Bill Clinton on Epstein's Plane

Damn, gotta say that really looks like an underage girl named Ray Chandler, and it's strange that they're on the plane of a confirmed pedo, but I'm sure there's totally nothing going on herr

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I find it very strange that no one has purchased this luxurious recently painted plane in the four years it has been for sale.

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Trump went to Epstein's island too.
He flew on the Lolita Express and his name is written in his little black book of clientele.

After Epstein's conviction in 2010, he was questioned in court about his relationship with Donald Trump and if he socialized with underage girls in his presence, and he plead the fifth.

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why did you put the shitty photoshop picture in there




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>Ray Chandler
interesting name to google

she wasnt underage in that photo, look at her marriage dates and time of that flight

yea she got passed around a lot. I've seen her with Eminem and P-Diddy back when she was like 14

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Fuck this shit, i don't know what to believe anymore. Fuckin jidf photoshopping bogus pictures that'll make the mainstream soon. Fuckin president was never playing chess. Or was he? Fuck man...i want off this timeline anons..aye lmaos when?

what's his full name again?

no hover hand either. This dude means business.

faggot liar he never went to island

Why did he even agree to pose for a picture with her? Is it retardation or hubris?

he was probably high as kite. he probably thought back home and that was Chelsea

lol the 1996 election is over. Get over it. Clinton Derangement Syndrome is real.


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That's cool and all but reddit is trying to tell normies that the Seth Rich conspiracy was started by the Russians.

Who is she? Actress?

Anyone got pics of Clinton with Epstein? I saw the another user posted them a few days ago, but Google has been scrubbing them.

This is an ammunition request. Pic unrelated.

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she was one of the girls who was groomed & then she became a groomer for the network

Look at Bill. Tell me he didn’t do this girl.

I would bet my life, and my mom’s.... against 20 bucks he nailed her. It’s inconceivable that he didn’t. Unless she had a herpes flare up or somthing...but even then...

Is that the plane? Because the date of the flight, the flight log & if there is a notation that just states "FEMALE", that means there is a minor female accompanying the adult passenger(s), who are always named in full. So find the date of that photo, look for the corresponding date in the flight log, if Bill is listed, and if there is a "FEMALE" notation.

Her name is cindy Lopez not Rachel Chandler

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Flight logs show he caught a flight going to NYC. Nothing showing he has ever been to little St. James. Stop slurping down legacy media cummies and learn to do research,

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Rachel Chandler is a pseudonym.

Chandler > C. Handler > Child Handler

She was probably just a flight attendant on the plane. Looks like she's wearing some kind of airline uniform, besides the hat.

Do you really think Slick Willy would willingly pose for a potentially incriminating photograph?

>Trump crotch grabbing Clinton
Is he trying to size him up to see if he's real?

Kangaroo man where do you think flight attendant uniforms look like that

Found another sicko

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Damn who could blame him? I highly doubt that he hit that though.

he admitted going to island. said he spent the whole time in the kitchen playing cards with the staff. sounds weak, but I think it is true. trump is a open borders fuck America jew cock sucker posing as MAGA, but I don't think he is a paedo