Anarcho-syndicalism is the patrician ideology. Prove me wrong, you can't

Anarcho-syndicalism is the patrician ideology. Prove me wrong, you can't.

>Direct democracy
>Worker control of business
>Free association

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Direct democracy and worker control of business are absolute shot because people are inherently lazy and retarded. Literally just leads to demagogues, which turns into fascism. Fascism is how things always have to end because it’s the natural way. Everything else is an abomination that will die off sooner or later


>no market socialism
This is why you fail.

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>Fascism is how things always have to end because it’s the natural way.
Fascism is not the natural way you fool. Most of human history has been made up of groups that were more egalitarian than now.

Why so many of you retards fear us we will not murder you. Please stop being irrational.

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say that to the millions and billions that have died commie scum

>Retards controlling anything

0 iq

>Retards controlling anything
>Implying thats not the way it is now

only capitalists died. we won't murder anarchists but they fear us for whatever reason.

Full retard

>Im SmArTeR dAn AlL dA GuBbErMeNt EliTeS
Do you watch a lot of Rick and Morty too?

In a semi-merit based system of governance that we currently have now you're near the bottom.
That says something, no?

>In a semi-merit based system of governance that we currently have now
Just lmao. Especially coming from a Russian.

The rich get rich by investing in proper channels and forming connections, things of which you need a fairly large IQ to do
Than the Rich get political power and have more control of what the populace do and say

Does not sound like merit based?

Or do you think we still have Tsars running around

I'm guessing you watch Vaush too, huh?

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Is that a fucking joke?

No but your life is.

>Wants to give control to the worker
>Disenfranchises himself because shilling for Commie shit while being a basement dwelling demiqueer ponyfaggot isn't 'work' there for he is not a "worker"

What happened in Ukraine bro?

Wrong. Civilization is a cancer and the only ideology that is worthwhile is anarcho-primitivism.

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Not an argument. You can't just dismiss anything you don't like as bait or shills retard.

I'm interested into buying into your ideology, or that of communism. No seriously, every natsoc i've ever met on this board are fucking assholes and I want to disassociate myself from them.
But first you'll need to debunk race realism for me. Otherwise, i'll need to stick with national socialism.

>But first you'll need to debunk race realism for me.
What do you mean by race realism, blacks more likely to commit crime etc.?

Yeah, or to be more specific, that each race has their own IQ bell curve.

So glad Lenin and Trotsky betrayed you fags and then Stalin came in and finished the job. Serves you right for trusting a kike

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Well first off do you unironically support anarchism and think it would work in practice ?

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OP unironically cannot deny either of these posts.

>Most of human history has been made up of groups that were more egalitarian than now.
Shhh, everyone, gather around the campfire. Everyone sit down. Quiet now. Let me tell you the story of a colossal fucktard. Once upon a time there was a prince. He was the ruler of the fruitcakes and protector of the dim........

No, anarkiddies get btfo easy every time.
>n-noooooo you can't use a state thats cheating! If you use a state it doesn't count

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Okay, well I don't know if I can. That stuff might be burned into your brain now depending on how long/much you browse Jow Forums since you rarely hear any counterpoints but I have nothing better to do so lets see. We will start with the crime thing.

1) While it's true that rates of violent crime are higher in black communties, they also make up a huge number of wrongful convictions. So from the very start there is concern about the accuracy of the data. Black people are 7 times more likely to be wrongfully convicted. Convictions of blacks are 22% more likely to have involved police misconduct and most wrongful convictions are never even brought to light etc.

2) In terms of the violent crime rate among blacks, this has actually been decreasing for a while now, as well as violent crime overall

Those that claim there is a genetic component for this, what has changed? Genetics?

Direct democracy is a horrible idea.
Most people are stupid. A republic with regional representation and checks on mob rule is better.

3) There is another approach to looking at violent crime and its causes

>Inequality predicts homicide rates ‘better than any other variable’, says an expert

>The connection is so strong that, according to the World Bank, a simple measure of inequality predicts about half of the variance in murder rates between American states and between countries around the world. When inequality is high and strips large numbers of men of the usual markers of status – like a good job and the ability to support a family – matters of respect and disrespect loom disproportionately.

For one everyone is carrying wireless surveillance equipment on them at all times

By freedom of association do you mean people can live in a community with people of a certain religion or race?

So this overrides genetics? No. Look at black unemployment rates instead.

black on black crime.

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>Inequality and racism
Someone want to show him the IQ and crime stats, I know some one here has the full folder dump

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See here.

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>Those that claim there is a genetic component for this, what has changed? Genetics?
Well, technically there is the Flynn effect. Asian and European populations did have lower IQs at one point too.

Yes, we know that most black murders are on other blacks.

see here.

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Poverty is not the same as inequality.

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It doesn't actually.
IQ and race are literally the strongest correlation.
Which is why even rich black people are involved in violent crime more often than white rich people.
Income is a factor when comparing within race. But race and iq are the bigger correlation, by the numbers.
And you can check this yourself. I assume you probably haven't taken a statistics course for science, probably a humanitoes major considering you take your memeflag serious. Likely 90 IQ too. Most socialists are not very intelligent and usually have a shit degree in art or justice or something, amirite?

>Which is why even rich black people are involved in violent crime more often than white rich people.
Source? How much lower is the rate between poor blacks and rich blacks
>Likely 90 IQ too. Most socialists are not very intelligent and usually have a shit degree in art or justice or something, amirite?
Yes, haha.

meant for

Blacks are not discrminated against in society. The entire BLM movement is a testimony to this. Wonder why they suddenly want body cams removed from their website. Any idea?

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Again, compare black upper class employed with other races of the same strata.
I actually did a stat thesis on gun violence. You know what reduces violent crime the most?
>not removing gujs
>not adding policemen
>not drug programs
>not jobs.

The answer is literally how likely the murderer or offender is caught. Its called clearance by arrest.
Smartphones and cc cameras have made crime harder to get away with unless you are very smart.

Got a link for this website? I aint typing that in

Irrelevant. Already answered this.

This. Its more about IQ than anything.

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Raw data. FBI UCR.
You can crunch it yourself with excel unless you are a retard.

You are our the greatest ally, fren.

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Yes, death to Fascist and Commie scum

>You know what reduces violent crime the most?
>The answer is literally how likely the murderer or offender is caught.
What do you mean, what difference does how an criminal is caught do if the crimes are commited before arrest?

The question then is, if you believe that's true. Why bring race into it? Why not have a program to expel all 80 IQ people regardless of race or whatever?

>What difference does it make
>Nothing at all could happen between the time of the crime and the arrest

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Just answer the question you faggot, I'm trying to keep up with various (you)s here

>free association
>abolition of private property
Workers can invest now. Why force them to invest more than they want?
What is "worker owned" anyway? Everyone votes on what is produced?
I want to make wicker chairs and sell them. How do I do this with a free market? Now how about anarcho-syndicalism?
There's the economic calculation problem, too. Without private property, there is no free exchange. Without free exchange there are no money prices. Without money prices, there isn't a common unit of account. Thus economic planning is impossible with socialism, the abolition of private property. The decision of me making and selling wicker chairs accounts for everyone else's plans using of what involves making the chairs versus what I plan.
What if people make horrible choices with their votes? Not everyone has equal foresight and decision making.

>It should be remembered by radicals that, if they wanted to, all workers could refuse to work for wages and instead form their own producers’ cooperatives and wait for years for their pay until the products are sold to the consumers; the fact that they do not do so, shows the enormous advantage of the capital investment, wage-paying system as a means of allowing workers to earn money far in advance of the sale of their products. Far from being exploitation of the workers, capital investment and the interest-profit system is an enormous boon to them and to all of society.
>Murray Rothbard

If it's the patrician ideology, why does every ansync smell like literal shit?

See now that get's into eugenics, which I'm sure (in another non shitty bait thread) we could have an honest one where we sit down, break out the info, and debate this out. We could have an honest discussion, compare and contrast data, and see what ideas we could come up with. That would be a more common thing were if the response for it wasn't you fags showing up in a mob.

IQ correlates with crime is my contention.
Higher iq correlates with higher income.
And even among equal income groups, blacks commit more crime than whites. You can use excel to check this yourself using the UCR stats online and excel data analytics add on.

If you haven't taken a statistics course you really shouldn't draw conclusions by comparing only 2 data sets. It requires a multivariate analysis. Which is why socialists generally can't do economics or crime stats.
Empathetic people are generally irrational and have poor logical reasoning skills.
Leave the stats to autists and stick to your moral arguments. The subjective world suits you guys better than the objective science world.

So i have recently found myself looking quite seriously into certain aspects of socialist economics but combined with nationalism. I'm anti-capitalism as well so i was hoping that you guys could help out with that.

Why? We are sharing the same fight.

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>you fags showing up in a mob.
What? lmao. The only mob is the 30 or so (you)s I got in 10 minutes for trying to talk about race.

Its not about what I believe. Its a fact based on objective statistical analysis. ie science.

Well okay, so why not expel all sub 90 IQs then instead of basing it on race?

Low IQ people are important for society. Not everyone can design rockets, someone has to keep the plumbing running and the trash hauled off.

Base it on rates of violent crime then? If say 90% of violent crime was commited by half the population, would it be okay to get rid of those people?

>Hijack a vehicle
>Run into a house
>Go to a stash spot for more weapons
>Go to an escape vehicle or point
>Hide and change before disappearing into a crowd
>Take a hostage
>Bunker down and hold out
A criminal's response to being caught by the police is a complete random, and can include several of the above. How they arrested comes into correlation when a more violent criminal will say, attempt to get away on foot while firing at the police. And a less violent but more stubborn may simply passively resist (Not showing hands, walking away while acknowledging the police, etc). How they react tells about them, whether it's the person they are now or will be. Obviously police should be held accountable when they fuck up, boot lickers get crucified on here. But nigs gonna nig so a little brutality here and there is expected.

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the correct question now is which is highest in correlation to crime, iq, single motherhood or race?

I mean irl which would be a lot more optimal than this. On here we'll have it till a few of you start raiding and derailing

Automation can take care of a lot of that.

>the correct question now is which is highest in correlation to crime, iq, single motherhood or race?
If it's any of these, why has the rate been falling

>National Socialism

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Why is she trying to look white so desperately? Why not just embrace National Socialism, you white-worshipping gook?

I’ve recently come to this realization. I’ve always been down with the fascists of the 1900s but I was worried that our chance was lost forever. Not anymore.

See answered this.

Now we need low iq people but low iq people also cause crime. So the way I propose to keep low IQ oeople in line is to socially enforce religious moral laws(bring back shunning and shaming), encourage Christianity, traditional family, pride in country, pride in being a farmer or construction worker, hard work should be rewarded, shut the borders so lower African Americans (and other low iq peoole) aren't run out of jobs they can do by deoressed wages. Ban socialism, ban communism, ban welfare unless someone is crippled, etc.
Stop encouraging laziness and degeneracy, and stop pushing dumb fucks into college to stack debt on useless degrees.
This is the solution.

your'e literally advocating for what Jow Forums advocates for unironically by getting rid of blacks and Hispanics pretty much. according to the numbers if I recall correctly just blacks alone would raise our school test rates, and lower violent crime rates to that of European countries. which then raises the moral and logistical questions, assuming of course there is nothing that can be a sufficient means of lowering them without removing the population. which based on the typical economic arguments and results based on said arguments there isn't. the interpretation of this information is subjective, but the numbers are correctly calculated and relevant. make of them what you will and ignore them at your own peril.

Automation can't install my floors and put siding on my house.

Look into corporatism lol

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well typically the two factors off the top of my head could be abortion, and porn.

>Now we need low iq people but low iq people also cause crime.
Well maybe, but if you take for example black crime, its almost all young black men. Does their IQ increase with age?

But it can do your trash, make your coffee and replace farmers.

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>off the top of my head could be abortion
huh? Do you mean that more black people aborted = less crime? Because I'm pretty sure the black population is roughly the same as always

>Because I'm pretty sure the black population is roughly the same as always
Yeah, even by around 2050 the black population will still be around 14-15% in the USA.

>your'e literally advocating for what Jow Forums advocates for
When I said 50% of the population causing 90% of violent crime, I was actually referring to men user.

Its not just iq dummy, read back what I said. Its multivariate.
Iq, race, income, family stability, and the likelihood of being caught are all involved. But the biggest reduction in violent crime has been because of the likelihood of being caught has increased by technology/forensics advances, smartphones, coupled with the fact that the consequences of violence follow you now in your career through the internet.
Also don't miss my last post.

well the reasoning based on the correlated data is that mothers who don't want children get abortions, and then children are never born to parent's who won't want to take care of them. and porn is correlated with a decline of rapes, which raises the question of it's effects on "normal" people given it's effects of sexual deviants. so it could be one or both contributing to the decline but it's hard to say just based on numbers. all that can be said is the relationship which might help in finding precisely why.

You're right, now lets break it down and see which race men do it the most.

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IQ stabilizes at around 16 years, staus stable without brain damage or illness, and decreases some as you get senile. But its fairly stable.
Testosterone decreases with age as does physical ability. So less likely over time to commit initiate criminal violence.

But my point is you can break it down in different ways. For example, if I was a feminist I could say men commit 90% of violent crime and I would be correct. If I was you, I could say blacks commit most violent crime and I would be right. If I was a black woman, I could say young black men commit most violent crime, and I would be right.

Do you think testosterone is a big factor?