Kraut/pol/+grune general late night edition

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>Einzelfall map, case log,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>A f D W A V E


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Other urls found in this thread:

First for UNO-Refugees!

Attached: 03BF7AC5-719D-484C-96AD-D878BFDBEFC6.jpg (2229x1581, 442K)

Based, at least someone is not sleeping, what is up fren?

Was my last post before going to sleep, shitposting the whole evening, hope you will get an other user to talk to :)

Attached: Andtherestissilence.jpg (1334x750, 69K)


Hello fren what is new?

Not much, got a bit of a cold and coughing here and there...besides that not much.
Thought I stop at the Kraut thread and see what everyone was doing, but got on later it seems from the looks of the last thread.

Well, it is autistic like a lot of generals on Jow Forums though i don't know how autistic when compeared to other ones, i've heard brit/pol/ is full of drug adicts PTG is full of boomers and SG is full of shitskins.

Ment for

Thread theme

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Ironically enough Aus/pol/ is the least autistic one.

I've been in and out of Kraut threads since the near(ish) beginning...
Mostly had a few talks with TDG and Sütti
But now it seems as of late its really autistic lol.
Never been in the brit/pol/ threads since they seem....interesting least the times I was in them.
idk how the FUCK PTG is still a thing...boomer will never take a hint it seems.
SG was fine when the war was still bloody and chaotic (ie Aleppo)
And don't know about Aus/pol/ seems like that would be straight cancer.

>But now it seems as of late its really autistic lol.
Pic related
>And don't know about Aus/pol/ seems like that would be straight cancer.
Not rely, i have been there for some time, in reality it is prety decent, surprisingly enough.....

Attached: I amsocnow.png (792x1302, 451K)

This is probably true.

Grune ist gut

Yo Finnbro! :D
We are in one timezone, what the fugg are you doing in 3:40 in night? :D


Attached: gruenes-reich.jpg (440x237, 29K)

>Pic related
Seems about right...
Tay and the other Ami seem to bring chaos when they start posting.
>in reality it is prety decent
Hmm...guess I'll have to sneak into one of the threads when I get a chance.

What are you doing? What am i doing? It's Friday night my man. What ELSE would i be doing?

Well if you have been looking up Kraut/pol/ you know the drill.....

Cheers fren! ;)

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Yeah, I know :/
Anyway...Whats happening in Latvia?
The only time I've ever been in the Baltics was when I went to Estonia for a bit and it was pretty nice.

>Yeah, I know :/
Yeah well....i don't fucking feel good right now
>Anyway...Whats happening in Latvia?
New Latvian prez is a kike, he talked about how we should ''expand what it means to be Latvian''
We are fucked essentially.....

Attached: Copingwithgrimreality.gif (498x276, 2.27M)

>i don't fucking feel good right now
Sorry fren...
>''expand what it means to be Latvian''
God...seems as if it doesn't matter where you are they'll find a way to get to you.
Well...atleast you won't deal with the same problems as the rest of Europe is going through.
Well...maybe with Russians...
From my knowledge you guys in the Baltic have been stubborn against everything throw against you (From Crusades to Soviets) despite the population difference.
So I'm sure you guys will do good in the future!

Yes that is indeed incredible how we managed to survive as peoples despite being fucked over and over and over again for 1000 years streight, i hope Balts survive next 100 years as an ethnic group.....

>survive a thousand years through every odd of history and being dominated by many empires
>survive near a century under soviet communist domination
>become a "democracy", let the "people" have the "power"
>get ethnically erased totally and irrevocably in just a few decades.

>We are in one timezone, what the fugg are you doing in 3:40 in night? :D
its 3:24 over here!! SATAN

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That's because Latvians are subhumans and they need the big black Russians to rule over them so that they don't ethnically replace themselves.

if you have to shitpost be at least funny..

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based and Чepный бык-pilled.

Not unemaginable, i don't feel like Balts will survive next 100 years.

>Чepный бык
Man google translate is real shit....

Yeah well for some reson we are richer than russia at the moment and have been for most of our history.

But it translated properly.
>we have been richer than Russia for most of our history
You didn't have history for most of the time Russia existed. Your people have lived as savages in mudhuts for most of your history. Until Soviet Union built factories and civilized you.
Pic related was built in Northern Russia in 1095, when your people still used leafs for clothing

Attached: Saint_Sophia_Cathedral_in_Novgorod.jpg (3264x2176, 1.61M)

Anecdotes are not arguments.

Attached: Baltic GDP.jpg (489x585, 149K)

How ironic.

Attached: getplayed.jpg (1080x1036, 151K)

You're the only baltic country with gdp per capita less than russia

GDP per capita is not the only mesurement tecnique, for well being of a country.

Attached: best-countries-to-live-europe.jpg (1260x1260, 351K)

And even by your map it's not by a lot, despit Russia having shit ton of natural resources while we have none.

The well being score is a very funny thing. It can change a lot depending on who conducts the scoring. GDP is a much firmer concept.
Despite your country having (maybe 3?) million inhabitants while russia has 150

>The well being score is a very funny thing. It can change a lot depending on who conducts the scoring
The coarelation between those that do is prety hight so it is credible, the prices in shops, taxes, law enforcement, corrpution ETC. has an impact on actuall well being of the comunity, GDP per capita alone does not summ how well the average representative of the country is doing.
>Despite your country having (maybe 3?) million inhabitants while russia has 150
Does not matter at all.

Last bump and good night faggots.