Our boy Trump is going to ban Bitcoin

Remember to accept only the US Dollar, in God we Trust

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> Regulating BTC
He didn't write that you nigger
click-bait article


Bitcoin is absolutely retarded. Could be worth 50k or 200k. or 1m. Literally no underlining value, pure speculation.

Bitcoins death with be speculation. It should be used to transfer wealth not store it.

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the entire control structure from the 4th dimension could try banning bitcoin. it is meaningless.

pandora's box is opened.

you either all in bitcoin or you don't. it's completely your choice.

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But you just said...it could be worth...

only if israel tells him to

dont reveal your power lever marine. whats your rank btw?

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> Gold has value
> US Dollar has value
> not pure speculation
du hast cringe gepostet

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Fuck off le BCH autist, you lost.

Imagine going into le fork.

Woa, I posted something about le Koala Ur Samus, and it warned me. What is this kikkery?

Bitcoin needs to be banned or it will destroy the monetary system.

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what sort of retarded bot is this?

>Bitcoin needs to be banned or it will save the monetary system.
FTFY Goldstein Shekelberg

Oi Vey not the MONETARY SYSTEM!!!

I only accept news from reliable sources.

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The us dollar is absolutely retarded. Could be worth 50k or 200k. or 1m. Literally no underlining value, pure speculation.

Far more stable than crypto. The technology behind crypto is the real value, but the crypto currencies themselves are literally memes. Dogecoin, Nyan coin, Kanye, bitcoin? Lmao

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>hey user's we need a currency that people can't fuck us around with
>hey user's let's make a currency that literally tracks everything we ever bought
Didn't think that out very well.

I wont touch anything the Soros' want us to