Fags Niggers Jews or Gypsies, you can only kill one

Fags Niggers Jews or Gypsies, you can only kill one.

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I may be one of those
(Not sure)
So I’ll have to choose the one that is definitely not me

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Assuming flag you're probably a fag

jews, then I say fuck you and kill the rest of them too.

You’re a fag aren’t you user?

Fags will die from an STD that they'll refuse to get tested for.
Niggers will eventually kill each other.
I've never seen a gypsy and hope to never see one.

All Jews and niggers are faggots anyway.
I'll keep the gypsies in line by reminding them what I did to the fags.

niggers hands down

Will you fuck me before you kill me user? I want you to choke me until I pass.

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no you get c4 up the ass then thrown off a 10 storey


Jews, getting rid of them makes it easier to reign in the rest.

Fellow flyover state citizen?

Anyone who says something other than jews is a jew.


OP is a muslim.

They literally bomb themselves to annihilation. Id rather want some fun kills then some people who are already exploding themselves for fun

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Jews for sure. I'm like 6 million percent sure of this.

The irony is whites are killing themselves; birthrate plummeting year after year, they have already chosen

Jews. Any other answer is nupol.


Pointless, more will be born.

Decent choice but there are more demographics that act like niggers than niggers and they'd just overpopulate and take their place.

This is the one. Topple this one and people will begin to get tired of the brown races misbehaving. Without jews, something will actually be done about it and they'll fall from this artificial high back to their natural manageable levels.

Literal fringe group of organized beggars in Europe. Would slightly improve quality of living to some. Waste of a choice.