Over the past few months, /pol has been filled with redditors, muslims with memeflags calling everyone kikes for not being muslim, and people advertising their shitty Discord server. It seems /pol has finally been infiltrated. Well, it was fun while it lasted
/pol is dead
Ayden Morales
Brandon Wilson
Kys kike
Ethan Gonzalez
Kayden Bell
How about you go back to r/the_donald
Hunter Jones
Joshua Smith
The thing is with kikes, the always leave 1 post and then leave. They don’t want to stay any longer, because they know they will get caught. That’s the most entertaining thing about exposing you
Justin Green
Shlomo, just go
Jaxson Rogers
>join us in our miga circle jerk
Nolan Miller
Like if your shit matters enough to be infiltrated! lol
Matthew Gray
take your sex schizcel