Attached: SmartSelect_20190712-170153_Reddit.jpg (1080x914, 463K)
Don't let this die
Brandon Parker
Other urls found in this thread:
Leo Jackson
>Lolita Island
Sounds pretty based, how do I get there?
Sebastian Walker
George is the more interesting figure in that pics since he’s a convicted child rapist and trafficker
Ayden Cook
that's not the bahamas, looks more like the philipines or french polynesia...
Bahamas is more shrubbery.
Looks like a plant, used to make us look foolish. I've seen pic related on many different information, doesn't look like podesta either for all your facially blind autists
Oliver Evans
Tony, not skippy.
Joseph Young
That's tony podesta.
Cameron Turner
Kek, that’s exactly who it is. Get your eyes checked, but first take your medication.
Luke Hughes
Dank meme
Dylan Bennett
Can anyone identify where exactly is on Little St James using google maps? This is just part of “dEbUnKeD” pizzagate unless we can make it real by tying it to Epstein Island
Christian Walker
is that kim jong il on the left?
Anthony Anderson
They didn't scrub it from snopes tho,
Levi Nguyen
Sorry lads, you have shit facial recognition.
It's common among autism spectrum people.
It's clearly not Tony Podesta...
It's not your fault lads, you're simply face blind, not judging you, I'm trying to help you so you won't be as easily fooled.
Ya think it's a picture taken at Little St. John aswell?
Levi Foster
It’s tony, 100%.
Jacob Carter
STG if this takes down the swamp I'm getting a framed nautical chart for my house
William Moore
You're trying too hard, mamoud.
Oliver Johnson
>images Google tried to scrub
Like the one with Epstein that didn't exist. Stop posting fake shit.
Juan Nelson
Did my best! I've seen it for years, gullible autists with facial blindness heading of into the night thinking they know shit!
Keep going XD It's hilarious to watch.
Wyatt Martin
Not George Nader. Not Tony Podesta. Not even confirmed to be Epstein's island.
Isaac Morris
Again, get your eyes checked, but take your medication first.
Elijah Parker
take ur meds
Jackson Gutierrez
You should sail the whole board there at that point
James Howard
Wasn't some little girl kidnapped from right by there in the early 2000's?
Daniel Evans
Gonna dump a few for safe keeping
Kayden Evans
Joshua Flores
Jordan Rogers
Can someone redpill me on Pizzagate and the Podesta's ties to it? I know it involved Comet Pingpong and I know they were shady and almost definitely pedophiles, but what were the Podesta's connection to it?
I wanna grill the media for calling pizzagate conspiracy.
Isaiah Nguyen
What are the odds that op is a RUSSIAN HACKER trying to INFLUENCE ELECTIONS
Carson Walker
They liked raping kids so they want to hang out where people do that. user, what are you Canadian or something?
Jaxson Gutierrez
kek. Ifunnyer
Easton Price
John podesta's emails were leaked onto wikileaks and started the whole ((("conspiracy")))
Aaron Brown
Rachel Chandler took these pics btw
Josiah Watson
Got the one with obama?
Levi Lewis
Fake news trumptard
Kevin Reyes
Jewnald is a jew:
Anthony Collins
Considering how Clinton isn't running I think it's unlikely. Also if you actually believe this your a fucking moron and should put a gun in your mouth.
Lincoln Reed
I know about the Podestas. The McCan thing, their art, the "children entertainment" in the leaks, the spirit cooking.
What I don't know is about Comet Ping Pong. I never really followed Pizzagate because it seemed like a bunch of schizos looking too deep into things. Shit like Walnut sauce
>Hey guys Walnut sauce must be a metaphor for raping children right?
I was curious if any non-schizo anons could tell me more about Comet Ping Pong and why it became a target and it's connection to Podestas.
Evan Adams
Aiden James
Brody Bell
See this is what I'm talking about here When people do dumb shit like bring in Q user it instantly goes from feasible to retarded and I (and many other people) instantly lose interest.
Adrian Sanchez
Cooper Thompson
Q is real “we’ve” been researching all of this since last year you’ve yet to scratch the surface you say want to know
Juan Gonzalez
Henry Nelson
Brody Reyes
Alexander Robinson
Michael Wright
Logan Cox
Grayson Jones
Logan Robinson
And it's NOT a photoshop. It's NOT. It REALLY ISN'T.
Jeremiah Johnson
Xavier Gray
Sorry they don’t teach geography in your neck of the woods, Sven. Lolita island is in the USVI.
Jose Brooks
Easton Parker
can somebody tatoo the pedo triangle on Bill's chest if you please mein feggots?
Caleb Barnes
Oh no! A father loving his daughter! What’s the world coming to? FAGGOT
Christian Adams
>INB4 user found dead in his home from "suicide"
Kevin Robinson
Wyatt Collins
Colton Richardson
John Miller
Samuel Hill
How very 1992 of you, grandpa. Tell us about how Trump barred Epstein for life from his clubs you pathetic loser.
Jayden Smith
>thinking talking about dating your daughter = fatherly love
My dad never said anything remotely close to that about my sister. It is NOT NORMAL. Jews want you to succumb to degeneracy.
Nicholas Campbell
Pedo temples on top of secret bunkers dont build themselves.
Robert Evans
Okay, I will.
He didn't.
Nolan Morgan
who was that girl again
she seems so familiar
Tyler Adams
who gives a fuck about obunga, he's a nigger and niggers rape. Donald trump was elected by the jews. He is a spy.
Gavin Bennett
“Epstein was barred from President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Fla., ‘because Epstein sexually assaulted an underage girl at the club,, according to court documents,’” The Washington Post reported.“ Don’t get out much, do you FAGGOT?
Henry Cook
Awhhhh go cry more you pathetic little baby :'( Let's see a source YOU KIKE LOVING NIGGER COCK SUCKER
Cameron Cruz
>trusting news media
Owen Foster
>h-he just l-loves her a lot!
Matthew Ward
What’s it like knowing you’ll be trialed for treason soon
Angel Green
Jackson Rogers
Fuck you and die of AIDS you fucking stupid NIGGER MOTHERFUCKER.
Kayden Robinson
Not knowing bring down Obama and he’s Presidency is the end game in all of this shill harder
Wyatt King
Brody Kelly
What part of WASHINGTON POST didn’t you get pedo?
Ayden Brooks
LOL poor little crybaby can't handle the heat :''''( need a diaper change? Get the fuck out of Jow Forums, kike. I see right through your SHIT.
Noah Young
That looks like a Pacific Island. Definitely not Epstein's joint. Probably Richard Branson's secluded "resort".
Logan Moore
wrong podesta faggot
Daniel Jones
Washington post is kike media, FAGGOT KIKE WORSHIPPER
Zachary Scott
what, am i stupid or something?
Andrew King
Daniel Torres
It's not Lolita Island. It's the Dominican Republic.
>inb4 snopes cuck
Prove it wrong. They may be cunts, but they could still be correct about something. OP has made a lot of these threads over the last few days with only 1 post by his ID. He knows what he's doing.
Jaxson Perez
Yes little boy dicksucker, and even the Washington Post has to admit that Trump hasn’t had anything to do with your hero Epstein since 1992!
Sebastian Robinson
>Implying they are both not culpable
Nolan Wright
You seem upset :( What's a matter, WaPo not have a diagram on how to reply to obvious bait? Get a life RETARD
Austin Walker
First off little st james is not in the bahamas, secondly that is undoubtedly Tony Podesta you dumbass.
Aaron Stewart
Andrew King
>lolita island
>its a bunch of old guys hugging in a pool
Ryder Bell
learn how to photoshop boomer
Benjamin Clark
They're trying to play us with this Epstein shit. I have no idea what their goal is, but the mainstream news never airs actual happenings - just look at the Google expose for a recent example. Something ain't right about it.
>1 sage by this ID
Connor Davis
>inb4 thread is shoah'd
Fuck jannies, jpeg saved
Matthew Mitchell
sloppy job mossad
Cooper Hernandez
Q is bullshit you delusional abused spouse
Jackson Sanders
#Metoo. Q is a LARP and just happens to have the same exact goals as the mossad.
Isaac Flores
He was elected by a delusional Jow Forums
Chase Cox
> oy vey theres not enough 'shrubbery' goyim this is obviously a right wing propaganda
Aaron Cook
They are trying so hard to to put out so much disinfo, to spoil the pot, like they did with the pizzagate story. In order to say "oh there go the conspiracy theorists again."
Joseph Cook
Dominic Watson
Actually, it is normal, it's called building self-esteem.
Sorry your parents weren't public figures who had reason to defend their children.
Hunter Lewis