Then 404. It's almost like they want to destroy people.
Anyway op was worried about the I word and how to beat it. So here. Fuck Hammy's
>If you have a hundred bucks just get a prostitute I'm serious. Wear a rubber. Once the shock of being alone and naked with a woman, if if you were a poor performer (because incel antidepressants) wears off you will realize you made it a huge fucking deal over nothing. Literally fucking nothing. Seriously OP that's what they are for. Using one after popping your late cherry is very degenerate tho. T. Me
Got my first steady gf a few months later because I wasn't really scared of them anymore. Turned out to be alright for a few years then moved up the ladder. Pussy isn't special frens
Luis Cook
But what is the protocol for this. Imagine dumb hooker thinking you're just another horny loser on his 3rd prostitute of the month. Then she asks you to fuck her and you stand there with flaccid cock not knowing what to do.
Kayden Mitchell
It won't be flaccid user. If she's not a crack whore she won't point and laugh. Hell she'll probably offer you a soda or beer to calm down. It's her business to get repeat business.
Lucas Nelson
Can't believe I'm.saying this but just tell her the truth. Probably be honored by it. Again I'm talking about professionals not junkies
Tyler Ward
Tell her to knock your fucking junk around, or blow you hard tell her you won't pay if you don't cum and she'll find some way to get you stiff and fuck that $50 out of you she's a literal prostitute and you're paying her. you're the boss christ you depress me, you sad faggot
>paying for pussy made me into the Chad I am today eat ass, faggot, I never said anything about putting hands on the ho but you make goddamn sure she knows that if you don't blow, she gets no dough
OP you give sound advice... I've been thinking about this for a while But where can I go to find a 100$ whore? The internet?
Luis Foster
Yeah most are around $250 now
Ian Ortiz
Checked was lucky enough to get a trip to a legal country 20 years ago probably internet today. Escort service? Never saying I was a Chad because of it. Just said I stopped worrying about what pussy thought of me. Once the worry is gone then the nonchalance kicks in and you're like whatever girl yes or no
Why won't that attention seeking bitch hand over his ball to lil apu? Literally Shitler.
Eli Taylor
Can confirm that sex is kind of overrated. It's incredibly fun, but the idea that people kill themselves over not getting it is absurd. After a while, like most things, it just becomes something you do.
Lincoln Taylor
a guy doesn't need to know what to do you know, he can just lay back. it's not like it's hard to get a guy hard with a bj and then put his dick in you yourself and ride him.
Connor Gutierrez
>>If you have a hundred bucks just get a prostitute I'm serious.
Ryder Wright
Grayson Phillips
by the way negotiated sex is unenthusiastic sex even if no money is involved, if you have to talk a girl into having sex with you, it isn't going to be that great girls are delighted to have sex with men---for free---when they feel like their basic needs are being met: the man makes them feel safe and secure, appreciates them for who they are, including their faults, and so on READ THIS
Click on the 'details' tab and read what this bitch says.
Juan Gray
Having sex with a prostitute is not going to fix anything. Being incel isn't simply about a lack of sex. The lack of sex has deeper implications. It means other people do not value you enough to have a deep connection to you like that. Many people take sex and relationships for granted and they are constantly worried about things like career, money, material possessions. It's literally that easy for most people to get laid or get a GF. Now imagine being so ugly that even bottom of the barrel women avoid you. It is the worst feeling in the world. A feeling of absolute worthlessness. Even a 60 IQ nigger convict is more highly valued than you.
Paying for sex ain't going to fix that. Take it from someone who knows, a lot of the time it actually amplifies the feeling of sadness after it's over.
Jason Collins
user, i fucked an ugly guy before because he acted like he cared and was nice. didn't turn out that way, but it started like it.
Connor King
I live in LA and the high end hooker scene is nice. But expensive. 250 for a cute chick. Upwards of 400 to 800 for a smoke show.
Alexander Miller
my point is looks don't actually matter. the guy i was with before him was really extremely attractive, but not as nice. if you're ugly be really nice or appear that way.
Gabriel Thompson
You don't have to be ugly to be an incel.
Owen Miller
Are you a grill? Are you in London?
Eli Allen
>I just want validation from flesh and blood women >you can pay flesh and blood women to give you validation, bro It's shocking the amount of people who don't understand the incel epidemic. They want authentic human contact.
Cooper Walker
>my point is looks don't actually matter. Yes they do. A lot of the time women won't even want to get to know you if you're an ugly male, much less fuck you because you're 'nice'.
If what you're saying is true (unlikely) then you probably have a different idea about what 'ugly' actually is. For example, I look straight up deformed in a way that can't be fixed with "just hit the gym brah". As in I have small hands and tiny thing wrists and forearms that are even smaller than a lot of women, never mind men. I'm also old now (28) and there's no way for me to meet women at all at this age and with my looks.
Although at this point I've come to terms with the fact that I'm doomed to be alone forever. Diminishing sex drive and keeping busy with other things helps.
Luis Parker
They have a US flag.
Liam Cox
Just go to a bar in Alaska, you're not going to fuck anything you'll want to brag about but its almost impossible not to get pussy up there.
Nicholas Phillips
Of course you don't have to be ugly to be an incel, but being ugly is definitely one way to get there and I think it's the most permanent. Being relatively handsome or at least average and being socially retarded is miles better than being ugly.
Ironically, women have been known to look past personality if you're not ugly. For some women, personality quirks such as being a 'misunderstood genius' or 'nerdy' etc are actually attractive the same way men see little imperfections like a mole to be 'distinguishing' for a woman.
No woman in the world things being a physically deformed goblin is distinguishing, though.
Adrian Barnes
i'm a gril, but i'm in the northeast us.
the guy i'm talking about got jumped when he was younger and had his eye socket broken and his jaw fucked up. he wouldn't have been great looking anyway, but trust me.
i really just care about whether or not someone treats me nice, because i've been with attractive people and it doesn't make a difference what they look like if they don't make you feel good. i have no issues finding someone for sex, and like i said i've been with extremely attractive people (not me being bias other people would agree, lots of them) and i know that there's so much more that matters.
that probably wouldn't bother me, what you're talking about, i mean i'm 5' and small so i doubt you're built smaller than me but even if you were that's such a stupid frivolous thing in the longterm. relationships are so much more than what someone looks like.