>Is there a cover up???
Your government hates you and your folk and wants you both dead. You can either die lying down or try to rise up. Those are the options.
Just think about why the muds' countries are all shit holes in the first place and why the government doesn't keep these stats. Of course the muds are all about high crime rates.
>I constantly read that immigration doesn't correlate to crime
I don't know how it is in Canada. In the USA, that is only true of legal immigrants. Illegals obviously do increase crime and leftists usually play stupid about the difference between the two.
Do something, OP
But who makes the guns retard (hint its WHITE PEOPLE)
That guy isn't black he has light skin and non black hair
In Germany the left uses this argument because they call every immigrant with a passport "German". That for example in Berlin 90% of all criminals do have a German passport but also do have an immigration background is nothing to worry about in their sick worldview.
What an uggo.
fuck you in the ass you ignorant leaf. Go back to sucking nigger dick and fucking immigrant babies which is the real reason you want those sandniggers here so you and Epstein can pervert all over them. Fuck you.
The worst thing they commonly do is to conflate different per-capita normalizations. It effectively boils down to conflating
>Out of every 100 people from X background, how many are criminal?
>Out of every 100 criminals, how many are from X background?
The data is collected for the latter question, and the results are presented by the media to the public as if to answer the former question.
Imagine a hypothetical state
>99 citizens, 1 migrant
>9 citizen criminals, 1 migrant criminal
Using the first normalization, the criminality of citizens is 11% while that of migrants is 100%. This is what people expect from the phrasing. Using the second normalization gives a citizen criminality of 90% and a migrant criminality of 10%. Both are "per capita", but if "per capita of what?" isn't specified, then these kind of games can be played. The studies themselves are usually honest in their presentation, and the conflation typically happens at the media level, although it is possible that this could just be a strategy to retain plausible deniability on the part of complicit institutions.
There is of course also the issues of illegal migration being a crime in and of itself, crimes of 2nd generation migrants not being attributed to immigration, corporate leftist media using "citizen" crime rates to attack whites rather than the white crime rate, as this is inflated by niggers etc, but these are all minor in effect when compared to the lies that can be propagated by normalization games if and when they are allowed to get away with it.
Dont they prey mostly on each other? Who else would share air with this poo
a canadian cuck...how surprising
>UNDOCUMENTED immigrants don't raise crime rate PER CAPITA
If you keep the standards for legal immigration high (like most decent countries until the late 90's), you get much better people from outside than your average native.
Nahh that's just your senses tricking you, you can trust the mainstream news stories you read user.
I know a few cops here in Edmonton. They told me their whole job is dealing with natives and black. Day in, day out. Natives are absolutely abhorrent but theyre from here. We're kinda stuck with them. The Africans are being brought here. Thats gotta stop.
Holy kek, did you just find out?
Just look at the crime from whence they came
I lived in Edmonton twenty years ago. I don't remember ever seeing a black person. Aren't they like 1 percent of the population? I just saw whites.
This is fascinating. Where did you hear about this? Never heard of it framed like this before.
Seems like Canadian statistician suck with correlations.
>Immigrants dont raise crime rates!
>niggers dont steal!
>liberals dont ride the short bus!
>fire does not burn!
Not exactly.
Past a certain number, the sample becomes representative.
You're a fag btw.
And you're a digsuting brit
>I constantly read that immigration doesn't correlate to crime, but every fucking time a crime happens in Toronto, it's an immigrant who caused it. What's the truth? Is there a cover up???
They are talking about legal immigrants, who ultimately have good education and degrees. This statistic is used in a dishonest fashion about 99% of the time because it comes up in conversations about illegal immigration.
It must be those pesky chinks.
>niggers wouldn’t just kill each other with rocks if white people didn’t invent guns
>I constantly read that immigration doesn't correlate to crime, but every fucking time a crime happens in Toronto, it's an immigrant who caused it. What's the truth? Is there a cover up???
Immigrants don't raise crime rates. They just make the crime rate more like the country or society they're immigrating from. This also depends on how much they buy into the local culture.
So taking an assload of north asian immigrants doesnt' increase your violent crime rates, but will increase tax evasion and peverts.
Guess what happens if start moving in somalis by the busload?
Pic related. It's a well integrated citizen of canada of asian descent.
Well, yes. It turns out if you have a group of people who violate immigation law, you discover that many of them violate a hell of a lot of other laws as well.
Ironically enough, the crime rates in Oakland and Compton and the like have DROPPED with the addition of illegal immigrants. So, while the new immigrants commit a lot of crime, they're still better than basketball americans..
oh hey look, its your typical Toronto Degenerate
Uh that's liberal as hell
Toronto is not degenerate
Immigrants don’t raise crime rates, muslims and niggers do.. not all immigrants are Muslim or nigger but all criminals are
But it used to be...
It's true in America. Niggers are awful enough for undocumented Hispanics to actually lower the crimerates,
It’s happening everywhere
Every western white country is like this now
This is hell
Because they dont want to be caught you retard
Die, Vice-reading faggot.
>Every western white country...
This phrase.... It says it all...