>be me in America >see these flags (pic related) everywhere >see “support our police” signs, blue lives matter bumper stickers everywhere >see people saying that the police are brave n shit
Why do American glorify their police so much? There’s nothing glorious about killing innocent black people.
>There’s nothing glorious about killing innocent black people.
Nigger loving faggots like you should be publicly humiliated.
Brandon Bell
AgAgree, OP is a massive pussy and faggot, I may hate cops cause they are just people with guns and badges. Also massive pussies. But some niggers just deserved to be fucked with.
>>innocent black people Niggers are neither innocent, nor people. I reject the premise of your thread and hope you get banned for this bad trolling attempt.
Henry Diaz
What have black people ever done to you?
Jack Bennett
Show flag now
Brody Wright
when it comes to niggers and police, police are the lesser of two evils.