I worry about you fags sometimes so I’m just gonna give you all a warning.
It’s all going to come out, the sex trafficking, human dlavery, child abuse, ritual torture, pedophilia and sadistic murder of children. Epstein is going to squeal and rat out the bigger names and bigger offenses.
Everything we’ve seen is barely 1% of the sun total.
You WILL see terrible things you’re going to be unable to understand.
You WILL be hurt from this experience.
You WILL feel intense sadness, anger and helplessness.
What you’re all about to see and hear will rock this nation for years and decades.
I’m not trying to distract or kill your determination, quite the opposite I want you all to go forward with righteous fury.
Just be ready, it’s going to get ugly. These kids died in ways you could only imagine in your worst nightmare. Take care anons, the battle is going to get bitter and cruel.
anybody who has lived thru the (((War on Terror))) and (((diversity agenda))) with their eyes open has seen horrible shit. Same goes for those who served in the awful wars that it spurred. How do you know this, anyway? Have you seen anything yet, OP?
Eli Flores
Me personally? No
I just see the writing on the wall. Epstein going under has sent the entire nation into a vacuum.
Cameron Sanchez
>It’s all going to come out............. And nothing will happen. Because we are without rule of law now user.
Alexander Price
He knows how the game is played. Suicide by two to the back of the head.
Ayden Martinez
How quickly do we need to buckle up? What's a general timetable?
Austin Hughes
You are sad for the past, don't be. The future will be beautiful.
Austin Cook
I imagine the 2020 elections might be interesting. I'm really interested in seeing what comes after Trump. Probably a total clamp down on any conservative or libertarian views, for starters.