Moly finally names the Jew

Moly finally names the Jew

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Deplatformed in 5...4....3...2...

He's been going off on them lately.

Haha. I don't like Molyneux, but this is good. So Molyneux is heard saying that his mother was Jewish, but then he denies that he is Jewish. Has it ever been confirmed whether Molyneux is in fact Jewish or not?

>He's been going off on them lately.
But isn't Molyneux Jewish?

I wanna see a Patrick Little and Paul Nehlen quality flip.

RIP Stephan Mollynox


based Molymeme

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This guy is fucking dope, he’s the only checkmarked twitter user with balls.

If he is, he’s going Bobby Fischer on is

He's Fischer Jewish, so it's fine.

>So Molyneux is heard saying that his mother was Jewish, but then he denies that he is Jewish
If his mother is Jewish, then he's Jewish. Judaism is passed down through the mother, not the father.

I think he lurked Jow Forums and was converted.

WTF kind of genetic nonsense is this.

What the fuck moly? Optics.

Name the (((circles)))

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>If he is, he’s going Bobby Fischer on is
Did you ever hear his clip where it sounds like he's talking to a group in a classroom, there's a video also, and he says "my mother was a Jewish woman from 1930s Germany"? Then, I heard a clip of him saying that he is not Jewish. I don't fuckin' know, but it would not surprise me if he was Jewish. The clip where he says his mom was Jewish is old, and so it may be true.

He says he isn't but theres that video from some years back of him quite clearly stating he is

Fuck your optics, he's going in.

how does it work since ashkenazi have nothing semite and are italian roach originally from khazaria ?

It's their own tradition. Take it up with the yids.

>If his mother is Jewish, then he's Jewish. Judaism is passed down through the mother, not the father.
Right. That's what I recall, also. Seriously, it would not surprise me if Molyneux is in fact Jewish.

The redpill finally got to him

I literally started lurking because he mentioned this place enough times. I knew of this place but he is responsible for me being here.
>in4 2016 fag

>He says he isn't but theres that video from some years back of him quite clearly stating he is
Yup. That's the video I saw.

Stefan has always been based. Shills on this board are scared of him as are all corporate media and (((podcasters)))

He’s fully awake. Get ready for the deplatforming.

I was asking for that one, kek. Screw my optics moly senpai

I'm interested, bump.


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This is what makes it obvious that jews of today are not the Judahites of the Bible. Judahites was a paternal lineage. Jews have a maternal lineage tracking, which is something of bastard degenerate cultures.

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Countdown till Tim Pool names the jew.

Wow, so he became another anti Semite like the rest of the Iranian shills and discord trannies flooding this site?

I don't care if a jew names the jew they're fine in my book

I remember when we used to call him Stefan Molyjew, boy times have changed.

wtf I love discord trannies now??


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Lets see that flag, Chaim

Times up shlomo. Lemme guess, all the times you were kicked out of nations it was all because you dindu nuffins? Just a worldwide antisemitic conspiracy, to allow jews in and then kick them out for no reason at all?

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You get the rope too then,

The ancient hebrews went from paternal lineage tracking to maternal lineage tracking when a bunch of Jewish leaders married gentile wives, which they feared would make God mad, so they changed it to make Him happy (even though He never said He was mad).

It's somewhere in the Old Testament.

dont buy this kike cocksucker

memes become reality

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the textbooks I couldn't find on torrent or at the library I just stole from the campus store lol, never got caught either.
>t. master thief with 18 dexterity

Increbibly woke.

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Yeah right, peddle your jew lies elsewhere

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Molyneaux has been redpilled for a while but shills on Jow Forums have effectively shoa'd him. What other "redpilled alt-right" e-celeb has the gall to name the jew?

That first post is his best troll in a while.

Go suck some more jewish dick ptg fag.

I want to see him interview Eric striker

What timeline is this again?

>how does it work since ashkenazi have nothing semite and are italian roach originally from khazaria ?
What differences does it make? Delegitimizing Ashkenazis based on genetics is perhaps the most stupid idea that is circulated on this board. Ashkenazis identify themselves as Jewish, and they follow Jewish culture. Push comes to shove, Ashkenazis will identify themselves as Jewish (as they did during WW2). Push comes to shove, the Mizrahi and Shepardim Jews would prefer to have Ashkenazis on their side rather than against them (since Ashkenazis are the richest Jews). Push comes to shove, WASPs would prefer to have Ashkenazis on their side rather than against them (since Ashkenazis dominate Media and Academia). So, who the fuck cares if they are genetically Jewish or not. Why does their genetics matter?
>There's not dispute over grandpapi's wealth for genetic testing you dumb faggot.

Imagine not being anti-semite in 2019

No he used to say Jews are just in positions of power due to higher iq, white nationalism is bad etc

He finally made the connection.

It's also of note that stefan absolutely hates his mother, and blames her for the fucked up shit early in his life.

To be fair to epstein, aee their any jewish females that are fuckable?

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I always thought he was intentionally avoiding the subject because he didn't want to get deplatformed off youtube. Maybe now he realizes they will deplatform him eventually anyway so he might as well tell the truth.


>This is what makes it obvious that jews of today are not the Judahites of the Bible. Judahites was a paternal lineage. Jews have a maternal lineage tracking, which is something of bastard degenerate cultures.
Morons on this board keep attacking the legitimacy of the Jewish people, again and again and again without realizing that is perhaps the weakest attack against the Jewish people.

What difference does it make that their ancestors were bastards? Stories are everything you moron. You see their bastard heritage as a weakness and it can be turned against you in the blink of an eye. Even though their ancestors were bastards, they persevered and are now the dominant force in media.

What's your family's claim to fame? Other than a NEET who's posting on Jow Forums on a Friday night?

Interestingly studies of Jewish genetics have shown that Jewish men have virtually 100% European x chromosomes, but all have y chromosomes descending from a handful of Jewish men. Doesn't really sync up with the idea of matrilineal Judaism. The eternal white woman.

It really doesn't matter if it's mother or father. They get treated as Jewish either way in terms of benefits and upbringing.

Natalie Portman, 14 years ago.

>What's your family's claim to fame? Other than a NEET who's posting on Jow Forums on a Friday night?
Don't be so hard on yourself kike user.

kek count on a jew to defend their kind even if the guilty is a convicted pedo

>Molymeme is self loathing Jew
He'll fit right in on Jow Forums with the other self-loathing Jews on this board.

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He was alt-lite - until now. You aren’t alt-right until you name them.

>Ashkenazis identify themselves as Jewish, and they subverted the Jewish culture to turn it into a talmudic cult.
>Why does their genetics matter?
Why not call them talmudic then or maybe Babylonian ?
Genetic matter because words and reality matter. They are not jewish.

>Interestingly studies of Jewish genetics have shown that Jewish men have virtually 100% European x chromosomes, but all have y chromosomes descending from a handful of Jewish men. Doesn't really sync up with the idea of matrilineal Judaism. The eternal white woman.
So Jews are better at landing white women than you?
>Shame on your weak bloodline

>To be fair to epstein, aee their any jewish females that are fuckable?
Not in about 70 years.

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No, the genetic element is important because we can identify jews genetically, and they all have to be deported even if the convert. Jewish evil is genetic, not only cultural.

>They get treated as Jewish either way in terms of benefits and upbringing.
It's obvious you're not a Jew. They don't. If a Jewish man marries a gentile woman, then her children are not Jewish unless she converts to Judaism. If she does not, then her children are not Jewish till they convert. If the children don't convert, then the covenant is broken and the grandchildren are not considered Jewish.

Are you saying that he's a Jew that is a liar, or a human lying about Jews?

>Don't be so hard on yourself kike user.
I'm not a kike. I got adopted into one.

f r i d g e


Is this Ingrid Berman?


>Why not call them talmudic then or maybe Babylonian ?
Go ahead. No one's stopping you from calling them anything. The problem is that you're a nobody and nobody cares what you call the Jews.
>Genetic matter because words and reality matter. They are not jewish.
And people will believe you why? If all the faults in the world are because of Jews, doesn't it defeat the purpose of calling them gentiles pretending to be Jews?

>Natalie Portman, 14 years ago.
Epstein probably fucked her. Probably before 2005.

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Now go look up a recent photo of her in clothes. It's like a day and night in difference. It's bizarre and defies physics.

He is mostly likely jewish wether he knows it or not because he is constantly begging for shekels but its ok if names (((them)))

There is something about the Jewish woman face that is unappealing. But not the Kazzar Milkers

Probably could use her body as bed. Should be enough space to toss and turn. Too bad about the milkers though.

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Genetics are fickle things.

You don't have to inherit the fucked up Jewish genes that make them what they are; 2 Jew parents = fucked. 1 = 50/50 if you're fucked or not

Which is why you find "Jews" that become the biggest anti-Jew people around.

How do we stop jewish racism and especially Anti Afrosemitism? I learned that nothing breeds hatred more than racism.

The last three generations of my paternal line (myself included) have had 15 children. You on the other hand, have a ftm skinflap for a penis.

Lauren Bacall.
Can you believe that BOTH here parents were jewish and by blood she was related to a prime minister of israel?!
Once every century or so, and I don't claim to know how, that race produces a real human being.

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>No, the genetic element is important because we can identify jews genetically, and they all have to be deported even if the convert.
Kek. Then by your own argument, the Ashkenazis will escape you dumb faggot. If Ashkenazis are fake Jews, then how the fuck are you going to deport them if you're deporting Jews. Besides, the average Ashkenazi is either upper middle class, rich or knows someone who's rich. They can easily fake their DNA tests like the fake results from 23 and Me. Grow up you dumb turd.
>Jewish evil is genetic, not only cultural.
And you're the hero to rid us of the Jewish menace?

>No one's stopping you from calling them anything.
Why aren the ashkenazi calling themselves talmudic or babylonian instead of jew since they don't follow the Torah anyway ?
>And people will believe you why?
Because they will come to that conclusion themselves when they seek the truth.
>doesn't it defeat the purpose of calling them gentiles pretending to be Jews?
I think the world is ruled by the black nobility the jesuits and some kikes.

Didn't he fuck blacks?

Molyneux once said he was heavily indebted to Jewish thinkers as torchbearers of liberalism, so to see him waking up is a good sign coming from thoroughly judaized America. If Americans can push the reasoning further and destroy the freemasonic and "Enlightenment" foundations of their country, something really interesting may come from our western cousins. Radical Traditionalism in America of all places... What a pleasant thought. You guys need to go deeper

He fucked hebes.

>The last three generations of my paternal line (myself included) have had 15 children.
What's so special about that? Are you black? Jew? Shitskin? If not, then what's so special about you landing women of your own race. If Jews have an excellent track record of landing white women, then your assertion implies that we suck at landing women you dumb faggot. Not the Jews.
>You on the other hand, have a ftm skinflap for a penis.
Kek. I don't even have to try to get under your skin.