It begins

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Other urls found in this thread:


The Bean is being re-fried


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I can't wait to hear the liberal head explosion.

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B-b-b-but, the ShareBlue slide shills told me two weeks ago that the ICE raids wouldn't happen and that Drumpf was a cuck.
Is this why it's not getting much attention now?

Virgin Shit Beaners vs. Chad Vanilla ICE, Pic related

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*cucks out at the last minute on twitter, again* hehe nothing personal


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Shit comrade what do we do now?

Commies be like "reeeeeeee"

Get an actual hobby, take a bath perhaps?

Another one bites the dust

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Turn off the lights!

Another one bites the dust

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Turn on the TV goy your reality show is about to start.

Streets were unironically less crowded today in Denver.

And another one gone, and another one gone

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Another one bites the dust, yeah

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Another one bites the dust

Steve walks warily down the street With the brim pulled way down low Ain’t no sound but the sound of his feet Machine guns ready to go

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Why are people so happy about this? It's a big deal that ICE is doing their job? What the fuck were they doing before? I'm just now finding out that ICE hasn't been raiding people the entire time. What the fuck faggots?

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This is interesting. All of a sudden, he's started coming through for us. All this time, we've railed. But.... he's doing it. Epstein is being used to dismantle the deep state. The illegals are being deported. The wall is going, albeit slowly. I bet it goes a lot fucking faster when the 9th circuit judges go down as kiddie diddlers.

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>think of the election! do something trumpstein, you've been slacking off your whole term and the final exam is tomorrow morning, oy vey, we gonna lose


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Trying to swim with a baby with a diaper on.
And those beer cans are a nice touch.
Obviously he was a future scientist.

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if youre in san jose area and you see ICE please call the Mayors hotline and report their activities

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Are you ready? Are you ready for this?

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We couldn't do anything with them before. We couldn't kick them out, if we didn't know where to send them, and the Dems limited beds. But Mexico has ACTUAL concentration camps now, and gives zero fucks. Tijuana had right wing death squads before their government got off their ass and agreed to help with the crisis. Now, we kick them to Mexico and there's far less political fallout. If they die there, they die. It's not on us, and Mexico gives zero fucks.

Stay safe

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We should be reporting them for impeding.

Please do it. A shootout between federal agents and antifa or Cali cop gangs and I would blow my load.

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Call in and say they where seen gassing just outside town.
Keep phoning in with different numbers from one of those text aps.
Help ice do their jobs and fuck their Jew rapid response, they are literally obstructing justice.

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This, but also you're inviting them to a party. Might as well give them some party favors.

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20 ICE arrests! Wow Trump is really delivering. It only took 3 years

god bless donald trump, he's going to beat obama's record

You're next leaf

You do get that this is just starting, right? This could be our catalyst for a new civil war. A shootout between Cali state cops, who are actually just gangbangers with badges at this point, and federals. All it takes is one shot. And it echoes across this whole nation.

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>b-but “they” said Trump was all talk and wasn’t going to do anything!!!!

The salt is going to be beautiful. Bring it leftyniggers

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>deport 5 people
holy based

>implying you can do anything

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>just starting
>July 2019
Trust the plan!!!

I'm ready, let's go!

Not an argument faggot. Twenty (20) people in Three (3) years of trumps 4 year presidency

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Isn't this shit breaking up families?

I don't give a fuck what the qtards say the plan is, this has obvious implications. The Dems are counting on those spicnigger votes. If Trump can keep them in their little ratholes and away from the poles, this does the job. If the Cali thugs with badges start shooting, it works out even better. What's the worst case here? We get rid of a few beans? I'll still take that.

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One can hope.

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Damn you could calibrate rulers with that hairline

Hope so.

>60% women recruits
>women fire and rescue

Would love to see a women carry a 165+lb of dead weight to safety

So flood the line with fake calls from out of state? Wilco.


The best part is if they pull it off and the dept goes to shit, they will unironically call fires sexist

2900 Sunset Place, Los-Angeles, CA 90005
This place filled with illegal aliens.

san jose user here. it's deathly quiet around town today, went to get some weed around the fairgrounds, they are definitely hiding out this weekend.

>hate spics
>hate cops
hmmm this will be very pleasing for me to see the fallout.

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Let's rock baby! Get these illegals the hell out of the US.

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Somebody should deport you to North Korea.

They're the same thing, in Cali. DoJ and FBI are investigating, but they're saying Cali state troopers is completely infiltrated by gangs and cartels.

only took em 5 days

>raids will target 2000 families

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Good. Fuck the police and fuck spics. I hope the kill each other.

im going to school to become a cop
y-you dont hate me r-right user-kun?

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Only 49,998,000 more to go!

Sorry, user. Once you actually become a beat cop, I will hate you. Until then, we can be Jow Forums buddies. But after, I will, unfortunately, think you're a fucking faggot who upholds a corrupt system of Jew laws.

Inevitably you will morph into a fat bald white guy; however, when you decide to unload on a nigger, be sure to let him shoot you in the head too. Nothing makes me happier than seeing a dead nog AND a dead cop.

Pic related, my war face.


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PSYCH! You jokers really think they're going to throw out their favorite demographic? You must be a newly arrived h1b to think such a stupid thing.

You're more merciful than I.
But, then again, I'd want the traitors to learn a new dance.

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yeah, sorry
you gotta get the rope

Sorta depends, doesn't it? Will you have the courage to be a Dorner? Or will you just be another Eppolito?

please go back to facebook you fucking boomer

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they're here forever
trump is a feckless retard who can literally do nothing right

oh fuck yea. later fags

Don't write tickets for minor infractions for whites lad.

Hell yeah praise dale baby take them goddamned wetbacks home wooowhee

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I pray every night that someone puts a bullet in these agents

Underrated comment

>B-b-b-but, the ShareBlue slide shills told me two weeks ago that the ICE raids wouldn't happen and that Drumpf was a cuck.
And how many illegals ARE there? Do you think that even 10,000 is going to impact the number perceptibly? Oh, it might be enough for a political "See, I'm doing it!!" – but that'd be BS and we all know it.
>Is this why it's not getting much attention now?
Because until things get serious, as in "we're using the Army"-serious, this all is likely just a PR stunt (at best).

The night of the refried beans!

Time to grab some popcorn.

No. More whites with pro white beliefs need to be working their way into places of power within the system.


>ICE raids taking place reported out of Florida after ICE agents arrive in state

the absolute state of journalism in 2019

Cops literally orgasm at the thought of writing a ticket for going 6 mph over the speed limit. God help you if you park in a spot with faded yellow lines instead of white lines.

we all knoe whats really going to happen. they'll hire women and the women will be assigned easy tasks and the remaining men will have to work twice as hard to make up for them


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Encourage your kids to get into politics and law folks. The great white rebound is going to be glorious.

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kys commie