Christ is the only salvation

only believe in him and you will be saved

praise be the Lord Jesus Christ who purified us from our concern

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I never understood the semantics of believing in Jesus. Why does praying for Jesus work, when his original name wasn't Jesus? Is the intenet/emotion more important than the name?


Everyone on Jow Forums must take their time to watch this

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>Why does praying for Jesus work
have you tried praying to Jesus?
- remember Jeremiah 29:13

>when his original name wasn't Jesus?

Israel is to become a melting pot of niggers and chimps

Ezekiel said so

During the Roman-Jewish Wars of the first century, Jewish propaganda terrorist invented Jesus and the Christian religion so that it could pave the way for Jews to enter into Europe. They invented the impossible Rabbi Jesus, a new super-Jew hero, as a mythological Anti-Caesar. This vehemently pro-semitic religion would include that Jews are the superior race and are chosen by God so that Europeans would be encouraged to cross-breed with them. Hirsute Jesus, with magic powers, would be an example of the benefits of Jewish heredity. Jesus would be portrayed as white, so as to deceive Europeans into believing that their king is a Jew and cross-breeding with Jews would yield white children. The ( then all-Jewish ) church propagandist wanted to entice white people to cross-breed with the immigrant Jews. This would benefit the immigrating Jews but would be detrimental to the native white race.
The most Jewish things you can do is promote the (fictitious) Rabbi Yeshua HaMashiach for the European, shill for his Neo-Judaic sect of Christianity, worship the Jew-god Yahwah, and hope that the Aryan never rediscovers his Pagan heritage. Jews created Christianity to cuck whites with it. Jews are ambivalent in regard to Christianity, it is a useful tool for them to con whites with, they just object to the thought of Jews being Christians. Jews love Christianity for the Aryan and hate it for their own. It's like race mixing, Jews love it and promote it for the Aryan but not for themselves.

>Lol it wasn't Yeshua it was some other name that didn't start with a J

stop talking stupid things, the letters of the gospel are those that have the best archaeological support, in fact the NT is more reliable than the books of classical Greece.

the historicist consensus, flavio josefo, and the scrolls of the Dead Sea do not approve what you are saying

>have you tried praying to Jesus?
Not what I am asking. I am asking whether or not the name Jesus is crucial to getting in contact with Christ, or is it some internal intention that matters the most? Since Christ and Jesus are translated in many different ways across the world from their original words.

Why do you believe in ancient stories from thousands of years ago that have supernatural elements?