Ace of Bace creators hidden Nazi past

"Before he founded Ace of Base, Ulf Ekberg was a neo-Nazi skinhead. Did Ekberg use Ace of Base's success as an opportunity to erase his neo-Nazi past and rise to a position of geopolitical influence?"


The 90s was the best time period in the history of planet earth

Attached: AceOfBASED.jpg (455x303, 44K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I saw the sign

Aced and Based.

Happy nation, living in a happy nation. Where the people understand, and dream of perfect man.

tfw comfy listening to Neo Nazi chart topping jams.. Get comfy with me lads:


Attached: BASED2.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

what the fuck I love ace of base now

but unironically

Ace of based and ace of redpilled

Now I know what I’m blasting on DOTR

I'm a Jew and I welcome him being able to evolve. Everyone can change their mind and I accept them as being fine now. Don't hold it against him one bit.

Also get a load of how hot these slags are in the OP image.. They actually got plastic surgeried up to look that good at 40 or 50 or whatever with their superior genetics. There's video of them looking like that